Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 175 Yamato Empire

Yamato Empire, Tokyo Imperial Palace. Prime Minister Haru Takashi raced down the hallway towards the throne where the Emperor of the Yamato Empire sat on his throne ceremoniously.

The guards to the chamber slides open the sliding door to let him in, he ambled toward the emperor with deep solemnity. Yet, he found it hard to maintain it as he has something to report to the Emperor that would definitely irate His Majesty.

“Your Majesty,” Haru Takashi stopped and bowed low as he began. “The Ruthenians along with the Grand Duchesses have escaped the Yamato Empire through grave circumstances.” He continued in a serious tone as he waited for a reaction from the Emperor. “Your Majesty, the explosions that you have heard from the capital erupted from one of our airstrips where the Ruthenians fled. Hundreds of our people were killed. We must not tolerate this act of aggression Your Majesty, in response to this attack, we shall declare war on the Ruthenia Empire.” Haru said firmly with conviction. He then raised up to address the Emperor to meet his eyes resolutely.

“…I heard they were just having dinner with my eldest son and his wife earlier…” Emperor TaishÅ� spoke wistfully in a gruff and hoarse voice after a long pause. “Why did something like this happen so suddenly?”

“Unfortunately, Your Majesty, I do not have the answer you seek,” Haru replied calmly and continued. “But one thing is certain, the atrocity they committed cannot go unpunished!” Haru finished.

Taish� looked at him blankly, staring at his prime minister as his brain formulated a question.

“Prime Minister, I have something to inquire about.”

“What is it, Your Majesty?” Haru asked, still maintaining his composed demeanor.

“I’ve heard from one of my officials that the Grand Duchesses of the Ruthenian Empire was shot at during their transit to their embassy upon their evacuation from my palace. Is that true?”

“Your Majesty, it’s the work of angry citizens. The Ruthenians not only destroyed the gates leading inside the palace when they drove off but took the opportunity to gun down people with machine guns. This angered the public and they shot back in self-defense. We were also shocked by the news as we are aware of the consequences this may bring. We immediately conducted an investigation and are still finding the culprits responsible. However, the Ruthenians claim that our government is involved in the attacks.”

“What?!” Emperor Taisho mumbled in disbelief.

“It’s an outrageous accusation made by the Ruthenians, implicating us as the dishonorable culprits behind such actions. We have never been disrespected in such a manner before.” Haru stated, his voice rising steadily in anger. He was clearly agitated…or rather feigning. “However, we cannot deny the fact that they are the ones who fired the first shot. The discovery of their spy network, the attempted assassination of a patriotic citizen, the killing of our soldiers without provocation, and the sudden intrusion into our airspace with intent to harm the people of this sovereign island. “

“It is unacceptable to let such dishonorable actions towards our people done by Ruthenians be let off that easily.” The prime minister continued. “Our military is awaiting your orders of mobilization to fight and cut down the Ruthenians again for their arrogance.” Haru bowed again.

The emperor thought about it and rose from the throne and approached him. His regal and grandiose presence took Haru aback but nonetheless stood firm, waiting patiently for a reply he knows the emperor would say.

“Prime Minister, based on your words, you’re saying that we are not involved in the ambush and that the Ruthenians are the real culprits behind the attacks and are using this as a justification to declare war on my country?”

“Your Majesty, the Yamato Empire, and its people would never do such a thing to a diplomatic guest. We’ve always provided important envoys with great hospitality, yet the Ruthenians returned it with violence.”

Emperor Taisho’s face remained emotionless as he considered Haru’s claims. Then, in a shaky unsure manner, he spoke. “Did the Ruthenians say anything else about this matter?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. But it was a rather uncivilized call. It was from the emperor of the Ruthenia Empire himself. Blaming and threatening us of annihilation, not even giving us a chance to explain our side.” Haru lied through his teeth. “Then after that, they never called again. We even tried to contact them but to no avail. It is safe to say that the Ruthenians have cut all diplomatic ties and are preparing to go to war against us. Your Majesty, to ensure the safety of the people and the homeland, we shall respond in kind and show to the Ruthenians the unwavering resolve of our people to defend themselves against any and all threats.”

“There is really no other way, huh?” Emporer Taisho sighed heavily and ran a hand over his chin in contemplation.

A few seconds later, Emperor Taisho spoke again. “Very well, Prime Minister. Prepare all necessary arrangements for I will address my people, informing them that we are at war with the Ruthenian Empire.”

“Thank you very much, Your Majesty!” Haru bowed deeply and turned around.


In the Imperial General Headquarters, high-ranking military officials sit around the table. A heavy atmosphere hangs around them, weighing down on everyone’s shoulders. One of them is Isoroku Yamamoto, who had just been recalled in the middle of the investigation of their downed submarines off the coast of Sakhalin.

“The Emperor has decided to wage war against the Ruthenian Empire,” an old man by the name of Yamagata Aritomo, Chief of the General Staff of the Imperial Yamato Army, addressed his fellow generals.  “We shall work towards victory in order for His Majesty and his people.”

They nodded resolutely in agreement, united to the cause.

“What happened to the capital anyways?” Yamamoto asked, curious about the event that had unfolded during the Grand Duchesses’ escape.

“We don’t know for sure but our spotters on the ground reported a roaring and booming sound in the sky. They can’t see it due to darkness, but we believe it’s the one responsible for shooting down our fighter planes,” one of the generals shared.

“You don’t know huh?” Yamamoto said under his breath, that’s what the same case they encountered when he was debriefed on the situation about the Yamato submarines conducting espionage mission against Ruthenia off the coast of Sakhalin.

The last transmission from the submarines is that they are being chased down by a torpedo. At first, he didn’t believe it, as torpedoes are uncontrollable. To effectively use the torpedo, one must calculate crucial variables such as the speed of the ship relative to the submarine, the speed of the torpedo, the waves, and trigonometric calculation with the aid of torpedo directing pattern, slide rules, or by adjusting the gyro angle.

Torpedoes run in a straight line and that’s a fact. A torpedo chasing a submarine sounds ridiculous yet prodigious at the same time.

Further investigations must be conducted to validate the report of the now-deceased sailors. Because if such technology exists, then they must build a countermeasure for it. Especially when they are going to war right now.

“Do you even know what hit our planes?” Yamamoto derailed his line of thought and focused on the matter at hand.

“There are sighting reports of a luminous object streaking across the sky. We don’t know what that is as well but we are looking at it.”

Luminous objects and hounding torpedoes. The Ruthenians have progressed so much militarily. Their battleships and aircraft carriers have caused quite a stir in all naval departments around the world and they are one of them.

“That’s enough gentleman,” Yamagata interjected, calling their attention, “Listen to what I have to say.”

When everyone’s attention was on him. Yamagata began.

“The Yamato Empire had never once been controlled by the foreign powers, especially from the west. Where our neighbors became puppets, we are the only ones who stood strong and countered their imperialistic ambition. One of them was the Ruthenian Empire which we have defeated. Now we are at war with them again, let’s make it resoundingly clear to the world that the Yamato Empire will emerge victorious as it once did four years ago and reclaim the lands that belong rightfully to us. No longer we shall be treated unfairly. We’ll crush their arrogant empire without mercy. The Emperor has placed his trust in us and expects us to uphold and fulfill our sacred duties. As one general to another, I am here with you to lead this endeavor!” Yamagata exclaimed in his usual boisterous voice. “Tenno Heika banzai!”

“Banzai!” They responded unanimously. Although one of them played along reluctantly. Yamamoto is feeling something wrong, suspicious of the string of events that leads them to these circumstances. He can’t help but look at the Yamagata who is giving off an aura of uncertainty.

As much as he would like to know more about it, Yamamoto couldn’t as he had to lead the Imperial Yamato Navy by commanding one of the Amagi Class Battlecruisers for the upcoming war and serve as the Admiral of the First Fleet with his ship as its flagship.

As the invigorated cheers settled down, Yamagata turned silent. He stopped smiling and his expression changed to that of a devilish one subtly. But his eyes said it all. A hidden, twisted, and corrupted triumph.

Yamagata, along with the other conspirators, has planned this since the conclusion of the St. Petersburg treaty four years ago. They won against Ruthenians so it’s only natural for them to have regional control over the Far East. Yet just as the western powers did after the war with the Han Dynasty, they intervened, treating them like a can that is always kicked aside. What should’ve been their conquered territories, they are forced to return them. They have enough of it, the Yamato Empire is strong and so is its spirit. The people who signed the treaty were assassinated as signing it is tantamount to betrayal.

Enough of the West, it’s time for the world to see the rise of the Yamato Empire.

“You’ve done a good job, Shinzo. Now, let us take care of the rest.” Yamagata said inwardly.

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