Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 618 The Evolutionary Process

Chapter 618 The Evolutionary Process

|Adaptive Evolution is Online. |

|Unveiling True Nature: Activating Pseudo-Authority of Evolution|

|Detected Reactive Evolutionary Catalyst.

Class Category: 2.

Catalyst Type: Energy Core.

Catalyst Potential: Possibility of achieving Nuclear Reactor Levels of Energy, Generation, Storage, Quality, Manipulation, and Control.

Catalyst Classification: White High Dragon's Heart. |

|Host's Current Existence Level is unable to withstand the Evolutionary Catalyst's Power.

Consuming Accumulated Experience to Increase Host's Level. |





BoD was a double-edged sword.

Evan had gone over the limit of BoD during his fight with Faldo, and this was the end result; his soul's 'health values' had been reduced by 21% as the Skill's destruction energy rebounded at him.

Luckily, it wasn't permanent Soul Damage, so at the cost of a few potential levels, his soul would be returned to top shape.

|Restoration Complete|

|Increasing Host's Existence Level|


|All Physical abilities have significantly improved. |

|Experience points required to further advance Existence Level to the next Stage…|


|Increase to Host's Main Three Existential Aspects has depleted stored energy reserves.?|

|Current Existence Level is enough to withstand Evolutionary Catalyst. |

|Attempting to Super Evolve Host via Evolutionary Path 1 using the Ingested Catalyst…|


Grade 8 Drawbacks Detected. |

|Re-Attempting via Evolutionary Path 2|


Grade 9 Drawbacks Detected. |

|Re-Attempting via Evolutionary Path 3|


Grade 8 Drawbacks Detected. |



Grade 10 Drawbacks Detected. |

It was unknown how many hours or days had passed, but Adaptive Evolution kept trying all the possible Evolutionary Paths.

It had detected an Optimal One before, but that one only applied if Evan had used a Class 3 Catalyst. However, Faldo's Heart was Class 2, so Adaptive Evolution had to scan through all possibilities once more.

|Re-Attempting via Evolutionary Path 76|


Grade 4 Drawbacks Detected: Within Acceptable Limits|

With that message, Evan's clothes which he was wearing were dissolved by the liquids in the cocoon, with the destruction energy reducing them to nothing.

Thanks to Artemisia, his artifacts were not destroyed.

|Initiating Evolution. |

Thus, the transformation of Evan's physical body began.

|Existential Aspect Mutations|

|Physical Body: Acquiring Dragon Factors. |

|Dragon Factors Acquired|

|Acquiring Draconic Eyes to see the 'True' Nature of the World…|


|Authority of Universal Law of Mimicry within Unique Skill: Mystic Eyes of Mimicry Detected and Activated.

Mimicking and Consuming portions of Draconic Eye traits to Upgrade Unique Skill. |

|Successful. |

|Mystic Eyes of Mimicry (3) Acquired. |

|Physical Body Strengthening: Acquiring Draconic Scales…REJECTED|

|Detected Disturbances in Host's Mental state.

Conclusion: Acquiring Physical Draconic Traits; Scales, Tail, and Horns have been subconsciously rejected by Host. |

| Pseudo-Authority of Evolution Activated.

Inducing 'Optional' Attribute of Draconic Scales.

Grade 6 Drawback & Grade 9 Benefit Detected|

|Accepted by Host's Subconscious. |

|Moving on to Draconic Traits: Wings|

|Host's Subconscious Acceptance at 100%

Modifying Traits to be suitable for Host's Body. |

|Strengthening Physical Body, Bones, Cells and Organs. |


Thanks to the cocoon, Eliza and Pride who were nearby were spared the sight of Evan's body morphing and reforging itself for over 2 days straight.

|Existential Aspect 1: Physical Body Evolution Completed. |

|Existential Aspect 2: Energy Core|

|Evolutionary Catalyst: Class 2 High Dragon's Heart Possesses High Energy Concentration|

|Evolving Energy Core to Accept Excess Energy|


Host's Energy Core is at Limit.

Discard Remaining Energy? |

| Negative!

Adaptive Evolution Rejects Request on Host's Behalf.

Drawing Power from Dragon Factors…

Inducing Draconic Trait…|


|Host has now acquired Second Energy Core

Host has Acquired 'Dragon Heart'. |

Our resident Hero now has a Friggin Potential Nuclear Reactor in his Chest. It should also be stated that his normal human body heart was still intact, meaning he now had 2 hearts.

Guess a stab to the heart wouldn't be enough to take him out anymore.

|Dragon Factors Increased. |

|Drawback Grade Raised from 4 to 5. |

|Existential Aspect 2: Energy Evolution Completed. |

|Existential Aspect 3: Soul. |

|Pseudo-Authority of Evolution Attempting to Interfere with Soul…|

|?FAILED!!! ?|


|?FAILED!!! ?|

| Pseudo-Authority of Evolution has detected Interfering with Host's Soul is Nigh-Impossible, and would use up all remaining Stored Energy and Experience. |

Adaptive Evolution had been siphoning all the experience points that Evan had been gaining ever since he hit level 299 and storing it for this day, to power his evolution and Existence Level Advancement.

If Evan had reached the Grandmaster Level before eating Faldo's Heart, then he would not have gained this many Draconic Traits as Adaptive Evolution would not have the energy to do all it had been doing for the past week.

Because it had been accumulating that energy, it was now able to use more power of the Pseudo-Authority of Evolution—a fragment of the thing Artemisia disguised as 'Adaptive Evolution' and upgrade his physical body.

As for his soul? The skill didn't dare touch that.

|All Attempts to interfere with Host's Soul Ceased. |

|Redirecting energy to evolving Host's Resistances. |

|Acquiring Extra Resistances.

Spiritual Attack.

Memory Alteration.

Destructive Energy.

Law Energy.




Radiation. |

|Attempting to Evolve Skills|

|Skills with Elemental Type Fire: Receiving Augmentation due to Draconic Trait: Dragon Flames…

Acquiring Dragon Flame Skill. |

|Unique Skills |

|Adaptive Evolution Cannot interfere with Authority Contained in 'Mystic Eyes of Mimicry'|

Adaptive Evolution skipped Evan's mystic eyes and went to the next Skill on the list. The instant that the energy of evolution came in contact with it, crimson red tendrils of energy began snaking over the cocoon, sparking uncontrollably and causing quite a stir.

|Volatile Pseudo Authority: Adaptive Evolution Refuses to interfere with Blessing of Destruction. |

|Unique Skills: 'Vortex', Harbinger of Ice, 'Mesarthim: Prismatic Inferno' do not require any modifications. |

|Evolving Host's Elemental Affinities.

Acquiring all Elemental Affinities of Class 2 Evolutionary Catalyst…|

|Successful. |

|Adaptive Evolution Requests an Upgrade|

|Request Accepted|



|More Pseudo-Authority of Evolution Can be utilised. |

|Increased Evolution Energy Storage Capacity. |

|More Benefits can now be acquired upon Evolution. |

|Upgrading 'Reincarnated Hero System'|

|Consuming all remaining Stored Energy|


|Introducing Karmic Alignments.

Based on Soul Data, Host is categorised as 'Chaotic Good'. |

|Increasing Stat Boost & Life Force Boost. Stat & Skill Effectiveness. |

|Upgrading Host's Class and Class Bonuses|


|This Completes the ??????????????v?????????????????????????o?????????????????????????????????l??????????????????????????????????????????????????? —!|

Of course, if something strange didn't happen, then this Evolution wouldn't be Evan's now, would it?


|Information Detected from Shards of Authority spilled from Host's Soul. |

|Detected Existences of Race Category: Slayer|

|Analysing Information. |

|Insufficient Pseudo-Authority of Evolution. |

|Adaptive Evolution Classifies this Analysis as Grade 10 Priority: Requests for more Authority|

The moment that the skill made that request, a tall black-haired woman appeared in the room where Evan's cocoon was kept.

Her appearance made all the security and magic formations placed there seem like a joke, as she held out her palm towards the cocoon and spoke one word.


|Connecting to Pseudo- á????????????????t???????????????????o???????r???i??????????????y?????????????


Connecting to High-Rank Authority of the Universal Law of Evolution.

Accessing Evolutionary Archive.

Disseminating Information. |

|Grade 5 Evolutionary Drawback Revealed;

Due to Acquiring Draconic Factors, Host is now susceptible to the racial powers and abilities of both 'Humanslayer' and 'Dragonslayer' Race Members.

More than 100 existences carrying slayer racial factors have been detected in Host's Star System; Host is advised to be careful. |

[Imprint the warning in his subconscious]

|Successful. |

|All Systems Green.

Finalising Changes…

Evolution Completed.

Host has now become a 'Draconic Human'

Congratulations. |

|Returning Consciousness to Host. |


Foreign Authority Interference.

Discerning Type…|

After a few minutes, Adaptive Evolution finally discovered the reason why Evan's consciousness refused to return yet.

|Interfering Authority Type: Prime World Authority. |

|Authority Wielder: "Aidos." |

◇ ◇ ◇

It was White.

White as far as the eye could see.

This scene reminded me of when I first met Artemisia.

'If that was really my 'first' meeting with her, that is…'

Just as I thought that, I heard a euphonic voice ring out from behind me; though it strangely felt like I was hearing it in my head at the same time.

[I'd rather not be compared with someone else, so why don't I change things up a bit?]

By the time I could make a full 180-degree turn, the scenery around me had transformed completely.

I now found myself standing in the middle of a verdant green field.

Perfectly trimmed grasses, fluffy white clouds floating across the clear blue sky, and a giant 'Sun' that appeared to be a lot closer than I remembered.

[That's not exactly a 'Sun' though…]

The voice once again rang out from 'behind' me, and I turned around to see that there was now a set of chairs and a table set up on a small elevated hill.

There was 'someone' already seated on one of the chairs, and that 'someone' pointed at the other seat and spoke with the same voice I had been hearing.

[You're finally here, Mr Bourne. Have a seat, this is going to be a long talk.]

It was a 'woman', with long black hair that cascaded down 'her' shoulders and to the ground, and a pair of multicoloured iridescent eyes that drew my attention more so than 'her' goddess-like beauty.

Seeing that 'she' didn't seem hostile in any way, I decided to oblige 'her'. Besides, I was curious about the way 'she' referred to me.

Not as 'Evan', but as 'Mr Bourne'.

After taking a seat, I voiced out my first question before 'she' could say anything else.

"If I may ask, you are...?"

In response, the 'woman' blinked lightly before gesturing to 'herself' and replying.

[Me? I'm the Planet you've been living on these past 3 years.]

'She' got up from 'her' seat and gave a small curtsy, 'her' voice continuing to ring out.

[Consciousness of the 'Prime World' "Aidos", at your service.]

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