Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 649 Reason for the Fight

Chapter 649 Reason for the Fight

?"""""""…WHAT THE FUCK?!"""""""

While everyone else was wondering why Evan had just suddenly stopped the fight, the two deadly sin siblings had different reactions.

"Why am I not surprised?"

Greed shook his head as he spoke, having expected something out-of-pocket to happen ever since the moment when Pride stopped him from breaking up their fight.

Evan ignored everyone else's reactions, even Leviah's, as he teleported right in front of Pride and asked.

"You got all the data you want?"


The two high-fived each other after that short interaction, and this was enough for everyone in the room to realise that the whole fight they just witnessed was a scheme between Evan and Pride.

"I've already developed a few counters for some of them."

"That so?"

"Yeah. But that 'Stout Guardian' is going to be tricky to handle…I don't have anything that can destroy that thing.

There's also the fact that the shield may be regenerative."

When Pride expressed her concerns, Evan nodded in affirmation, confirming that the shield was indeed regenerative as far as the energy consumed at the skill activation was not used up.

"Ah, that one."

He pulled up information from his memories of the game and then proceeded to explain its weaknesses to Pride.

"This one is weak to 'Piercing Damage'.

I got 'Pierce Guard' so It's not gonna be a problem for me, you need to use something like 'this'…"

Evan pulled out the Akashic Page and flipped through the grimoire, stopping on a particular spell page as he continued.

"It's a Metal Magic Spell."

"Metal Magic? It's been a while since I've used that."

Pride held up her hand and began drawing in ambient magic power, quickly conjuring a replica of the spell circle in the book Evan was holding.

"Hmm…this is going to take me a few tri-Oh, I got it."

Just like that, Pride learnt the spell and the Tier 2 magic circle appeared in her hands. She read the chant in her mind and after a few tweaks, the spell circle gained an extra ring around it.

"You did something, didn't you?"

She turned her red eyes to Evan who only shrugged and replied.

"Our contract is a two-way thing. Just as you can influence me with it, so can I do you."

With that line, Pride understood how she was able to quickly replicate the spell circle in the book.

"About the Mirror Clones…"

"Don't worry about that. No clone of Leviah's can fool me."

The High Demon waved off Evan's concerns, but the boy still pressed the issue.

"Her 'Mirror Manipulation' can allow her to achieve some sort of bootleg 'Light Manipulation', so you gotta watch out for those bright flashes of light."

"True, that's quite annoying."

Looking at the two who were casually conversing with themselves whilst ignoring everyone else around them, Leviah finally understood the 'real' reason why Evan had fought her.

'Fuck, she read me like a book!'

Seeing her expression of indignation, Pride's lips curled up into a grin as she spoke.

"What? Finally figured it out? Took you long enough dumbo."

Only the Heavens knew why Pride delighted in dissing Leviah. Looking at her, Evan smiled wryly as he confirmed a conjecture he had when they met with Greed in Osto.

'With Each one of her siblings she meets, she loosens up a bit.

Except the side that 'loosened up' this time seems to be her sadistic side…'

As for Greed, the man was looking between the two sisters with question marks above his head and seeing this, Pride muttered something about Leviah infecting him with her stupidity before explaining.

"Leviah currently holds more power than me, and there's no way she'd miss this chance to 'Challenge' me for my 'Leader' position.

With Evan, I was able to discover her current skillset and develop counters for them in the event that happened. She has a few odd techniques, but they're nothing in the face of my 'Origin Sword', so that's not really a problem."

Due to Evan's own extensive number of skills, Leviah needed to use a lot of her own to counter him, and that had revealed her hand to Pride who was watching everything closely.

"I wanted some 'Live Demonstrations' for my new skills so it checked out for me."

Evan casually shrugged as he looked at the five new skills he had taken from Leviah throughout the fight, very happy that his eye contact requirement was just 3 seconds.

Stout Guardian, Hydra, Pierce Guard, Adamantine Might, Burst Cannon.

"She was someone I had to take seriously, so she was good training for me. My power control has improved."

As he said that, he held up his hand and infused it with energy, displaying a high level of efficiency as there were no fluctuations whatsoever.

His level of power control was so impeccable, that not even a single microbe of energy leaked out, with everything perfectly fitting into his arm.

"This is going to make it easier for me to use 'Self Immolation' without burning myself."

Evan spoke as he retracted his energy and returned it to his Dragon Heart, while Pride questioned how he still had so much energy left after the fight.

"Devouring a Dragon Heart does wonders for your energy recovery speed…you should try it out sometime.

Preferably after you've gotten the 'Iron Stomach' skill, so when the energy core inevitably explodes in your stomach, it wouldn't blow you to bits."

"…I think I'd refrain from that."

Pride was perfectly fine the way she was and didn't want things exploding in her stomach. Her reaction was pretty normal as no sane person would want such a thing.

Just before she could continue speaking, she sensed something 'off' and quickly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the spear that sliced down where she was standing a moment ago.

"Why did you dodge?!"

"…do you even understand what you just asked me? Who in their sane mind would not avoid being slashed with a spear?"

"You SHOULD not!"

Leviah was about to charge towards Pride once more when Greed appeared behind her and slipped his arms under her armpit to hold her back.

"Let me at her! I need to smack her in the head at least once!"

"Now, now, dear sister. You need to calm down."

Somehow, Greed was able to calm Leviah down and get her to put away her weapon, before moving her to the other end of the area where the group was standing; as far away from Pride as possible.

It just so happened to be beside where David was standing and when she looked at him, the woman's eyes widened in shock.

"There were two of them?!"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. He's the Fifth."

"Fifth? The one who likes messing with our spells? Damn."

Leviah's face scrunched up when she looked at David, and his two sisters stood in front of him protectively, sending the woman glares that told her 'not to get any ideas'.

She wasn't crazy though, especially with Kolvar present.

"Fourth's in another country, and guess what? She has Venus."

"…you gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Oh no, I'm not fucking kidding you sister."

Leviah sighed deeply when she heard Greed's reply, her shoulders drooping slightly. Seeing that she was relatively calm now, Greed decided to break the most important part of the news to her.

"On the bright side, we're not going to be on the receiving end of those abilities. That's some good news."

The woman looked up at Greed when he spoke, and then turned her gaze back to Pride and Evan, clicking her tongue lightly in the process.

"So, we're on the same side as the Heroes who stuffed us into our weapons after Alvey's brat literally backstabbed us?"


Leviah's casual words were an eyeopener for Dandeyr, Kara, Malaya and Selah who were not in the know about the fact that the Seven Deadly Sins were not defeated by the Seven Heroes before their sealing, but betrayed by their own kind.

The Seven Heroes changed up the 'truths' to make it seem like they had sealed the Deadly Sins after a tough battle, leaving aside the part where they were beaten black and blue by the Seven Siblings.

"For Starters, it was Elder Sister's idea.

Arlan's successor has some sort of extra deal with Artemisia that pits him against Alvey's brat and we also need to beat the shit out of Alvey's brat, so why not join up with him?"

Greed calmly explained the reasoning behind the decision to join forces with a hero, while Leviah was silently wondering when the man was going to let go of her.

It was then, that Evan decided to chip in with a little bit of 'spoilers' for the future.

"You still gotta defeat your 'Inferiors' though, just gonna leave that bit of information out there."

The boy slowly stepped back after speaking, but he didn't get very far as Pride and Greed flashed in beside him and grabbed both his arms.

"Start talking, now."

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