Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 218 Can You Grant Me a Favor?

November 2, 1927. Alexander was in his office, dealing with matters at hand behind his desk as Sevastian was conducting his daily report to him.

“We’ve contacted the Hanese legation here in Ruthenia to inform them of our decision of disapproval of the Han Dynasty of joining the war as it could prompt the defensive alliance the Yamato Empire and the Britannia Empire signed. The second report deals with another attempted attack by the Yamato Air Force in the Choson Peninsula,”

Alexander halted the movement of his hand that holds the blini as he looked up to Sevastian. “Another attack you say?”

“That’s right, Your Majesty. The Yamato Empire conducted another night bombing operation again but our fighter jets intercepted them over the airspace of Busan. Also, there is something you need to know, Your Majesty. The ordnance the Yamato Empire was carrying on its bomb bay and hard points are mustard. This is all according to the Foreign Intelligence Agency who intercepted Yamato’s radio transmission.”

“They are resorting to illegal means huh? That means the Yamato High Commands are desperate. I think it’s time that I reconsider bombing Tokyo,” Alexander put the blini in his mouth before and chewed it.

“Wait, Your Majesty? Are you really considering that option you rejected weeks ago?” Sevastian’s voice rose from the sudden decision of his emperor.

“The Joint Chief of Staff has been suggesting that we bomb their homeland, specifically their factories and industries that is supporting the war efforts,” Alexander stated matter of factly. He took a sip of coffee before continuing. “I’ve been thinking about this, the Yamato tried to bomb Vladivostok. It was unsuccessful but the fact that they were there means that they intended to harm my people in Vladivostok. I simply rejected a retaliatory strike out of fear of breaking the Geneva Conventions and earning verbal condemnation from another country. I don’t want to tarnish Ruthenia’s reputation by ordering a bombing operation that could kill civilians without merit. I’m not a barbarian. But now, things changed when I read the terms in the Geneva Convention. It was stated that we can attack factories, ports, or any other industries that are supporting the war effort, just like what we did in Busan.”

“I see, now I understand, Your Majesty,” Sevastian nodded in agreement. “We already have proof that the Yamato bombers that flew over Choson Peninsula are carrying chemical weapons. If you want, I will work with Foreign Minister Sergei to talk to the Britannia Empire, the United States, the Francois Republic, and the Deutschland Empire to inform them that we are attacking their factories.”

“Inform them?” Alexander was at a loss of words for a moment. Sevastian just nodded.

“Your Majesty, if we attack without giving them a heads-up, they could risk their civilians living in Tokyo. We want to make sure that the only casualties in our bombing campaign are Yamatos only. Informing that we are attacking gives their embassy time to evacuate their citizens in the area.”

“But won’t the Yamato officials find out about this?” Alexander paused and realized something. “Oh, my bad, yeah people can be moved but buildings won’t. Our objective after all is to destroy their factories.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. And if the bombing still didn’t break their wills I believe the Joint Chief of Staff suggested another.”

“Yes, a naval blockade. Basically, we are going to starve the island nation that is dependent on exports to death. Our navy will sink Yamato’s merchant ships but the problem is the foreign ships. Good thing I already have a solution for that.”

“What is it, Your Majesty?” Sevastian asked, curious as to what Alexander is going to say next. The emperor always opts for a peaceful approach, so is this going to be the same in this case?

“Tell them to turn around or else we will sink them,” Alexander said resolutely.

Now he is taking an aggressive stance, Alexander is now changing gradually. But why now? Sevastian pondered for a second as he tried to come up with a possible explanation. The Second Rutho-Yamato war has been favoring the Ruthenia Empire and the superpowers aren’t implicitly or explicitly helping the Yamato. Is it perhaps they are acting cautious? Given that Ruthenia is using new technology, the generals from each respective country could possibly advise their government not to take drastic action and tell them to observe the war. After all, you don’t go into a fight without knowing the full capabilities of your enemy first. The Yamato is learning it the hard way. So, Alexander’s aggressive stance on foreign ships is not a mere attempt to provoke war. The Emperor realizes they foreign countries aren’t going to do a thing.

Because let’s say if Sevastian was an advisor to the head of state, he too would advise going against Ruthenia. The war correspondents that went to Choson to cover the war and tell the story must be on the hot seat right now, especially when they are describing what the war looks like.

“So is your decision final, Your Majesty?”

“Yes, but this time, it will be a new weapon that will demoralize not only the Yamato Empire but the foreign nations as well.”

Sevastian eyes widened when he remembed the atomic bomb test. “Your Majesty, are you going to use that?”

Alexander shook his head. “Sevastian, I told you before, didn’t I? I’m not going to use our one and only trump card to defeat the Yamato Empire. We have a plethora of conventional ordnance that can do as much damage as an atomic bomb.”

“Very well, Your Majesty. If you say so,” Sevastian breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. Despite Yamato being their enemy, he can’t imagine the catastrophic damage the atomic bomb would bring should Alexander decide to bomb them with it.

He witnessed it first hand, the aftermath of the nuclear explosion, it’s a power so powerful that it can level an entire city.

While they were having their discussion, a knock on the door broke their conversation.

“Are you expecting another visitor, Your Majesty?” Sevastian asked.

“No, I do not,” Alexander replied before looking at the door. “Who is it?”

“It’s me…brother. May I come in?”

“That voice…Tiffania?” Sevastian uttered.

“Do you have something to report?”

“No, Your Majesty. I think I’ve covered all the major reports. I will take my leave now and leave you two alone,” Sevastian bowed and left his office.

Tiffania entered with a document clutched in her hands.

“Tiffania, good morning. I didn’t expect you’d see me. Please take a seat,” Alexander offered Tiffania a chair. She sat down and put the document down on the table.

Alexander glanced at it momentarily before speaking again. “How are you Tiffania? I’m sorry if I’m not keeping in touch with you three.”

“No, it’s okay brother. I think I’m fine now. The doctor has been a great help for me to move on. Anyways brother, I need your help with something.”

“What is it? if it’s you going again to another country, don’t bother to ask, I will refuse it outright.” Alexander said.

“No, it’s not that, brother, let me finish,” Tiffania sighed. “Brother, can you grant me a favor? I’ve been thinking about it a lot. if I should pursue social studies or engineering. Seeing that you contributed a lot to the field of engineering, I got inspired. Brother, can you grant me my favor and become my tutor?”


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