Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 223 Demoralizing The Enemy

Meanwhile, in the Command Ops, Alexander is spinning a pen around his fingers as he stares into the LCD screen dominating the far wall.  He's deep in thought as the generals around him are discussing with one another about the operation to bomb Yamato Empire's cities and forced them into submission.

The Ruthenian Empire completed its main goal, to take over the Choson Peninsula. Now, the only way for this war to end is to force the Yamato to sue for peace which is impossible at the moment as the Yamato citizens are still blinded by their achievement of defeating a western superpower four years ago.

Alexander wanted to give them a reality check that the war they think they could win again is nothing more but a fantasy.

"Your Majesty, we are ready." The Minister of Defense, Alexei Lavrov announced.

"Proceed," Alexander prompted, leaning forward. As if on cue, the LCD screen flickered into life as the blip, indicating bomber aircraft, began to move over the map of the Choson Empire.

"The Pacific Fleet is now in a position to conduct a naval blockade. But it will take time to see its effect. Therefore, with your orders, planned an operation to break the will and demoralize the Yamato citizens. Our newly constructed airfield, which we built in Hanseong is now operational, housing a fleet of Super Heavy Bomber, Aletina. Two hours from launch, the Aletina will enter the Yamato Airspace and begin dropping its ordnance over the city of Kyoto, Tokyo, Yokohama, and their industrial district."

An animation of a bomb exploding over the cities of Kyoto and Tokyo was projected on top of the screen. The red numbers are increasing exponentially indicating how many lives are being lost should the operation proceed.

5,000...10,000...12,000, it keeps increasing.

"Your Majesty, since most of the Yamato citizen's houses are made of wood, the damage will be catastrophic. The bombs that we will be using on this air raid will be incendiary," Alexei informed.

"Okay, before I authorize this operation, have we informed the United States, Britannia Empire, Deutschland Empire, and the Francois Republic about this?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Sergei joined in as he leaned back in his chair. "I informed them ten days ago and have been evacuating their citizens ever since secretly. However, Your Majesty, there's no guarantee that the Yamato Empire will not out about the sudden evacuation of the foreigners living in Tokyo."

"I've already taken that into consideration," Alexander waved his hand dismissively. His eyes were set on the display, contemplating. Should he give his authorization, thousands of lives will be killed. Oddly, Alexander doesn't feel a thing compared to the last time he pondered about this.

This is because he realized now his duty as the head of state. To protect his empire and the people living within it. And to execute that duty, sometimes decisive decisions must be carried out.

Alexander sighed deeply as the generals around looked at him with anticipation. Finally taking a glance at the group, he spoke.

"All right gentlemen, you may now scramble our bombers. As the head of state of the Ruthenia Empire, I now authorize this operation. May god bless the people of the Yamato Empire for they shall know what defeat is."

The Minister of Defense and the Generals saluted him as they acknowledged his order. Then they began grabbing telephones and started informing the men on the ground.


Choson Empire, Hanseong. November 17, 1927.

Two o'clock in the afternoon, the rays of the sun cast its yellow glow to the airfield where five Super Heavy Bomber Aletina are taxiing towards the runway.

The Ruthenian soldiers near the airfield watched in awe as their most powerful aircraft scrambled. Cheers roared throughout the airfield as everyone celebrated in anticipation of their victory.

Every Ruthenian knew the capabilities of the Aletina, if five of them were being sent on a mission then surely the enemy would fall. They all hoped that their success could bring an end to this war and go back home to their families.

But should the Yamato Empire not yield despite all of this, then they will be left with no option but to invade their island. However, no plans were concocted for that yet.

One by one, the Aletina screamed as it sped up on the runway. It lifted off just as fast and the cheers grew louder.

The Chosonese as well as foreigners in the capital watched in awe and amazement as they witnessed the Ruthenian might before them.

One of them is a war correspondent from the United States, Frederick Arthur McKenzie. Since the war started, Frederick has been on the Choson, covering the war from the Yamato perspective. He can't get authorization to cover the Ruthenian Army so that's why he is stuck with the Yamatos.

Throughout the war, Frederick is starting to piece together how the Ruthenian Army operates. And it was something he hadn't seen before.

In just one month, the Ruthenian Army defeated the Yamato Army in the Choson Peninsula. At first, he couldn't believe it but now he had realized it. It's because of the Ruthenian technology and weapons they are using in the war.

Helicopters, armored vehicles, tanks, fighter aircraft, bomber aircraft, and cargo aircraft. All of them were new to this world.

Frederick stared into the distance, locking his gaze on possibly the biggest aircraft he had ever seen in his life. He asked for the name of the aircraft from the passing Ruthenian soldiers and they said it was the Pazlov Tugarin.

He still remembers the time when it unloads over two hundred soldiers in just one trip. A feat that is impossible for his country to pull off.

Just what transformed the Ruthenian Empire from being a paper tiger into a real tiger?

He has to report this back to his homeland, every piece of information he has is crucial for his government should it want to remain toe-to-toe with the Ruthenian Empire. Because who knows if the Ruthenian Empire is stopping here?


Two hours later, in the city of Tokyo. The Yamato High Command was in a depressing state, a grim expression blanketing their faces. Losing a significant portion of their army in the Choson Empire, a crippled navy, and an underwhelming air force. Their backs are now against the wall as every idea they come up with to turn this war in their favor is just being swatted by the Ruthenian Empire.

Their dreams of becoming a great empire in the East are now crushed. It will take years for them to recover from this defeat.

Still, they haven't surrendered yet. The citizens of the Yamato Empire still believe they are going to win thanks to their propaganda. But no secret in this world can be forever hidden. It's only a matter of time before the populace knows what's really happening.

Until—there was a faint booming sound from a distance. The cups on the table and the chandelier on top clattered as the earth shook underneath. Then, it was followed by an air raid siren.

"What's happening?"

One of the officers opened the window and saw the unfolding scene of a massacre. A thick cloud of black smoke billowed upwards, explosions erupting here and there accompanied by a constant stream of banging sounds from the anti-aircraft guns of the city shooting something in the sky.

"We are under attack! We have to evacuate!"

And just as they were about to scramble out of the room everything turned dark as an explosion engulfed everyone inside the room killing all those present.

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