Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 202.2

Chapter 202.2

The battle of the Great Church of Finnoi was won by the human side when Saint-sama, the Hero, and six others, including the friends who supported the Hero, pierced the heart of the Demon Kings army and inflicted serious wounds on the Demon King. The Demon King fled alone to the south and tried to regain his strength by devouring numerous lives, but he was unable to regain his former strength.

So this is the story of the Heros Party of the previous generation. I did not know that.

It was an age when a hero was needed. Thats why it was also understandable for the fame of a single Hero to arise.

Hmm, Leppe-san was strangely cold. I wonder if he was dissatisfied or uncomfortable with the fact that even the Saints name was hidden. I mean, even the name of that hero was now half-forgotten.

Then the Demon King created the Four Heavenly Kings and went into hiding to restore his power. However, they were hunted down, attacked, and destroyed by the heroes.

I see.

Well, chasing after an escaping dangerous opponent was a basic practice in combat. I have a feeling that some parts of the story have been glossed over.

Also, during the fierce battle of Finnoi, the lord who ruled this town (now the royal capital) died in battle, and although it is not clear when, Weinzierl, the family of Saint-sama, became the new ruler of this town with the support of the citizens.

I see.

That part was, well, not difficult to understand. Yorg and Juliane-sama, who met in Finnoi, must have become close friends. In citizens minds, this town would become the safest place if it became the home of a Hero and a Saint.

However, it was complicated to think about what other nobles thought about it. It was likely that the nobles did not want to entrust this strategic town to a former slave soldier, so they entrusted it to the family of the Saint, who was also a member of the nobility.

But then, the theory of the heros assassination, which I had only imagined, began to feel strangely real. Although there was no proof currently, I felt that the outline of the theory was beginning to take shape.

While I was pondering this, there was a knock at the door, and a priest-like person entered inside after being authorized by Leppe-san.

What is it? I am in the middle of an important conversation.

Im sorry. Count Yerring-sama would like to speak with High Priest-sama.

When the priest said this, Leppe-san sighed in front of me. He gave me an apologetic look.

Im sorry. I have to leave for a moment.


Meanwhile, here

He then handed a book from his desk to me. It was a gorgeous book, even the cover was decorated with goldsmiths work.

You may read the record while waiting for me.

Thank you for the consideration.

If this was a document that could only be found in the church, there might be a good chance that it contained something important. I accepted the book and read it without hesitation. It appears to be made from old paper, so I have to treat it with care.

There were many descriptions about magic. It appears that the saint Juliane-sama taught only recovery magic at first. However, it was discovered that she could also use offensive magic through the application of her magical skills, so she started to use offensive magic in her battles against the demon army.

However, at one point, Juliane-sama said, Eventually, this offensive magic will be used in the war between humans.

She must have been a serious person, and I could understand her concern.

The next thing that caught my attention was the description of the battle that took place in Finnoi. The part that said, Thanks to the efforts of the saint and the heroes, the Absorption Stone, which had been used as a tool to create monsters, was destroyed, and the demon king was no longer able to create an inexhaustible number of monsters.

It was said that the Absorption Stone was originally used for a different purpose. Secondly, the expression inexhaustible suggested that although the Demon King could create monsters, his ability to do so would require a certain degree of intervention from the Demon King himself.

Somehow, I have a feeling that this thing called the Absorption Stone was a product of the ancient kingdom. Based on the previous information, it may have been a part of a tool used to manufacture magic stones.

Only the Northern Kingdom could manufacture magic stones, and the Southern Kingdom had no choice but to request the supply of magic stones from it. The more magic stone technology spread, the less likely the South would consider rebelling against the North, which was the source of magic stones. It would seem that it could have been made into a convenient tool to dominate the south. However, I had no proof of this, this was just a theory for now.

There were a few other points of interest. First, excluding Yorg, all the members of the Hero party, including Juliane-sama, were of noble rank. If Yorg the Hero was a prince, it would probably become an otome game with a prince, a saint, and their friends, the children of nobles, defeating the Demon King.

No, wait, thinking about it, the Northern Kingdom had also conquered some southern lands before the advent of the Demon King, and the slaves were soldiers from the occupied lands. It was a common setting in some stories about a slave Hero being a former prince or nobility of some conquered land, or at least having ancestors being the former royalty of a country.

Anyway, I have been fed with too much information, so I was going to take a break and lift my eyes from the book. I should summarize what, I think, had happened up to this point.

First, chronologically speaking, the ancient (northern) kingdom was unified, the technology to produce magic stone was invented, the Demon King appeared and the capital of ancient (northern) kingdom disappeared, the Northern nobles fled to the South, a saint was born, magic became available to humans, the northern kingdom itself sank, a hero was found, and the Demon King was defeated.

I would leave the details of the time-lapse between these events aside for now. What was certain from this information was that the pace of events had quickened since the birth of the Saint. Also, for some reason, the Demon King suddenly blew up or something the capital of the ancient (northern) kingdom, so it should have taken the humans longer to build up their strength.

Next, the hero was not only a commoner but also of a slave class. The fact that he was a slave with unknown origins in an ancient era would have had a major impact on the political situation moving forward. There was no doubt that the people around him were very cautious.

In addition, except the Hero, all members of the Hero Party at that time were of the noble class. While it may be true that they were collaborators, one could not help but wonder if they have also been sent as watchdogs.

At the same time, my Original Theory of the Ancient Kingdom being submerged in the sea was a hit, while their capital city had been lost, forever. I have a feeling that after the defeat of the Demon King, the only flag bearers were the Noble Heroes and the Saint dying in the process of defeating the Demon King. With the Hero gone, the subsequent upheaval that followed was inevitable, I suppose.

It was somewhat like the situation in the Empire of the Evil One, where after Himikos death, the whole country was left without power was written on the banner. It was remarkable that the Weinzierl, the royal family, maintained its power and influence even after all of that had happened. Hmmm? 

About that. Come to think of it, there was no mention of the younger brother of Juliane-sama, the first king of the Weinzierl family. And there was also no record of anyone from the Hero Party besides Yorg and Juliane-sama, even though they were nobles.

You could say that the church only recorded things directly related to the saint. I mean, wait a minute.

How did I end up reading a book like this? This was the kind of information that the church would have kept secret from me. Well, I was in the middle of a conversation a while ago, so I let my concerns slide, but the fact that magic was neither divine power nor divine blessing was not something that anyone but only church officials should know about.

Well, the High Priest was taking his time, it had been a while. I had enough time to read through a whole book. Nevertheless, there was still no sign of High Priest Leppes return, or Neurath and the others who were supposed to be checking High Priestess Malavovas office only.

In a panic, I jumped on the heavy door and tried to open it. It wouldnt open. It seemed to be locked from the outside with a bolt or something. It was not easy to smash down a heavy door like this.

Ive been caught in a trap!

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