Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 653 Releasing Leviah’s Seal

Chapter 653 Releasing Leviah’s Seal

The Dungeon Boss gained power it had never seen before upon unearthing Leviah's spear, and the Demon used its body as a temporary vessel and enacted revenge upon the adventurers on its behalf.

However, the Dungeon Boss' power didn't come out from nowhere.

While the monster believed it had gained her power, Leviah had actually used Demonic Possession on the monster, and she forced it to burn up its soul in exchange for power.

Power that ran out at the same time the monster's soul did.

Leviah used her weapon to kill the adventurers, and she chose to absorb experience from half of them while taking skills from the other half.

Considering that they were able to reach the bottom of this dungeon, they were certainly very high level, and that gave Leviah a LOT of exp.

The Kind that took her from the Gold Level she had been weakened to, straight to the peak of the Master Level in on go.

The Monster's soul had run out of energy, and it could not sustain itself anymore, collapsing to pieces.

With its death, the 'Contract' Leviah had forged with it should have been nullified, however, in the short moment before it could be nullified, Arlan's seal on her reacted.

Since the entire Dungeon was basically a Prison for her, the Seal was closely connected with it, and that connection was what caused the Dungeon to make her 'Replace' the Boss Monster that had just died.

But this came with a problem. Leviah was not a 'Monster', so she could not be categorized as a 'Boss Monster' by this dungeon in particular.

This was where the mutation occurred, and the duty of a Dungeon Master was forced upon her.

She now had to be the one in charge of generating the Boss Monsters, and since Arlan's seal was still in effect, she was unable to leave the Dungeon Boss Room.

The Three-Tailed Wolf and the Cockatrice that Kolvar had fought were all summoned by her.

Leviah was summoning Boss Monsters using the Dungeon's energy, and she pitted the monsters against the Challengers.

One of her first kills gave her the Appraisal skill, so she used this to check for those who had good skills and, in such cases, she summoned multiple Bosses and let those monsters beat the living daylights out of the challengers.

She then came out and dealt the last blow so she could get their skills.

Sometimes, she did the same to gain experience points, since she did not possess any of the other strengthening privileges that a Dungeon Master would normally have.

Leviah then proceeded to do this—killing Challengers to take their skills or EXP—for a century.

Now then, you'd expect that Leviah should be far more powerful than just the Epic Level after a century, but it should be noted that this was a Dungeon where one lost a skill every two floors.

At the rate of losing one skill every two floors; even if one was not touched by a single monster, they were guaranteed to have lost 50 skills by the time they entered the Floor 100 Boss Room.

If they even possessed that many skills.

Even the person with the power that allowed him to Copy other people's skills barely had that much when he entered the Dungeon.

The amount of people willing to go deep into this 100-floor dungeon, and then Challenge Final Boss with just their combat techniques and magic alone were far and between.

And sometimes, the people who did this turned out to be 'Living Legends' coming to 'train' themselves, people that neither Leviah nor the monsters she summoned could do anything against.

Bottom line, due to the few number of Challengers Leviah actually got on Floor 100, she wasn't actually able to gain much power even after a century had passed.

Seeing as she gained over 40 skills and enough experience to become an Epic Level under those conditions was actually quite good.

"That's pretty much it."

When she was done with her narration, Eliza and the others couldn't help but look at her with a bit of pity in their eyes, despite knowing that this woman had wreaked havoc on their world a thousand years ago.

They could not fathom being stuck inside here for over a few months, much less a whole century. It then occurred to them that Pride and Greed probably were in similar situations.

First, they had their power drained out from them over the course of the centuries they were unconscious right after the sealing, and it was this drained-out power which mutated the Dungeons they were sealed in and gave them these extra attributes like the 'Arrogance' status effect and the 'Skill Sealing'.

Then after regaining consciousness, they found that they were stuck inside dungeons and remained there for another set of centuries.


Evan pondered this for a moment after he heard Leviah speak, before sighing and returning his focus to the mutated seal.

While Leviah had been able to escape from inside her weapon, she was now bound to the Boss Room itself, so what Evan needed to do was to cut the link between her and the Room itself.

'No…I need to cut the link between her and the Dungeon.

This is going to consume a lot more power than I thought….'

Upon coming to this realisation, the boy frowned deeply and when Leviah saw his expression, she questioned if there was something wrong.

"There is.

I miscalculated the amount of power required to deal with this."

The boy got up from his seat and activated BoD, before walking up to the wall opposite the boss room door.

Placing his palm on it, he revealed a door that led to the secret chamber where Leviah's spear had been placed originally.

He looked at all the runic markings on the floor and used the Destruction essence he controlled to shatter their protections, before calling David in and telling the boy to use his mystic eyes on some of the weaker magic circles.

With those ones out of the way, he then proceeded to begin the unsealing process, placing his palms on the ground and activating his Hero Authority.

This 'Hero Authority' was basically like that of his Adaptive Evolution Authority. A finite resource that was accumulated by him accomplishing his duty as a 'Hero'.

He had only recently gained the ability to manipulate it with his Mystic Eyes Stage Three, which was why he had even considered coming here in the first place.

'Putting it simply, my 'Hero Authority' is a special currency that I have due to my status as a Hero, and I can use it to exchange for items/privileges in the special 'Hero Shop' that is run by the World itself.'

With that Analogy, the first thing he was exchanging now, was something to use and cut the link between Leviah and the Dungeon, so he could then use the raw energy and then unravel the magic circles Arlan placed here using the method in the memories he possessed.

This process didn't take that much time at all, and within fifteen minutes, Leviah felt the link between her and the Dungeon cut off, followed by the restrictive Binding Force that prevented her from leaving the Boss Room.

TO others, it appeared in the form of countless illusory chains wrapped around her body and linked to the ground, each one breaking off after the other until they had all shattered into fragments of light.

"Damn…Arlan really is a bastard.

What sort of complicated seal is this, I can swear I'd have an easier time replicating World Magic than doing this."

"He certainly didn't want anyone to unseal it, probably the reason why he never told anyone else that this was where he Sealed her."

David replied to Evan after the boy finished the unsealing process, but just before Evan could reply, Eliza suddenly spoke up.



"What's up, Liz?"

The girl turned to David and asked him to repeat the last thing he just said to Evan and when he did, her brows furrowed.

"You just said that Evan's predecessor, Arlan Maddox, was the only one meant to know about all of…'this'."

By 'This', she meant basically everything from the secret elevator on the second floor to the fact that Leviah was sealed here.

Evan affirmed her words, going on to state that he was the only Hero who knew where all the Seven Deadly Sins were.

David and Laurene knew about Pride in Merdin and Greed in Osto, but they didn't know about Leviah in Grimsgil, and they also didn't know about the one in Tarse.

When Evan spoke, Eliza looked at the boy with a strange gaze, before looking at everyone else to see if anyone had noticed the inconsistency that she had.

"Evan…you told me that for the thing the Demonic Hand called the 'Deadly Sins Massacre' to happen, they sent Executives to negotiate with ALL the Seven Deadly Sins."


Evan barely stopped his lips from curling up upon realising what Eliza was on to.

"That means they also spoke to Leviah, here, right?"

Leviah who was busy savouring the feeling of being able to walk outside the Boss Room for the first time turned over when she heard her name being called.

After a quick Q&A, the woman confirmed that she knew of the Demonic Hand's existence since two of their Executives had come to her in the past.

"Then in that case…How does the Demonic Hand know, that this is where Leviah is sealed?"

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