Reincarnated as a World

Ch.171 The Slime Abomination’s New Form

Ch.171 The Slime Abomination’s New Form

(Eridel’s POV)

It took a little while, but eventually, the Slime Abomination was able to locate its Soul and send all the incoming Gluttony Essence towards it, nourishing it and skyrocketing its creation. Soon, the Soul would reach completion and the power it would wield would be vastly incomparable.

How interesting would a Soul powered by both Chaos and Gluttony be? Eridel didn’t know. But he was willing to do anything to find out. Only, there wasn’t anything he could do other than to advise the Abomination to power up its Soul, and even that was only possible because the Tribulation was still adjusting to its new power and didn’t care about anything he might say that could be considered intervention.

He could only hope that that would be enough.

3 minutes later

‘Any moment now…’ Eridel thought as he noticed the Slime Abomination’s Soul trembling, signifying that it was at 99% completion and that it was a hair’s breadth away from becoming a fully functioning Soul. At the same time, Eridel realised that the Slime Abomination’s body had also experienced abrupt changes.

Not only had it become extremely smooth and transparent unlike the sludge-like form that it had earlier, but its previous flat grey colour had experienced a unique change. No longer was it just grey, but it was all kinds of grey. From the lightest grey can get without being confused for white, to the darkest grey can get without being confused for black. And the colours were not static, they swirled around beautifully like an illusive galaxy, sometimes moving slowly and sometimes moving quickly. Eridel had a suspicion that the speed depended on the Abomination’s emotions, but he couldn’t confirm.

But besides that, the Slime Abomination was no longer sticky. Its body glided across the ground like a drop of water on glass and it no longer splattered. And even though there were no longer any random shapes like arms, tentacles, maws and wings sticking out of it, Eridel knew that they could be resummoned or unsummoned in an instant.

Lastly, not only was the Slime Abomination now 150 metres big all around, possessing a huge size that was no doubt an effect of the Anomaly transformation, but the air around it gave off shimmery ripples as if the Abomination was extremely hot. But Eridel knew that that was not the case. In reality, this was an effect of the Slime Abomination’s Chaos Affinity (just like the swirling grey colours) and just looking at it could directly damage somebody's Soul. Definitely an effect of the Chaos transformation. But for those who could withstand its insanity-inducing effects like Eridel, the shimmery waves presented a beguiling sight that made the Slime Abomination’s look more ethereal.

All in all, the Slime Abomination had become quite the thing to look at. Even Eridel had to admit that it had transitioned from one of the ugliest things on the planet to one of the most beautiful. In fact, he could already imagine the legends and myths that would be told about it in a few thousand years.

But all of this made it clear that the Slime Abomination had completed its physical Evolution.

It was now 99.9% Anomaly (waiting for Soul completion), 100% a being of Chaos, 100% Abomination (Even though it was no longer plagued by the deficiencies of a normal Abomination), 100% Undead, and roughly 72% Sin of Gluttony. But it would be way more accurate to say that the Slime Abomination had fused all of those things together and was now 100% that.

Truth be told, calling it the Slime Abomination was no longer appropriate, and a new name was in order. But there was a time for everything and whether or not the Slime Abomination would still be alive in 10 minutes was still extremely dubious.


Eridel smiled.

The Soul was just about complete.


A flash of Soul Aura burst out of the Slime Abomination’s body, speeding past Eridel’s Avatar and descending into the distance.

That was the Soul Pulse. Eridel’s first Soulmate; the Pink Gaseous Planet, and every other Anomaly before that had released one whenever their Souls had been created. Not that it was exclusive to Anomalies. Everything that gained a Soul artificially or through whatever method released a Soul Pulse upon creation.

But the Slime Abomination wasn’t just emitting a Soul Pulse. On top of that was the fanfare and myriad lights that were dancing through the sky, the telltale sign that almost every heavenly treasure emitted when they were born/created. The lights for the Slime Abomination were, of course, all kinds of grey. Something that was directly tied to its affinities and was nothing special. But the music that was playing on the other hand, was very different to what was heard from the birth of the other Anomalies.

Their music would be considered nothing other than heavenly, but this music could only be considered malevolent. It was still beautiful to hear, albeit a little eerie, but the emotions they arose were definitely nefarious. Instead of making one want to clap their hands in celebration, they made one want to sacrifice somebody’s head as a celebration.

Thankfully, nobody other than Eridel and the stationary Giant Death Tree were close enough to hear it, otherwise there might have been a serious problem. But even if all of Eridel’s favourites were here and they began to kill each other, he wouldn’t care.

After all, when that Soul Pulse had brushed against him, he had felt a very familiar contraction within his own Soul which temporarily dizzied his senses. Something he had only experienced once before.

“...Seriously?” Eridel muttered, his voice possessing the slightest tremble. Clearly, his emotions had once again run amok. That was how baffled he was.

He couldn’t believe it.

Within his Soul, 1 of the 5 unattached Soulmate links had finally changed. No longer was it straight and unconnected, it was now fluid like a snake. Instead of being transparent and colourless, it was now dark gold. Rather than being dead and silent, it was now filled with life and emotions, specifically ravenous desire and confusion.

The Slime Abomination… was his Soulmate.

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