Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 135: Shi Family

Chapter 135: Shi Family

Quickly, a new stall was set up in the area.

This time, they only brought a portion of the goods from the clan, such as the pelts of fierce beasts, most of which were from Body Tempering Realm beasts.

The pelts of Blood Condensation Realm beasts, and even that of the Innate Realm Green Wolf, were still stored in the clan’s warehouse.

Only if the clan’s plan goes smoothly will they consider bringing out other items for sale.

Once the stall was set up, the colorful pelts of fierce beasts quickly attracted the attention of passersby.

“How much for this?”

A young man squatted down slightly, picking up a piece of deerskin. This wasn’t an ordinary deer but a fierce beast known as the Four-Horned Deer, mostly at the early Body Tempering Realm. However, it was swift and had keen senses, making it hard to catch.

“Fifteen Jade Coins,” Elijah Chen replied quietly.

The market price for early Body Tempering Realm pelts was around ten Jade Coins, but the pelts produced by the clan were of premium quality, so the price was set a bit higher.

The young man frowned slightly upon hearing Elijah’s response, seemingly hesitant. He then picked up a pelt from a mid-Body Tempering Realm beast and asked:

“Twenty-five Jade Coins.”

“Forty Jade Coins.”

The young man asked about each pelt, showing signs of hesitation. After all, the pelts were of good quality, but the prices were quite high.

After some internal struggle, the young man finally took out some Jade Coins and bought the first piece of deerskin he had inquired about.

Seeing this, Elijah Chen felt a sense of relief.

As long as someone buys, it means the price is reasonable.

With the first buyer, more and more people gathered around. Seeing the large number of high-quality pelts, many were amazed, as such good items were rarely seen.

However, upon hearing the prices, many hesitated.

As the crowd grew, the stall was soon surrounded, and many people started taking out Jade Coins to make purchases.

For a moment, several clan members became busy.

Just as Elijah and the others were overwhelmed with work, a voice suddenly echoed around them:

“Wait, I’ll take all these pelts for the Shi Family.”

Everyone paused and looked towards the speaker.

It was a portly man with thick black eyebrows, dressed like a wealthy merchant. His clothes bore the emblem of the Shi Family, a distinctive boulder, making him easily recognizable.

Behind him were two Blood Condensation Realm Warriors, also dressed in clan attire.

“It’s indeed someone from the Shi Family.”

“It’s Shi Jian, the one overseeing this market.”

“I should have bought one earlier; now I can’t get any.”

Whispers spread among the crowd.

Many were dissatisfied but didn’t voice their complaints.

Elijah Chen remained calm, recalling the information Oliver Chen had gathered earlier.

In Yong’an City, there were four great families: the Shi Family, the Xie Family, the Gan Family, and the Shen Family.

These four families firmly controlled Yong’an City, each occupying their own territory.

Regardless of the family, their strength was undoubtedly greater than the current Chen Clan.

The clan’s purpose in selling goods this time was also to gauge the strength of these four great families.

As for the goods, it didn’t matter who bought them. If it was the Shi Family, it might even help the clan gather information.

While Elijah was lost in thought, the three men approached the stall.

The portly man glanced at the pelts on the stall, a glint of interest flashing in his somewhat cloudy eyes.

It was fortunate he was in charge of this place; otherwise, he might have missed these items.

The price might be high for others, but for the Shi Family, it was nothing.

Once he bought these items and resold them at the Stone Warm Pavilion, the price could increase, adding to his achievements.

But Shi Jian didn’t rush to speak. Instead, he squatted down and examined the pelts.

After a brief contemplation, Shi Jian frowned and said:

“These items are indeed good, but they’ve been stored for too long and aren’t fresh. How about you lower the price a bit, and I’ll buy them all?”

He looked up at the sellers.

Seeing they were unfamiliar and not dressed lavishly, Shi Jian’s confidence grew.

Elijah Chen frowned slightly at his words, and a clan member beside him spoke up:

“We can sell at this price, why lower it for you?”

Shi Jian chuckled and said:

“Fine, try selling them then.”

He stood up and looked around, speaking calmly:

“The Shi Family is buying these items. Anyone have any objections?”

The onlookers fell silent, and those who had intended to buy said nothing more.

It wasn’t worth offending the Shi Family over a few pelts.

Elijah Chen shook his head slightly.

The Shi Family was too arrogant. Dealing with them might not be good for the clan.

As for the pelts, earning a bit less was acceptable.

The clan hadn’t established a foothold in Yong’an City yet, and offending the Shi Family wasn’t wise. This was also why the Clan Chief had sent him.

Elijah raised his hand to stop the angry clan member and said with a smile:

“The customer is right. We’ll offer a 20% discount on the original price. How does that sound?”

Shi Jian smiled smugly and nodded slightly:

“Alright, let’s settle the account. If you have more of these items in the future, come directly to me.”

Elijah smiled and began calculating the price of the goods.

The clan still had many pelts in stock, thanks to the Disordered Burial Mountain behind them. However, whether to sell them to the Shi Family needed to be discussed with the Clan Chief.

As Elijah and the others calculated the Jade Coins, Shi Jian’s gaze shifted to a nearby bag of Blood Rice and asked:

“What’s in this bag?”

“Blood Rice.”

“What is Blood Rice? Open it and let me see.”

Shi Jian’s eyes showed a hint of interest.

Though arrogant, he was at the mid-Blood Condensation Realm and sensed the unusual blood energy in the bag.

As the bag was opened, plump, blood-red grains of rice appeared before everyone.

Yong’an City had never seen such a thing. Many onlookers stood on tiptoe to see, their eyes filled with curiosity.

Shi Jian, being from the Shi Family, immediately sensed the extraordinary nature of the Blood Rice.

This was no ordinary item.

“How much for the Blood Rice? Name your price!”

Shi Jian tried to appear indifferent, but his eagerness was evident.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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