Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 235 A Productive Discussion With Sevastian

The convoy of Alexander Romanoff raced down the cleared street of St. Petersburg as they headed to the Mikhailovsky Palace, a venue for which the meeting with the Emperor of the Choson Empire and The Emperor of the Ruthenian Empire will be held.

Alexander was reviewing the files Sevastian gave to him the moment he hopped into the Beast, his eyes perusing each content the documents contained. He gave a light nod after understanding the talking points which will be discussed in the meeting.

"So, the Ruthenia Empire will have exclusive mining rights over the northern region of the Choson Empire under the condition that the workers must be Chosonese. I mean this is not a bad deal considering that we would have to pay less when it comes to labor," Alexander commented.

"That's right, Your Majesty. The Choson Emperor promised his people that he would give his people work and be paid accordingly. Unlike their former colonial master who exploited every fiber of them," Sevastian said and continued. "Also, Your Majesty, we are being pressured from both sides. The United States and the Britannia Empire are demanding an answer as to why our invading forces are still in the Choson Empire, particularly in Hanseong."

"Are they looking at it as if we are breaking the Treaty of St. Petersburg?" Alexander asked as he glanced at him.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Our forces in the region are seen as occupying forces rather than as peacekeeping forces. They are misunderstanding our intentions," Sevastian remarked.

"I don't have intentions of expanding our territories in the Choson Peninsula, I'm satisfied with Manchuria due to the fact we already have access to the Pacific Ocean. Though I do have some plans to retake the overseas colony that we sold to the United States." Alexander said.

"Are you perhaps talking about Alaska?" Sevastian looked at him with a raised brow.

"Well yes, I need to get that territory back no matter the cost. You see, in terms of building an empire, losing territory is a huge blow to the face. Just like we did to the Yamato Empire when we pushed them out of the Choson Peninsula. Alaska is a treasure trove rich in natural resources and minerals. The Yankees haven't found them yet but if they do, they'll surely keep it as their own and even make Alaska its new state. When that happens, we won't be able to get our hands back in Alaska."

"Do you have plans on getting Alaska, Your Majesty?" Sevastian asked.

"There are two methods. I've discussed this with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei. It's either we buy them or take them by force. The most feasible one is buying them back from the United States. But doing so would raise suspicion, the Americans might think we find something big there and decide to raise the price. Taking it by force means we have to go to war with the United States of America. Fortunately, we have tricks up on our sleeves should that event happen."

"Please do tell, Your Majesty. Has this been discussed with you by the Joint Chief of Staff?" Sevastian inquired.

"No, this trick is planned by me only but I'm sure the Generals in the military would come up with the same idea as me. The trick is to cripple the Pacific Fleet of the United States. To do so we have to launch a preemptive strike against their main fleet stationed in Pearl Harbor. After that, the United States Pacific Fleet would be forced to retreat all the way back to the west coast. Now to make sure of full dominance over the Pacific Ocean we will have to destroy the Panama Canal, cutting the United States Navy off the Sea effectively."

"That sounds like a good strategy, Your Majesty. I didn't know that you could come up with such a strategic plan," Sevastian said with a slight smile.

"Sevastian? Who do you take me for? Well, I admit, I'm not perfect in every way, I might not be the Emperor everyone wants me to act but it doesn't take a genius to exploit the weakness of an enemy, especially the United States."

Well, Alexander is an American before reincarnating in parallel-world Russia. He too knows the weakness of the United States in the early nineteenth century.

"Speaking of the enemy, how are the investigations going about the stolen military tech?" Alexander changed the topic.

"Well, Your Majesty, the Foreign Intelligence Services are working on it as we speak?"

"They are still working on it?!" Alexander exclaimed, his brows narrowing. "Look, I've been pouring billions upon billions of rubles since the foundation of that intelligence agency and yet the answer I'm going to get is 'they are still working on it?' Not only that, how the hell did they get out of Finland without border control noticing? Am I not paying the Ministry of Internal Affairs enough money to keep our borders safe from people such as this?"

"I understand your frustrations, Your Majesty, but things like this take time to investigate. They assured me that they are doing everything in their power to locate and destroy the stolen tech."

"They should be, otherwise what's the point of their existence?"

After saying that, Alexander inhaled deeply and exhaled, calming him down a bit. After all, he has to focus on the task at hand. "Phew* I lost my composure there for a second. The safety measures in place to protect our military tech are enough, we need to place stricter measures."

"I was informed that you have been working on it, right?"

Alexander simply nodded. The safety measures in place to protect military technology from foreign adversaries were simple. First, the blueprints, schematics, manufacturing process, materials used, et cetera are kept in a secret place. Second, the engineers, scientists, and laborers involved in creating sophisticated technology are required to sign a non-disclosure form to prevent the details from leaking out. To enforce this, should one of them leak the details to the foreign adversary or agents, their families, including the violator would be tried for treason and will be executed. Third, the head of state, along with the Imperial Council, joined hands to pass a law that limited exports of military technology that could be used against Ruthenia. That's the reason why the Ruthenia Empire is only exporting obsolete military aircraft, tanks, spare parts, and engines.

Exportation of high-end military vehicles or aircraft with advanced integrated modules can't be made under the law, be it a close ally of the Ruthenia Empire.

Looking back, none of it was violated, and therefore can be said that the measures in place are effective. This is more like a fault of one person in the military. And there's just a surefire way to prevent that.

​ "How about we conduct a psychological and behavioral test on every serviceman in the military? Like in just ten questionnaires, we will be able to figure out the identity of a person and the danger it poses to us. For example, a military general has a history of being beaten by Ruthenian soldiers in the past. A seed of hatred grew in that general's heart and vowed to exact revenge. So he joined the Ruthenian military and sabotaged it from within. Do you get where I am going with this?" Alexander looked at Sevastian with a knowing expression.

"So it is some sort of a loyalty test?" Sevastian assumed. "It seems very fitting, Your Majesty."

"Yeah, basically like that. If they failed the assessment test then they won't be eligible to join the military. Okay, one last question before we arrive at our destination. Is there a possibility that a Black Hand is behind all of this?"

"Oh, good thing that you raised that up, Your Majesty. I just remembered the Foreign Intelligence Services has gathered enough information about the Black Hand. They'll be briefing you next week. And to answer your question, there is a possibility."

"I have forgotten about them. It's been five years since their last activity. I wonder why that is the case?"

Moments after, the convoy arrived in front of the Mikhailovsky Palace. From his seat, Alexander can see journalists through the windows rushing to get a statement from him.

When Alexander got out from the Beast, he was greeted by hundreds of flashing lights as the reporters took photos of him. Alexander waved his hand and walked on the red carpet.

Microphones and recorders are extended out from the steel barrier, hoping to get a statement from him. The Imperial Guards are doing what they could to keep the Emperor out of their reach.

Before entering the palace, Alexander stopped and took a look around his surroundings. But the Imperial Guards tasked with protecting him called him out.

"Your Majesty, don't stop and continue to walk forward."

"Okay," Alexander complied with the guard's orders as he understood the nature of the dangers he was vulnerable in. If there is a sniper around the area, they will have a clear line of sight.

Fortunately, his vision didn't turn black, indicating that he is still alive and hadn't been sniped.

Seconds later, he entered the palace.

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