Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 630 Making Moves

Chapter 630 Making Moves

?Eris Main Residence



May 19th

Year 1053

Arnold Del Eris yawned lightly as he cleaned up the last bit of paperwork that he had on his desk and leaned back on his chair.

The sixteen-year-old had been quite stressed due to the work that came together with the title of Duchy's heir.

Duke Roger had personally stated that he intended to reinstate Arnold as heir, but he hadn't yet officially declared it due to certain vassals of the Eris Dukedom.

But this did not stop the Duke from having Arnold restart his training. The Nepte Province was basically his training ground, and right now, he was learning how to manage the territory efficiently even if he wasn't physically there.

Something Duke Roger did three-fourths of the time as he was either in the capital, going on international official trips or doing other things related to his Prime Minister job.

"Well, somebody's looking tired."

Hearing that familiar voice, the boy raised his gaze and locked it on the golden blonde-haired woman in front of him, before shaking his head as he spoke.

"Well, somebody doesn't wanna look their age."

He could see the woman's brow twitching repeatedly as she struggled to contain her annoyance, nodding in satisfaction as he sat back up and picked up the daily newspaper.

However, the satisfied look on his face disappeared when he noticed the image printed on the cover.

It was one of both Evan and David fist bumping with the corpse of a white dragon behind them.


"This is the tamest title I've seen in the past few weeks."

He muttered to himself as he flipped the pages to find the newspaper's crossword puzzle, allowing the other person in the room to see the title.

"To think that Kolvar's son was also a Hero, this is quite surprising."

The woman, one people recognized as a 'maid' of Arnold's, Brenda, spoke as she walked up to his table while looking at the newspaper.

Arnold glanced up at her and was about to speak, but his eyes suddenly widened in shock as he dropped the newspaper and got up to his feet, before bowing deeply.

"Arnold Eris greets the World's Incarnation."

The moment she heard the words he spoke, Brenda turned around and was met with the scene of a black-haired 'woman' who was taking a bite out of the snacks she had brought in for Arnold.

[Don't mind me, I'm just having a bite since they looked so appetizing.]

'Her' iridescent eyes sparkled with light as 'she' munched on the snack, before washing it down with a glass of juice.

[Can I borrow your chefs for a bit, Mr Eris?]

Aidos posed that question to Arnold who was at a bit of a loss on how to answer, but Brenda cut in and saved him the trouble.

"What did you come for?"

Brenda's tone couldn't hide the woman's displeasure, even so Aidos still maintained a smile as 'she' asked back.

[You don't look so happy to see me, Ms Nixon?]

"Why in Orithya should I be? Whenever you appear, you always come with trouble."

[A pity. Even if you aren't happy to see me, I'm happy to see you. Enough for both of us.]


Brenda silently crossed her arms while giving Aidos a pointed stare, waiting for 'her' to speak of the reason why 'she' was there.

[You're no fun.]

Aidos spoke with a light pout, before turning to Arnold and speaking.

[Your brother has woken up, and just like you predicted, he's the strongest grandmaster right now.]

The elder Eris sibling only had a wry smile when he heard this, not surprised in the least. He looked back at the picture on the newspaper front page, and the sub-headline that spoke of Evan devouring Faldo's heart and sighed.

[With the way things are now, even if you were to use your 'Anti-Mimicry' on him, you'd still die if you were to confront him.

Luckily, he doesn't seem to have any thoughts like that nincompoop Arlan, so you can rest assured.]

In all Arnold's encounters with Aidos's incarnation, he had never heard the 'woman' refer to someone with so much disgust in 'her' voice than whenever 'she' spoke of the Previous Second; Arlan Maddox.

The planet couldn't be blamed, however, when the events of 1000 years ago were considered.

[Now then, Brenda…]

Aidos trailed off with 'her' words and looked towards the east, narrowing 'her' eyes lightly as 'she' listened in on the details of a conversation between a certain Lion Beastman and his Superior.

[Hmm…certain things have happened and I'd have to change my plans.]

'She' turned her focus back to Arnold and scanned the boy's body, nodding in satisfaction as 'she' spoke.

[Superior Master…good, you have not been slacking off.

It's negligible now, but by the time that 'Disaster' begins, you should have achieved Grandmaster.

Don't let me down.]

Holding up 'her' hand, 'she' generated a projection of a map of the Alpha continent, highlighting a massive nation in the centre and continued.

[I have an assignment for you, and to accomplish it, you would have to head to Tarse. Both of you.]

'She' sent a glance to Brenda and the woman narrowed her eyes in response, nevertheless, she remained silent until Aidos was done.

[You are to serve as backup for Mr Bourne and Miss Hayes who would be the two main elements required to mess up the Demonic Hand's plan for the country.]

In relation to him, the only 'Miss Hayes' Aidos could be talking about was Laurene, so 'her' words served to pull Arnold's interest greatly.

He also quickly figured that the reason she'd even be going to Tarse was because of Evan. Before he could even ask exactly what they were to do there, Brenda spoke up with a frown.

"You can't just come in here and tell me to go to Tarse and help one of your Heroes just like that."

[Didn't you go to Tarse recently? There's not much difference here.]

"There is a big difference. Qutia died so my presence in Tarse was completely necessary."

Brenda shot back at Aidos, but the planet's incarnation was unperturbed by her refusal.

[I recall being the one who gave a certain group of 'Fallen Celestial Deities' refuge when the Ancient Devil Kings were hunting them down.]

When 'she' spoke of this, Brenda's face turned dark and her eyes lit up with a golden glow. The surrounding space trembled as her celestial energy bubbled up within her, threatening to spill out.

"Aidos…this was not our deal. We Celestial Deities aren't your servants."

[Yes, that was not the deal I had with you FALLEN Celestial Deities.]

Aidos calmly admitted the truth, making sure to place as much emphasis on the 'Fallen' part as possible. 'Her' actions infuriated Brenda, but not as much as what 'she said next.

[But you see, I'm the one with the Upper hand here, and I'm telling you to go to Tarse.

You either obediently go, or find another world to hide on…if you can.]

|Are you threatening me?!|

Brenda's voice changed completely as she roared in anger. Each word released a concentrated amount of law power, along with shockwaves that pushed Arnold's back against the wall.

He heard her voice ringing out both with his ears and directly in his head as if she was speaking directly to his soul.

When he glanced upwards, he saw that Brenda's 'teenage form' had been discarded and she had returned to her actual, older appearance.

Tendrils of celestial energy snaked across her arms as a terrifying pressure descended upon the entire room.

Thankfully, Brenda hadn't lost herself in rage and still controlled her aura not to leak out, but if a random servant were to enter this room now, their souls might be crushed under the weight of the power she exuded.

In the face of this, Aidos remained calm as 'she' replied.

[Yes, Brenda.]

The planet's incarnation dropped 'her' polite speech and addressed Brenda by her first name.

[I am threatening you, Brenda.]


Silence pervaded the area after 'she' answered, and as the third party here, Arnold could tell that Brenda was just a few inches away from pouncing on Aidos and attacking 'her'.

|What about him?

What about the 'Ancient Demon King'?

What. About. Jabberwocky? |

Her question made Aidos' expression turn pensive, with the 'woman' pressing a finger to 'her' temple as 'she' thought about what 'she' had requested in return for providing refuge to the Fallen Celestial Deities.

[Don't worry about him.

You've kept up your end of the deal and the seal on him has remained strong for the past thousand years.

Unless the lot of you were suddenly wiped out, then Jabberwocky wouldn't be able to break free.]

The people who were present at Lacertilia two weeks ago were scared of the possibility of there being more Peak Ranked Demons like Vaeri on Aidos.

If they heard this conversation, it wasn't hard to predict how quickly they'd faint from the shock.

[Anyway, focus on increasing your strength Arnold. When it's time, I'd inform you and you'd go together with Miss Hayes.

Ms Nixon here will follow you. That's all.]

After saying 'her' piece, Arnold disappeared from the room, leaving behind an aggrieved 'Fallen Celestial Deity' and a very confused 'Hero Killer'.

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