Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 152 Something is Brewing

In the middle of the rising empire of the east lies its capital named Tokyo. There, two palaces stood, the Imperial Palace, which houses the Royal Family of the Yamato Empire, and the Akasaka Palace, a baroque-style architecture palace similar to Hofburg Palace, built primarily for the crown prince.

The three Grand Duchess / Imperial Princesses of Ruthenia are staying in Akasaka Palace for the duration of their visit to the Land of Yamato.

Anastasia was looking out the window as the sun graced her skin with its gentle rays. Her face shows a hint of disappointment as if something bad has happened.

“What’s the matter, Anastasia?” her sister, Tiffania, approached her and lay a hand on her shoulder, gently.


“You don’t sound so sure. You never sounded so uncertain before. Is there something bothering your mind?” Tiffania asked.

She shrugged. “I miss our home.”

Tiffania nodded, understanding immediately what her little sister meant. Ever since they arrived at the Yamato Empire, she’s been homesick. Although they just arrived here in the morning, Anastasia felt they’d been here for days..

Even worse is the lack of IDS products they had been enjoying in their Winter Palace home, Alexander has made gradual renovations to the ruthenian palace with electrically heated water, television sets, and other things that this State Guest House in Yamato lacks.

“Well, you wanted this, right?” Tiffania questioned. Anastasia simply hummed in response.

“It’s only been eight hours, Anastasia. Don’t worry, we are only staying here for one week. After that, we’ll return home.”

“Yeah… I know,” she sighed, feeling slightly reassured by her words. She looked out the window again. “Where is sister Christie?” she quietly said.

“I believe she’s speaking with the Crown Prince of the Yamato Empire at the moment. She’ll come here as soon as they finish their conversation.”

Just as Tiffania answered her query, Christina stepped into the room and walked over to her two sisters.

“Hello, guys, enjoying the Akasaka Palace? Crown Prince Hirohito warmly offered us to stay here in his palace during our stay here. And also, we will be having a luncheon with the Imperial Family of the Yamato Empire in the evening.”

“That’s great then,” Tiffania simply smiled. Anastasia merely gave a slight nod of acknowledgment while she continued to stare out the window.

After a few minutes, they all heard footsteps approaching them. Christine turned around to greet the newcomer when it suddenly stopped. Everyone turned their attention to the new arrival.

“Rolan, have the others arrived?” Christina asked.

Rolan nodded politely. “Yes, Your Imperial Highness. The vehicle delivered from Harbin and the men whom I ordered to fetch it are inside.”

Christine smiled. “Is that so? I’m glad. It seems that my brother is kind of overprotective don’t you think?”

“If I may speak casually, Your Imperial Highness. Your brother is just worried about the security provided by the host nation for you and your sisters,” Rolan paused as he glanced at the two Grand Duchesses. “His concern is warranted. Rest assured ma’am, I and the special forces that are with us will protect the three of you.”

“That’s good to hear. Thank you,” she thanked him again. “Anyhow, you all should go get some rest. I’ve heard some of the special forces and even you haven’t slept properly yesterday. Although I understand that our security is your primary concern, you still have to look over your well-being. Inadequate sleep can affect your health in ways you cannot predict.”

“I’m honored for the compassionate words you have said to me, Your Imperial Highness. However, sleep deprivation is part of the military training.”

“Oh…really? I am not aware. But even so, you still need sleep to refresh your mind. A nap would do since it’s still hours away from the luncheon with the Imperial Family.”

Rolan sighed, conceding his defeat. There’s really no way around it when Christina puts her mind toward things. So, “I understand, thank you, ma’am,” he lied.

When Alexander offered him this job, he knew this would be a huge responsibility on his shoulders. Unlike Alexander who is always at the palace and rarely goes outside, he’s safe most of the time. But in a nation where some of the populace harbor a dislike against Ruthenians, especially after the incident in Manchuria that almost dragged everyone into the war. He knows it will be hard. Who knows? There could be people outside the palace with the intent to harm them.

That is something he cannot allow to happen.


Somewhere around Tokyo, an ultranationalist name Shinzo Sakawa was holding a seminar in one of his temples. Children, young adults, high-ranking military officials, and businessmen attended the seminar to listen to what he has got to say.

He was speaking at the podium where the film projector showed black and white images of the Yamato Empire spreading its influence on their neighbors in the form of black mud running over the Choson and Han Dynasty.

“Seventy-five years ago was the time when we opened up to the world and realized that we are far behind in terms of economy, technology, and military power. It was also the time when our eyes saw the west spreading its influences in Asia, building up colonies and serving them as their masters. In order to avoid the same fate as them, we centralized and industrialized the Yamato, learning what the west had culminated for centuries in just thirty years,” Sakawa declared proudly as his eyes scanned the children, students, and patriotic Yamato citizens gasping in fascination.

The image changed to photos of Yamato’s military mobilization into the Han Empire and Imperial Ruthenia.

He continued. “Then we started our expansion, getting our Empire into a war against a country that scoffed at us for hundreds of centuries and a western superpower. The Han-Yamato war and Rutho-Yamato war.”

This time the image shows the victory parade of the Yamato Imperial Army in Han lands, but the victory parade of soldiers coming back from Ruthenia was more sombre.

“We’ve won both of them. But!”

The next slide shows the personification of the US, Austrea, Deutschland, Francois, the hated Ruthenia, and even their friend, Britannia, all using their massive influences to blockade the Yamato from achieving their manifest destiny like how the western powers did in the first place.

“The western powers keep intervening! They downsize us, ridicule us, and disrespect us despite our achievements. They will never treat us as their equals, so we are forced to bow down and do what they say.”

The attendees all nodded in agreement.

“If we are going to be treated like this in the following decades, I’m afraid that the Yamato Empire we know of will soon cease to exist, falling under the charm of the west, and eventually controlling us.”

The next slide shows a drawn picture of Yamatos abandoning their culture and history to be like westerners, wearing western clothing and engaging in shameless acts. Very un-Yamato behavior. So shameful.

The crowd murmured amongst themselves and Sakawa continued his speech without hesitation.

“I’m sure you are all aware of the St. Petersburg treaty signed four years ago. The time when the Ruthenia Empire is asserting its dominance over the region of Manchuria. A territory that the Yamato Empire has sought to take over. We are about to go to war with them again until the Deutschland Empire and the Francois Republic decided to join Ruthenia’s side, forcing our ally, Britannia Empire becomes neutral and persuading us to agree on unfair terms,” the projector showed video footage of the Ruthenian-controlled Manchuria.

“Now, the Ruthenia Empire is industrializing and modernizing Manchuria at a fast rate. Building up their military strength. Their military and economy are also growing day by day to the point they became the second world’s largest economy. The Ruthenians are still bitter about their defeat so we should watch out for them.”

The last slide is a demonized caricature of Alexander Romanoff, his giant horned and fanged head sneering in anger at Yamato, his huge hand holding a long metal club ready to club the Yamato Isles into mush.

“And that is for today from our honored speaker, Shinzo Sakawa! The author himself of the book ‘Yamato: The Future of Our Great Empire’! Let’s give him a big hand!”

Sakawa bowed in thanks, accepting the applause of the audience.

A short while later, Sakawa was walking with his trusted aide alone in the hallway.

“Damn those Ruthenians. Their recent actions in Manchuria are disconcerting. If we want our Empire to survive for the next 100 years, we must do something before it’s too late. Are the ones we hired ready for the operation?”

“Yes, just say the word.”


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