Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 605 Annihilation vs Destruction

Chapter 605 Annihilation vs Destruction

[Hmm? I expected more from the Child of Life's wielder, but it appears you can't even properly judge how much you can handle.]

From the words Faldo spoke, Eliza's little plan appeared to have worked. The dragon believed that most of the buffs she was accumulating energy for had failed—exactly what she wanted it to think.

Evan only sighed when he saw this, summoning the Unforged into his hands and then started speaking as he slowly unsheathed the blade.


Mesarthim's prismatic flames engulfed the sword, and Faldo's eyes widened as he instantly sensed the danger in them.

Evan's aura surged out from his body, cratering the ground under his feet as he continued.

"We're not holding anything back on this one. We're up against someone like me when I'm in BoD, try your best to avoid getting hit."

His sword's sheath fell into his inventory as he took a stance with the blade pointed forward.

"All Out, from the very…"

He took a step forward.


By the time the sound of his word reached Faldo's ears, the boy was already beside the dragon with his sword raised high.

"Blessing of Destruction."

[Annihilus Ascendance.]


The building Faldo was on vaporized in an instant. Clouds of smoke billowed outward, trailing behind the shockwaves that rippled outward omnidirectionally.

The S rankers who were coming to the area after assembling themselves were all blown backwards.

When the dust from the explosion finally cleared up, the sight of Evan's sword and Faldo's claws locked in a contest of strength was revealed.

Evan's sword had a reddish-gold aura surrounding it, and Faldo's claws were coated in a whitish-red one.

Both of them had 'Red' in their auras.

The 'Red' of World Laws.

Among the numerous World Laws, there were three that excelled the most when it came to 'destruction'.

PERMANENT destruction.

The kind that ended the opponent's existence completely.

One of them was the Law of 'Destruction' whose essence Evan could channel using his BoD skill.

And the second, was the Law of 'Annihilation' whose essence Faldo could channel using his Annihilus Ascendance and Breath of Annihilation skills.

Evan knew he would not win in a contest of strength with the dragon, so he sought to quickly end it. He sent a surge of magic power up his right arm, engulfing it in Mesarthim's flames as he pulled back and let go of his sword.



He punched back with all his strength, generating enough force and explosive power that Faldo's body was knocked back into the air.

The dragon regained his balance pretty quickly, only to notice that a massive shadow had been cast on his form from above.


He saw a giant ball of crimson gold ice descending from above, threatening to crash down on his head.

'No regard for the other adventurers who'd get caught up in the blast? Guess I can't use the hostage strategy with them then.'

That thought filtered through Faldo's mind as he opened his mouth slightly. A cloud of white flames surrounded his maw and he looked up before firing the flames as a beam of light that blasted the giant ice meteor to bits.

Countless shards of ice and flames rained down from above, forcing the nearby adventurers to scamper away to avoid being hit by anything containing those scary 'red' energies that gave them chills just looking.

Faldo paid them no mind, instead focusing on using his energy to destroy the rose of flames that suddenly bloomed on the side of his face, but he wasn't fast enough.

Evan suddenly appeared beside him with his arm pulled back, and crimson gold lightning crackling around the entire limb.

"Limit Break."

The boy's aura suddenly tripled in intensity and power, enough that Faldo instinctively tried to back away, but the real attack came before he could.



Evan's fist connected with the dragon's head, resulting in another explosive spectacle that turned the earth under them to dust.

Faldo's body was launched into the air from the force generated when the energy flashed back, and while airborne, twelve humanoid constructs of energy appeared around him and fired arrows at random parts of his body.


His eyes shot open when the arrows touched him, instantly flipping around while releasing a wave of white flames that turned the archers to ashes as he landed on the ground.

'My strength is fading? This effect…the demon of greed.'

The dragon quickly located the demon and was about to charge in, but he suddenly sensed a presence materialized above his head, a fraction of a second before a drop kick smacked it down into the ground.

"Flower Cannon."

A beam of concentrated magic power pierced through the air, beelining straight for his back, but before it hit its mark, Faldo's scales glowed lightly and an illusory set of scales manifested above his normal ones.

The Flower cannon hit its mark, but when the dust cleared up, the dragon's unscathed form was shown for all to see.

His open jaws coated in his whitish-red aura threatened to snap shut on the demon who had drop-kicked him earlier, but she quickly jumped away and avoided getting hit.

Faldo then flapped his wings and took to the skies, avoiding Evan's blade cannons that crashed down there a moment later.

[This is greater than what they told me I was to handle.

The Essence of the law of Destruction, Life, Lightning…]

Narrowing his eyes at Kayla, the dragon continued with a questioning voice.

[…and a hint of space?]

Kayla barely held in her urge to curse out at him, quickly glancing at Evan and noticing the boy's attention was fully on the dragon.

"You talk too much."

[I know. Blazing Hailstorm.]

The sky above the dragon was charged with his powerful magic, unleashing a multitude of hailstones engulfed in white flames.

The lethal combination of freezing and burning projectiles laid waste to everything within a 500-metre radius, even felling some unlucky adventurers who were hit in the head by the baseball-sized hailstones.


Faldo was about to follow up with another skill, but Greed's partial Incarnation avatar manifested behind him and seized his tail, pulling him out of the sky and flinging his body down, right into the middle of the buffer zone.

The impact was so intense that the dragon's body rebounded into the air, squashing dozens of Lizardmen and other monsters, along with a few unlucky adventurers to bits.

A wave of darkness surged up around him and washed over his body, followed by shadowy tendrils that wrapped around every single limb and appendage of his and pinned them to the ground.

"Domain of Life! Life Energy Draining prison."

Eliza pulled out all the stops, creating the do-decagonal prison of green light that started raining away the dragon's freakish vitality.

In that same instant, Evan blinked right in front of Faldo, a pillar of prismatic flames surging up from his sword which he held overhead.

Pride blitzed in from the right, her weapon coated in her signature black demonic energy flames, while Greed turned his idiosyncrasy up to the max as he swung down his giant great sword coated in earth-attributed demonic energy.

In a synchronized assault with the trio, Kayla activated her pseudo-authority and called down a beam of pure lightning energy that crashed right onto the dragon.

[Imperial Scales! Inferno Aura!]


The combined force of these attacks colliding with Faldo's desperate defensive attempt culminated in a thunderous explosion that shook the battlefield.

A blinding light enveloped the area, casting shadows aside; shockwaves rippled through the air, leaving a resonating pulse in their wake.

Even those who were outside the barrier watching all of this felt the shaking from the explosion, a result of the full-powered attacks of four nonstandard existences.

Not a single living thing that was in the area around them survived, having been instantly turned to ashes by the flames.

"Tsk! Back away!"

Evan's voice rang out and the demon siblings didn't hesitate to comply with his words, quickly jumping back out just in time to avoid the beam of white light that pierced out from the smoke.


The concentrated beam of white-red energy tore through the earth, sliced fleeing wyverns into two as it went on to pierce the clouds.


Faldo's enraged roar rang out as a wave of white flames spread out from where the dragon was, preceding the activation of two of his skills.

'Annihilus Aegis!'

The first stage of his Annihilus Ascendance was activated; encasing his scales in a thin glow that granted him enhanced physical attributes, resistance and a minor boost to his breath attacks.

And just as Evan could coat his body with Destruction essence in his '1st Activation', Faldo could also do the same.

[Wyverns! The lightning and fire spirits, keep them occupied!]

Faldo gave out a command that all the wyverns on the battlefield obeyed without question. They let out roars as they ignored their previous opponents and beelined straight towards Kayla and Amy while charging breaths of fire, ice and poison.

'Molten Frostbite!'

The elements of fire and ice were combined together in the dragon's maw, before being unleashed as a breath of paradoxical flames that seared through the air, leaving behind a trail of scorched earth as they beelined straight for Evan.

It took even just one second to consider his position and how many hundreds of adventurers would be instantly turned to frozen ashes if he evaded with blink.

'Vindiction's Strike!'

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