Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 639 Abrupt Traveling Plans

Chapter 639 Abrupt Traveling Plans

?While Kayla was recounting the past week's experiences to Evan, Pride recovered from her shock, the look in her eyes being replaced by one of 'realisation' when she looked at Kayla.

'So that's what you are…'Star of Lightning'…'

Right after she thought that, she noticed her energy reserves falling below her self-imposed limit and sighed with light exasperation.

'My Bounded Field is too complex, and energy consuming, while my current energy efficiency is not up to par. Currently, I can only sustain it for a few minutes…'

With the Dozens of Armoured Knights wielding weapons, the spatial expansion, and also taking into account her manipulation of space and gravity within it; it was only natural that the 'Throne of Omnipotence' guzzled down Pride's energy reserves.

She hit her hand on the throne's armrest and disabled the Bounded Field. This caused the chair she was on to disappear as well, but Pride landed softly onto the ground like a feather, while watching the rest of the Bounded Field disappear into shards of black light.

"Where's Kuro?"

[She's with Eliza.]

"I see.

Everyone's here now so I guess we can move."

Kayla tilted her head in confusion when she heard Evan's words, but the boy continued speaking without offering an explanation.

"Kuro, bring Liz and Greed over."

It didn't take more than five seconds after he spoke, for his shadow to expand and send out the figures of Eliza and Greed.

"Dude, what the fuck?"

Greed was very obviously displeased by the sudden teleportation, and when Evan saw him holding up a bag of coins, he was tempted to question what the man was doing before Kuro dragged him over.

But after giving it a moment's thought, he decided not to ask; certainly not wanting to know about a group of soldiers Greed had just swindled.

"So, what is it?"

Greed's questioning voice still had hints of displeasure in it as he put the bag of coins away, but Evan ignored it as he appraised both him and Pride.

|Name- Greed

Race- High Demon

Gender - Male

Age - 1352

Level- 490 (777)

Existence Level - Grandmaster [Superior] (Sovereign)

Titles- Deadly Sin of Greed, Peak Rank Demon, Ascendant, The One Who Wants All There Is, S-Rank Adventurer, Anomaly, Honorary Baron of the Great Western Empire, Geo Blade, Earthen Wrath Successor, Stone Cleaver, Honorary Noble of the Beast Kingdom.

Class- Terrakinetic Great Swordsman

Health – S+ (X2-)

Energy - S+ (X1+)

Strength – SS- (X2+)

Agility – S+ (X2-)

Durability – S+ (X2)

Intelligence - S (X1+)

Condition- Lightly Annoyed.

Magic Tiers- Earth Tier 6, Fire Tier 4, Wind Tier 5, Lightning Tier 3, Space Tier 1.

Skills- Greed Manipulation, Emperor of Greed, Power of Wealth, It's Mine, Burning Barrage, Tar Bomb, Evocation: Covetous Archers, Earth Manipulation, Geo Blade, Crystal Manipulation, Geokinetic Regeneration.

Unique Skills- Incarnation of Greed, Geomantic Wrath. |

He also checked the man's Karmic Alignment and saw that he was categorised as 'Chaotic Evil'.

'Honestly, there's not much of a surprise there.'

Evan quickly went through the system and confirmed the Karmic Alignments were still the same as in the game.

Good, Neutral, Evil.

Each Alignment had subsets of 'Ordered' and 'Chaotic'.

"Well, someone's gonna have a hard time in the Cavern of Trials…"

The boy muttered with a low voice as he turned his gaze towards Pride and appraised her as well.

|Name- Pride

Race- High Demon

Gender - Female

Age - 1352

Level- 478 (777)

Existence Level - Grandmaster [Superior] (Sovereign)

Titles- Leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, Deadly Sin of Pride, Peak Rank Demon, Ascendant, H#£&Ger of Pride, A-Rank Adventurer, Anomaly, Honorary Baroness of the Great Western Empire, Ember Sword, Abyss Heart, Honorary Noble of the Beast Kingdom.

Class- Demonic Battlemage

Health – S+ (X1+)

Energy - S+ (X2+)

Strength – S+ (X2-)

Agility – S+ (X2)

Durability – S+ (X1+)

Intelligence - S+ (X2-)

Condition- Normal.

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 6, Wind Tier 6, Darkness Tier 4, Lightning Tier 4, Earth Tier 3, Space Tier 2.

Skills- Pride Manipulation, Pride Embodiment, Aura of Pride, Contempt of the Many, Origin Sword, Chaos Bolt, y???????t???????i????????l?????a????????????e?????????R????????? Slash, Rocket Flare, White Flame Manipulation, Eternal Ember.

Unique Skills- Incarnation of Pride. (HIDDEN) |

Pride's status wasn't much different from his expectations, with all-round S+ stats. He didn't have much information about her Class, and how it differed from normal 'Battlemages', but going by the modifier in front of it, it clearly had bonuses to her Demonic energy manipulation.

As for Karmic Alignments, he didn't bother checking that and just assumed she'd be the same with Greed, considering they were both 'Deadly Sins'.

"So there's somewhere I wanted us to go so we can get something done today, since tomorrow, we'd be leaving for the GEE."

Hearing his words, Eliza walked up to him and grabbed the sides of his face, her fingers hovering over his ears as she asked.

"Do tell me why you would inform us of this plan to travel to another country on the day before we are supposed to make this trip?"

"Because it wasn't planned.

Originally, I wanted us to go next week, but after looking at the morning paper today and seeing the headlines talk about the increasing tensions between Wolfen and the GEE, I realised we have to get there fast."

Before Eliza could even ask for further clarification, a third voice rang out, with a question being posed to Evan.

"Do you plan to interfere in their conflict?"

Evan turned his gaze to the side and was met with the figures of Kolvar, David and Malaya, grabbing Eliza's hands and removing them from his face as he replied.


"Why, though?

Tensions have been high since 1048 and from the looks of things, they might actually break out into war soon.

You're a GWE Noble, interfering could spark international outrage towards the GWE. It'd look like you guys are bullying Wolfen."

David was the one who asked the second question which he topped up with a little analysis, and Evan nodded in affirmation to his words.

"I know that.

I'm not interfering in my capacity as the Count Bourne, but as the Adventurer/Hero people call 'Irregular Evan'.

So even if Wolfen and its allies want to try anything, it wouldn't work.

And besides, we both know that the 'International Outrage' would only be the yapping of a few small countries. Not many would jump on a bandwagon that's guaranteed to put them on the bad side of not just one but two of the Alpha Continent's Major World Powers."

After the Beast Kingdom; Tarse, Kasteblum, GEE and the GWE were undisputedly the next strongest countries on the continent, even more so than countries like the Holy Kingdom and the Utraria Republic.

So, there were very few countries that would want to be seen in a bad light by any of these four Behemoths.

The country that had an incident with the train sabotage in December last year; Scieque, nearly crumbled under the pressure from Tarse.

"Wolfen's relationships with some countries are also quite strained due to the current situation, much less when things evolve into full-blown war."

David couldn't help but agree with part of Evan's statements, as he had also been studying the conflict and had noticed this as well.

But despite agreeing, he still wasn't enlightened on why Evan wanted to interfere, and when he asked this, Evan sighed with light exasperation.

"To be honest, I don't want to.

I mean, with the impending threat of the Demons, Aidos is going to need every able-bodied man it can get. A war would reduce the number of available combatants.

Unfortunately, it is unavoidable as Wolfen's leaders aren't budging with their decisions."

Evan pulled out three papers from his inventory and passed them to David who looked their contents over.

Each one was an official request to Wolfen to be granted access to one of the 'Restricted Areas' on the outskirts of the country's capital, Agla.

However, each one was stamped with a big fat 'REJECTED', along with the official seal of Wolfen's Presidency.

"I sent those requests with your father's help, and despite knowing this, they still rejected them.

These rejections would be my 'justification' for interference.

I have something I need to get from Wolfen, but they did not accept my request for permission. At the same time, the GEE just so happens to be after the same thing, why not join up with them and get what I want?

Simple as that."

This then raised the question of what exactly it was that Evan wanted, as all those present besides Pride were very clueless.

"What is this thing you want?"

David voiced out the question on behalf of all those present as he folded the request letters, but Evan's expression upon hearing the question was not what he expected.

"Really, Dude?

You of all people? You're asking me this?"

"What? I'm curious."


Seeing that David still didn't understand what he was hinting at, Evan facepalmed before raising his hand and creating a projection of a map with light magic.

It was a map everyone present recognized as that of the Alpha Continent.

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