Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage

Chapter 253 Scorching Floors

Chapter 253  Scorching Floors

We had defeated the 80th Floor Guardian, and now we were going to challenge the next one. And as expected, the terrain changed after the 80th floor, and the floors beyond those had heaven and hell differences between the floors above.

"It really looks like hell, Raphael."

"Yeah. We just got in snowy places, but now the floor is burning, literally. Dungeons really are mysterious places."

Even when we were just passing the stairs, we could already feel the sudden rise of temperature down there. Once we stepped on our feet on the 81st Floor, hell literally unfolded before our eyes.

The floor was entirely made out of obsidian, garnished with a large river system of boiling lava. Even our defenses, resistances, and equipment could not fully protect us if we were to fall into it.

The room was round in shape, with a radius of nine kilometers and a ceiling three kilometers high. It was enclosed, so the heat was trapped inside like a microwave, and it was getting too hot in here. So we had to remove the coats we used to fight the chills on the floors above.

Apparently, according to Akashvani, these hellishly scorching floors were called Lava Floors. But I thought that it was technically magma since we were still underground?

The monsters here were heat-resistant creatures, obviously, with strength ranging from Level 306 to 539, around Rank B all the way to S.

"So what are we going to do? Big Sis asked, folding her arms. "Should we continue or go back?"

"Hmm. I think we should continue. We still have time before sunset. Just one more guardian, and all we have to do tomorrow is beat the ass of the Boss."

Ever since Mom and Mother became my women, I was already at the top of our household hierarchy, hence having the right to do whatever I want freely, including the removal of the curfew. But I did not want to come home late, of course, especially since I would be having sexy times with them afterwards, he he.

"Sigh. I guess you are right." She let out a defeated sigh. "But before that, we have to fight some of these monsters to level up as well as get used to this environment."

"Fine by me, no problem."

"Let's go."


We engaged in some fights with the monster of the Lava Floors and powered ourselves up some, as well as getting accustomed to the heat. And after passing through its minions floor by floor, we were currently inside the chamber of the Guardian.

"Ho. This place is even hotter than the ones above."

"Yeah. I am starting to sweat for real."

When we entered the 90th Floor Guardian room, the sudden spike of temperature breezily brushed our skin. Upon scanning the room, I could see some changes between this room and the Lava Floors.

While the Lava Floors had a solid surface with a river system, this room only had a rounded, three-kilometer-radius island of solid obsidian in the middle, and the rest of the area was covered with boiling and blazing lava. That island should be the place where we were supposed to fight the Guardian.

The island and the entrance were the only ones with land, so the only way to get there was by flying over the scorching lava. I don't think the Ice Age could completely freeze a sea of lava, and all we had to do was cross the bubbling molten rock.

"What do you think, Raphael? Should we back out?"

"Are you chickening, Sis? Of course, we are going to continue. We have reached this far, so backing out is futile."

"Alright, let's beat this guy as quickly as possible. I don't want to be drenched in sweat and get smelly after all."

As soon as she said that, I grabbed her hand and then used Warp to teleport ourselves to the middle of the obsidian island in an instant.

The moment we stepped our feet on the volcanic glass, the Guardian, which was sleeping at the bottom of the three-kilometer-deep lava, finally awakened for the first time before it made its move.

The Guardian swam like a marine iguana as it went to the shallow coast of the island. Once it reached a certain depth, it started to use its limbs to walk along the slope. A moment later, a part of the monster emerged from the lava.

After that, it slowly surfaced and then completely walked out of the lava. Even though we were three kilometers away from it, we could clearly see how huge that thing was.

"That monster was so huge." Sister stared at the monster from a distance. "It is the biggest monster I have seen so far."

"Yeah. Not the biggest monster I have seen, but that one is definitely larger than Czarina's dragon form."

"What...?" Big Sis looked at me upon hearing my statement. "Isn't Czarina already so big? In her dragon form, I mean."

"...Just forget what I just said. And I agree that Czarina is big in both forms."

Actually, the biggest monster I had seen was several times bigger than Czarina. It was in the Great Forest of Darkness, and I accidentally found it when I was pinpointing the location with the thickest mana concentration.

Czarina told me that she knew about its existence, but she just let it be since it was out of her business. Aside from that, there were other monsters bigger than Czarina all over the world.

"Well, let's just focus our attention on the Guardian."

Upon taking a closer look through our enhanced vision, we studied the physical appearance of the 90th Floor Guardian. I immediately used the Analysis to identify what kind of monster that was.


Race: Apex Saurian

Title: Unnamed Dungeon 90th Floor Domain Guardian

Condition: Normal

LV: 900

MP: 18000

STR: 20000

DEF: 18000

MAG: 27000

MDEF: 18000

AGI: 7000

Racial Skill: Dragon Scales, Dragon Blast, Kin Command

Extra Skill: Intimidation, Auto-MP Recovery, Auto Recovery, Tough Scales

Skill: Thought Acceleration, Detection, Danger Detection, Enhanced Senses, Resistance Boost, Claw Attack, Stomp, Growl, Scale Shot, Breathe Attack

Magic Skill: [Elemental Magic: Fire: 8, Earth: 6, Lightning: 3, Compound: 8]

Resistance: Pain Resistance, Impact Resistance, Blast Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Corrosion Resistance, Fear Resistance, Magic Attack Resistance, Poison Resistance, Natural Effects Nullification, Temperature Nullification, Hunger Nullification

Blessing: Dungeon Monster


This monster belonged to a race called Apex Saurian. According to Akashvani, Apex Saurian was the final evolution of quasi-dragon monsters. So those T-Rexes would turn into one if they gained much EXP.

Due to its shorter forelimbs, it was currently standing tall with its hind legs. But its length was measured to be around a hundred and fifty meters.

The monster was somewhat reptilian and covered with thick and tough obsidian-black outer skin. Two rows of stegosaurus dorsal plates ran down through its back and were glowing red. If I were asked to compare it to something, my answer would be that the monster had an uncanny resemblance to a certain kaiju.

"What in the Gojira is happening in another world? There is no such thing as a coincidence."

"You said something, Raphael?"

"Never mind me. Do you want to defeat that titan or not?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Of course, I want to fight and defeat it."

"Very well, Sis. Let's get moving."

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