Reincarnated as a World

Ch.175 Her Fear, His Fascination

Ch.175 Her Fear, His Fascination

It was to be expected. The Slime Abomination wasn’t even used to bones and muscles talk less of such a complicated humanoid body. Although Eridel was sure that she could convert the solidity of her body parts back into softness of her natural Slime body and still keep the same shape, it would be useful to learn how to work a natural Humanoid body.

After all, such softness wouldn’t work well against any kind of counter force. For example, if she were to try to stand up in such a state, the gravity pressing down from above along with her upper body weight would cause her legs to deform. If she was intelligent, she would keep most if not all of her body the way a natural humanoid body should be, and then convert parts of it into slime if she so wished.

Going by the Slime Abomination’s numerous attempts at sitting up without unnaturally deforming or slithering, it could be said that she was quite the quick thinker. The urge to revert to her Slime form must be riding her so the fact that she was still in this form showed intent.

Eridel smiled and peacefully crossed his legs while he waited for her to get the hangs of things. It shouldn’t take long, after all, the memories of the many humanoid beings that she had devoured in the past should begin to help her soon.

6 second later

The Slime Abomination’s energy levels that had been rising the entire time seemed to reach a certain threshold because suddenly, her hair which had been a normal silky silver suddenly experienced a grand transformation.

Firstly, the single silver colour split into the many grey colours of her true body, transforming something that was once just gorgeous into something that was extremely dazzling. But on top of that, not only did it begin to softly float without any stimulation from wind, but it also gained a slight transparency, which allowed one to see the few rand sparks of light hiding within that resembled stars.

“Woah…” Eridel muttered under his breath.

Just with the improvement with her hair alone, she had seemingly transformed into an transcendent fairy. But with the juxtaposition that her nightmarish yet enchanting eyes proposed, her beauty became so impactful that it was actually quite stunning.

Eridel had known there was something unnatural about her hair but he hadn’t known what. Who knew that it was just because it was lacking juice and needed a bit of energy to show its true nature.

Calling her a divine beauty would be quite an understatement, and that was even despite the fact that she was a child possessing little to no sexual allure. …But this presented a problem. Her eyes were already abnormal, but this hair? Nobody with a functioning mind would believe she was a regular human. Even the pale skinned Original Undead would find it easier to blend in with the Humans if you removed the Cultivation factor.

Well, no matter. Eridel would just add that to the list of seal-

Suddenly feeling eyes on him, Eridel looked down just a few centimetres to see the… fearful gaze of the Slime Abomination focusing on him.

‘Ah…’ His voice had alerted her.

Up till now, the Slime Abomination had clearly been disorientated and hadn’t thought too much about what was in her surroundings, most likely focusing on her new body and its functions. It didn’t help that he was also suppressing his presence and was undetectable if she didn’t look at him with her eyes or hear him with her ears.

But the jig was up now, she had found him. And she was scared…

…Quite understandably so though. She had been bullied quite a bit by him for the last 30 minutes and she wouldn’t easily forget it. Plus, there was a possibility that she knew that he was the one that had sealed her in that for 45 years. After all, it wouldn’t take much to connect the dots between the golden light that had initially sealed her in the cave and the golden light that had been shining from his body back in the Forest. Not to mention the fact that he had easily unsealed her as if he were the owner of the chains… which he was.

Originally, this shouldn’t have been a problem. In fact, Eridel had wanted the Slime Abomination to fear him. Fear was a great motivator for hedonistic beings like the previous Slime Abomination and it had worked out well, but now… she had ended up becoming his Soulmate. For his own Soulmate to fear him was quite inconvenient.

‘...Guess I’ll just erase her memory of my Jonas avatar too.’

“W-who are you?” The Slime Abomination asked, her childish voice slightly trembling.

‘A regular voice…’ Eridel noticed that her voice, although as cute and pleasantly sounding as a child’s voice could be, was just that. No double layered voice or supernatural allure, nothing that gave the same impact as her eyes and hair. She sounded just like a regular girl. But who knows, maybe that would change in the future. Either way, it didn’t really matter.

Speaking of which, the reason she was a girl in the first place probably had a lot to do with the fact that as a Slime she possessed the [Reproduction] skill. Something that Ant Queens and the like also possessed. Although Slimes don’t possess genders, when the Slime Abomination became a humanoid the most logical option for her gender was female rather than male. For the same reason the ‘Ant Queens’ are only female, a Slime that can reproduce should only be female.

Eridel thought of all of this in an instant before refocusing on his little Soulmate.

“The Creator.” Eridel answered her question with a slight smile.

At that, the Slime Abomination fell silent. The term ‘the creator’ didn’t mean much in this time period since there was no knowledge of gods or the like, and it was likely that she thought that he was just being purposely ambiguous. Still, she didn’t speak again, probably not wanting to ‘anger’ him by probing further.

Not that Eridel cared. Even before he met his 2 Soulmates he had already deeply plotted a method to obtain a true incarnation, something much more impressive than this flimsy avatar that lacked life. It was in that form that he would start a new life and eventually gather his Soulmates, so whatever impression that they had of ‘Jonas’ didn’t matter too much.

So like this, the frightened Slime Abomination and the fascinated World Avatar continued to awkwardly look at each other.

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