Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 651 Leviah’s Reverse Scale

Chapter 651 Leviah’s Reverse Scale

"Gluttony's Location."

Leviah's eyes lit up with an eerie red glow when those words escaped Evan's lips, with the atmosphere of the room completely changing in that instant.

A suffocating pressure descended upon everyone present, with David and Malaya finding it hard to move and could hardly breathe until Kolvar's arura wrapped around them and protected them.

[Careful Evan, you are treading dangerously close to a dragon's reverse scale.]

Pride sent that single line of warning to Evan the moment she heard him speak about Gluttony. Even Greed's expression changed at that same moment.

For the two Siblings, it was pretty much common knowledge that for the 'dragon' that was Leviah, Gluttony was her 'Reverse Scale'.

The relationship between the two could be said to be the closest among the Seven, and even Pride would admit that those two were closer to each other than she was with Lust.

"You know where Gulion is?"

Leviah's voice was calm, so calm that it felt disconcerting to anyone who heard it, especially after they had seen how 'fiery' her personality was.

Seeing her abrupt change in reaction, and hearing Pride's warning, Evan knew he was on the right track for this 'negotiation'.

The boy's usual smile was nowhere to be seen, and he released his aura, pushing back against the Leviah's Coercive aura with his own.

"Yes, I do.

I am the successor of the person who put him there, after all."

He calmly pulled out a pair of glasses from his inventory and poured some strawberry wine into both of them, pushing one towards Leviah despite knowing the woman was clearly not in the mood for drinks.

After taking a sip from his, he set the glass back down on the table and continued.

"Now then, shall we take this from the top again?

I'd like you to work for me, Leviah.

To be more specific, I need you to undertake some tasks which would greatly aid my plans for Tarse. Kill a few Fallen Celestial Deities, Mess up some of the Demonic Hand's Energy Siphoning points…stuff like that."


Evan repeated the exact same words he had spoken earlier, and this time, Leviah remained silent after he spoke.

"Your payment would be the 'Freedom' of both you and Gluttony (Gulion).

The Advance payment would be me breaking the chains binding you to this place as its Dungeon Master, and after we're done, I'd take you to where Gluttony is and unseal him as well."


While Leviah remained silent, her aura's coercive force gave Evan an idea of her thoughts.

The pressure she released disappeared as if it was never there, and she took a deep breath to maintain her calm.

"Were you not unsealing us all because you needed our help with defeating the Demon King?"

"Nuh, uh.

That plan has long since been scrapped."

Evan shook his head as he answered her question, before gesturing to Pride on his right as he spoke.

"I unsealed her because I didn't want the Demonic Hand to get to her first. If they did, then the 'Seven Deadly Sins Massacre' would have come to fruition and multiple countries would have disappeared from the map.

There's also the part where I wanted her Sword and her 'Power'. Contempt of the Many and Pride Embodiment are also very useful cards that have helped on multiple occasions."

He then gestured to Greed on his left as he spoke.

"This one had very special circumstances, so I had very little choice but to carry him along otherwise I fear the nation of Hobha would have crumbled in time."

Finally, he pointed at Leviah herself and concluded his words.

"You, are very much needed. Due to your high base power, your Idiosyncrasy, your skillset, and most importantly, the fact that the Demonic Hand would not know you have been unsealed.

But Gluttony? I really don't have a need to release him. If it's magic absorption, I have David over here who'd simply just negate the magic, ending its existence.

Third would be very useful If I want to return it to sender, and not just for magic too. I possess a page of this Universe's Akashic Record…there's barely any spell I can't get my hands on."

After Evan finished stating his reasons for unsealing Pride and Greed, as well as why he wanted Leviah and had no use for Gluttony, he calmly finished his wine and refilled the glass.

Leviah regarded him with a scrutinizing gaze, before turning over to Greed's direction.

"You know I'd rather have Wrath unsealed than Glutty-Boy, right?

She clicked her tongue internally before turning to Pride who was picking up her book again. Without even looking at Leviah, Pride gave her input.

"I'm perfectly fine if the only other person released was Ophelia."

Seeing the two's reactions, Leviah instantly understood that she could not count on them for help at all.

"That's what they said."

Evan shrugged as he spoke, putting his wine bottle back into his inventory before continuing.

"It's a perfectly rational decision for me not to unseal you all.

The more of you I unseal, the more detrimental it is as I'd have to deal with the side-effects you lot come with.

Pride told me about this before but I didn't really understand it until I recently contracted with Greed as well

I expend quite a lot of mental strength in stopping my contract with her from influencing me and turning me into some 'Arrogant Young Master'."

This was a big FAT lie that Laurene would have barely resisted the urge to call him out on if she was here.

Evan had very little problems dealing with the influence coming from Pride, and even if the woman was to stop restraining her power for some reason, then it would be the time for his increased resistance and stronger mentality to showcase their prowess.

[You're plenty arrogant as is, Master.]

Kalyla who had been silent for a while chipped in and Evan smiled wryly while thinking that it was only natural, considering the situations he had overcome and the power he possessed.

The boy was currently a 'walking combination of multiple Nuclear Weapons', it'd be stranger if he didn't have some level of arrogance when possessing such power.

[You don't seem to show any signs of 'greed' though?]

Evan's contract with Greed was not as 'deep' as his contract with Pride, so conversely, the influence from Greed was lesser.

It was 'Lesser', but still there.

"I definitely do, you just don't know where my 'greed' is directed."

When he said that, Evan's gaze shifted for a split second, moving off Leviah and to someone else but besides that person herself, no one else noticed this little movement.

"Let's get back on Track, shall we?

You, Leviah, would not be 'officially' part of us. I'd like the public consensus to remain that only Pride and Greed are with me, giving you the leeway to move around unhindered.

As far as the Demonic Hand knows, I am currently in Goras and not Grimsgil.

They would not have you in their calculations and they would be completely unprepared for your interferences—if you decide to work with me for it."

Evan explained his reasoning for wanting Leviah to go behind the scenes, something that would be very crucial in his plans for Tarse.

He wanted to have a card the Demonic Hand did not know about, one very powerful card, hidden in plain sight.

"Of course, all of these terms would be stated in a Binding Contract."

He added that last part to give her the assurance that he would definitely abide by his word, after all, 'Give-and-Take type Demon Contracts' had very nasty repercussions for breaking them.

"So, what say you, Leviah?

Are you In or Out?"


The silence that followed after Evan asked that question was so much that one could hear a literal pin drop.

Evan and Leviah stared at each other without moving for what seemed like an eternity before Leviah finally took action.

She held up her hand and condensed an orb of Demonic Energy in her palm, slamming the orb down on the table with great force.

Contrary to everyone's expectations that the orb would destroy the table, it dealt zero damage whatsoever.

Instead, the orb of demonic energy transformed into a piece of paper, with a magic circle inscribed on both sides like a watermark.

"State your terms."

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