Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 620 Aidos II

Chapter 620 Aidos II

A 'wrench' in 'her' plans to ensure 'her' own survival.

That was what Aidos said I was.

And from the manner in which 'she' spoke about me, it was fairly obvious that 'she' was none too pleased about my presence.

'Her' dainty finger poked the centre of my chest as 'she' declared that, and for the next ten seconds, silence pervaded the area between the two of us.

Our gazes remained locked without a single word or movement coming from either side, the only sounds being that of the 'breeze?' blowing through the verdant fields we were on.

Eventually, Aidos sat back down and refilled both our teacups before continuing 'her' words with a smile, as if 'she' wasn't just speaking about leaving billions for dead less than a minute ago.

[I, personally did not like your presence, Mr Bourne.

And if it wasn't for the fact that the 'Eternal of Time and Destruction' had his eyes on you, then I was actually considering removing you from the equation before you could bloom into an 'Irregular'.]

'She' pressed 'her' head to 'her' temple as 'she' muttered some names under 'her' breath.

[There're the Silverwings, Abigail, Rosaline, the dragon Dominik Velak captured, that misguided idiot Faldo, Rathal, and now you. That's one too many Singularities, even for a Prime World.

This isn't even taking into account the Demon of Pride who you're contracted to. Between her and Alvey, I don't know who's a bigger bug in the Universe.]

One of the names that 'she' called made goosebumps pop up on my arms, but I took a deep breath to calm myself before speaking as calmly as I could.

"When was it that you changed your mind about removing me from…yourself??"

Aidos chuckled lightly with a hand covering 'her' mouth, before giving me an answer.

[When you contracted with dear little Kayla.]

"I see. Guess I owe Kayla one."

The 'woman; shrugged 'her' shoulders and leaned back on 'her' seat as 'she' spoke.

[Like I said, you had the ETOD watching you from day one.

Even if I decided to go through with ejecting your soul, he would have just rewound time and undone it.

Besides, I lost the soul of Mr Eris…a pity; considering how much potential the boy had.

If your soul really originated from me, then I would not have had any issues with you, but you're from Earth-V.

It's like Artemisia took someone else's problem and dumped it on me.

You Irregulars, Singularities—whatever you wanna call yourselves; it doesn't change the fact that y'all are bugs—are points of uncontrollable growth. Each one of your existences is so saturated with bugs that the laws of the universe responsible for balancing things out and preventing bullshit from happening completely and catastrophically break down around you guys.

Your ridiculously high growth potentials are directly proportional to your potential to bring unforeseeable consequences to the universe.]

The way 'she' spoke, it seemed that 'Irregulars' weren't existences that planets were fond of having despite how much potential they had.

And it also seemed that regardless of which world I was in, I was still going to be an Irregular all the same.

[You Irregulars always mess with Causality without regard for the consequences your actions bring upon your surroundings and because you're Irregulars, the damned law wouldn't do a thing to you!]

And now, I was pretty sure that Aidos was just grumbling.

With the clap of 'her' hands, the tea set turned into a 'beer set', and the planet's consciousness filled 'her' glass with the contents of the bottle before taking a swig and downing the entire thing.

[If only I could truly get drunk…]

'Her' appearance was quite amusing, but I did not forget the words 'she' had spoken not too long ago, about the true nature of Celestial Body Consciousnesses like her.

'100% Logical Existences.'

[Okay, enough playing around for now.]

'She' sat back up and once again, I was now faced with a tea set. This time, however, there was the addition of something I could only call a 'large video strip' surrounding us.

On this video strip, I could see scenes I recognized—from the war waged between Aidos and Gozon a thousand years ago.

[You know, despite how much I detested your presence initially, I have actually come to appreciate your actions in trying to prevent the Demonic Hand from succeeding and using the 'World Formation' to absorb the blood of the existences killed 'because' of the disasters to widen the Dimensional Rift on Delta.

I would have closed that thing myself, but unfortunately, the goddess on Gozon's side of things is quite adept with spatiotemporal manipulation.]

Aidos got up from 'her' seat once more and looking at me straight in the eye, 'she' spoke.

[For your actions in these past three years. Stopping the 'Deadly Sins Massacre', ending the 'Dullahan Attack' and the 'Lizard Lord's Outbreak'.

I formally offer my gratitude to you, Mr Bourne.]

The 'woman; bowed deeply, 'her' forehead almost touching the table and I had to say; receiving the gratitude of the planet itself was a feeling I couldn't really describe in words.

It was 'Overwhelming' to say the least.

"You're welcome, Aidos.

I am simply fulfilling my part of the deal I made with Artemisia. Still haven't thought about what I'd request from her, though?"

I placed a hand on my chin and I'm sure I had a pensive look on my face when I spoke. It had crossed my mind many times but I didn't pay too much attention to it as I had many more years to think about what I wanted.

Aidos rose 'her' head and sat back down, before placing 'her' hands on the table and conjuring up a hologram in between us.

Looking at the structure of the globe and the positioning of the landmasses on it, I could quickly identify that as the planet itself.

[Mr Bourne, I called you here today, not only to thank you, but to also warn you.]

The moment 'she' spoke, I cast all other thoughts to the back of my mind and focused on 'her' next words.

[You stopped the 'Deadly Sins Massacre' from ever happening in the first place. It may have seemed like a good plan, but it wasn't something that the Laws of Fate, Time, and Destiny were fine with.]

The scenes on the video strip around us changed to ones I did not recognize, but it was about people I recognized.

I saw Rathal's confrontation with the Tenth Finger of the Demonic Hand, her eventual death at his hands and what transpired when Artemisia appeared after.

[If Artemisia did not act, then Rathal would not have gained the Law Crystal for the Law of Swords like he was supposed to, and that would have caused a huge power drop for one of the most powerful existences I have as a means of defence right now.

This happened, because you killed Xakon; a demon who wasn't supposed to die, and attracted Rathal to the GWE.]

The Scene paused and I turned my eyes back to Aidos who continued speaking.

[Twice, you interfered with the Flow of major events due to your knowledge of the future.

Because of you stopping the 'Deadly Sins Massacre', the Tenth Finger was in the GWE, and because of you, Rathal also came to the GWE and encountered the Tenth Finger, killing her afterwards.

A 'Node' of the Demonic Hand's World Formation died earlier than she was meant to, the millions the Deadly Sins would have killed all survived, and Rathal was in the wrong place at the right time.

Time, Fate, and Destiny didn't like that.

And the end result is something you already know.]

When 'she' put it that way, I didn't need to be the smartest guy around to figure out what 'she' meant.

"The 'Dullahan Attack'. The reason why it happened a few months before ahead was because of all of this."

[Glad you're quick on the uptake.]

I knew that changing the flow of time would definitely not be easy, and there were definitely going to be repercussions.

However, I'm guessing that my 'Irregular' status was preventing me from suffering any of the burdens that came with changing the Fates of tens of millions of people.

And Aidos affirmed my thoughts in 'her' next statement.

[Because of your irregular title, you are not affected by the Fate and Karmic forces your actions had tampered with.]

The scenes around us then changed to the ones of the most recent Disaster, the 'Lizard Lord's Outbreak', that had just been resolved.

[Your next course of action was to prevent the 'Lizard Lord's Outbreak' from happening in the first place, wasn't it?]

Indeed, the original plan I had was to prevent the Lizard Lord's Outbreak from happening; but that plan was reworked later on.

[If you were to have succeeded in doing that, then Time and Causality would have combined to force a future Disaster to happen.

That Future Disaster would have become a 'Nexus Event'; meaning no matter what you did, even if you ripped out your heart and offered it to the King of Devils…nothing would stop the HUNDREDS of millions meant to die, from dying.

Every single person meant to die would die, and the country you are trying to save, would FALL.]

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