Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 173 Leaving Part 3

After unleashing an onslaught on the Yamato Army outside the embassy, Max grabbed Rolan’s collar aggressively.

“You?! What did you all just do?! Is this part of your plan? Killing Yamato soldiers inside their country?” Max said furiously.

Rolan only stared at him for a couple of seconds before speaking. “Yes, this is part of the plan, with the rest of the army responding to the attack somewhere far from here, we took the opportunity to cull the remaining down in order to ensure safe evacuation.”

“Are you out of your bloody mind ?!” Max shouted again with beads of his saliva splashed up against Rolan’s face and uniform. “Do you have any bloody idea about what you have just done? The Yamato Empire would implicate my countrymen as accomplices to this massacre and ruin the excellent reputation we have long held as a peaceful nation!”

“Max, I’m gonna have to ask you to calm down and let go of your hands. Return back to your vehicle and do as you are told by your superior. Escort us to the airport and after that, we go our separate ways.”

“How would you bloody justify the slaughter of the Yammie soldiers outside of your embassy huh?” Max demanded, extremely pissed that shit hit the fan and his hands gave that shit to the thrower. He released his grip on Rolan’s collar but still retained some space between them.

“It doesn’t matter anyways since they attacked our Grand Duchesses first. The Yamato Empire has asked for this so we are only responding.”

“Without a declaration of war?”

“Does it really matter? A Declaration of war is just a formality between two nations to settle their conflict. And besides, the Ruthenia Empire is going to declare war on the Yamato Empire anyways, so why bother?”

“This is a bloody massacre,” Max said through gritted teeth.

Rolan merely scoffed at that. “Let’s be clear about something here. My job is to get the Grand Duchesses of Ruthenia Empire out of this barbaric nation. I’ll do everything it takes to accomplish it, no matter the means,” he said coldly. “If you are that worried that the Britannia Empire could get implicated by this matter, rest assured they won’t.”

“Do you think I would bloody believe your words!?” Max growled. He was breathing heavily while glaring daggers into Rolan’s eyes.

“It’s up to you whether to take my words seriously or not.”

After saying that, Rolan turned to his heel and went over to the side of the Bukavac. He opened the door and hopped into the vehicle.

Meanwhile, Max spat saliva on the ground before getting into his vehicle. What the Ruthenians did to the Yamato was quite unexpected. He didn’t think they would resort to such violence just to leave this country which they consider barbaric.

Somehow not joining two and two together to realize a state of war had already begun when Ruthenian royalty was attacked by Yamatos on Yamato soil.

Even though Rolan assured that Britannia won’t be implicated in the atrocities they had committed, there’s no guarantee that it will be the case. This will have huge repercussions on the Britannia Empire should everything that had transpired here reach the public.

Well, he’ll settle it once the problem he is worrying about appears sometime in the future. For now, he has a job to finish. Escorting the Ruthenian embassy staff and the Grand Duchesses to the airport.

Max doesn’t know what the Ruthenians are thinking. If they arrive at the airport, do they really think the Yamato would let one of their planes land on their airstrip? Thinking about it, he wasn’t informed of their exit plan, maybe they have tricks up their sleeves that are yet to be revealed.

Whatever that be, Max is certain that it would be as atrocious as the massacre outside the embassy.

Meanwhile, thirty thousand feet above Tokyo, an aircraft with a large rotating disc above its fuselage was cruising in a circular path. The plane is a copy of the Boeing E-3 Sentry introduced in the United States during the early stages of the cold war.

Alexander knew the strategic importance of having an AWAC plane on the battlefield as it provides information about the enemy positions, especially enemy aircraft, and military installations, and can also serve as a command-and-control center where the commanding officer can coordinate his operations.

Radar operators inside the aircraft were doing their best to remove the clutter on the radar screen, eliminating useless feedback they are getting from various sources such as terrains, birds, atmospheric turbulence, and the like that are affecting the performance of the radar fitted on the AWACS.

They’d been flying over Tokyo for quite some time now. Normally, people can hear the roaring sound of the engine from this altitude, but due to Tokyo being heavily urbanized, with a lot of moving parts going about their various tasks, it masked their noises, allowing them to maintain an undetected stealthy signal intelligence.

Also, it was in the middle of the night.

The airplane continued to circle slowly around the capital city above the clouds hidden from Yamato searchlights that are still searching for mystery bombers until it detected something on the radar.

“Sir!” the radar operator waved his hand as he hailed his commanding officer to come closer to his station.

“What is it? the commanding officer leaned forward to have a better look at the radar.

“Four bogeys identified bearing 090, three kilometers from the airstrip, altitude 5,000 feet, speed at 150 knots. Based on its cross-sectional profile, it looks to be a Yamato A5M “Claude” .”

“Where are our fighters?”

“About two kilometers southwest of their current position.”

“Standard operating procedure dictates that we take down every military plane that belongs to the Yamato Airforce with a current heading towards the airstrip. Transmit the data to our fighters.”

“Copy that sir,” the radar operator began pushing buttons on his instrument panel as he carried out the order.

Cruising at subsonic speed, twelve Wraiths flying in attack formation unseen overhead Tokyo just successfully accomplished one of its goals of bombing the depot to create a diversion. Their next mission is to provide air cover to the VIP down below who are now currently making their way to the airstrip.

“Sir, we just received a transmission from the AWAC showing four bogeys southwest of us,” Demet informed through his comms.

“Just in time,” he sighed in satisfaction as he suddenly turned the plane around. The eleven Wraith fighter jets trailed behind them. “Let’s go for missile lock,”

In front of Rasul was a small screen with crosshair flickering intermittently.

Just as advertised and taught in the academy school, one pilot doesn’t need to have a visual on the target to engage it. Thanks to the AWAC plane giving them crucial intel such as the enemy location, it’ll be easy for them to find and destroy enemy aircraft.

The screen continued flickering until it beeps steadily.

“Target lock!” Rasul announced

“Give them hell sir!” Demet replied with anticipation.

Rasul nodded and grinned. “Fox two!” he pulled the trigger, releasing the AIM 9 Sidewinder from its hard points, and flew out with a terrifying hiss.

White smoke trailed behind the missile and its flames illuminated the night sky like a shooting star.

With the first missile launched, three more missiles followed from the other Wraith fighters. It flew across the sky at a speed of Mach 2 as it headed towards its target. As long as the Wraith has its weapon guidance locked on the enemy aircraft, it will feed the missile information about its position.

In just ten seconds, the missiles struck four Yamato aircraft, turning them into a massive fireball. Its parts scattered from the explosion and plummeted down below.

Ruthenia drew first blood.


“…We have permission to shoot down any aircraft attempting to enter Yamato. Do not let any of the filthy barbarian westerns get away! Long live the Emporer!”

The Yamato squad leader places back the microphone of his radio inside the Ka-14 fighter plane.

After the base received news that the Ruthenians might have bombed Tokyo with a bomber and possibly send in aircraft to help criminals escape. They scramble a flight of four fighter planes to scout and shoot down any non-Yamato aircraft in Yamato airspace.

He grunted as he tries to squint his already small eyes to look out for the enemy planes in the waving beams of the searchlights making searching patterns in the night sky.

Where are the bombers?

And then a fighter plane on his left exploded, and so did his.

All four planes that were shot down by AIM 9 Sidewinders did not even see what hit them.

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