Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 208.2

Chapter 208.2

Count Harfolk, who commanded the second right wing in the battle of the Hildare Plains, belonged to the Military Faction, but he was one of the moderate members of the faction. He was also related to Marquis Nolpot.

He was a good commander and had a good sense of valor. He was also not a bad-looking man, but he had some glaring faults that were the reason for him not having many acquaintances.

Lily and Annette, who dismounted late, were a little taken aback by Count Harfolk’s distinctive perfume, a blend that was difficult to describe. Welner had also heard Marquis Nolpot say with a wry smile, “He’s good, but his sense of smell is just…”

Although Welner also found the smell concerning, he was more focused on giving instructions to Max and the others.

“What’s going on in the capital?”

“We’ve captured most of the groups involved with Coffin Sarg and others who might cause a disturbance. We’ve been able to clean up the problems on the streets before the upcoming battle.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Regardless of whether a leader was highly competent or not, just the presence of one was really significant. From this point of view, even before the attack on the royal capital happened, the disappearance of Leppe, who acted as leader for these troublemakers, from the royal capital would also have a significant impact.

Originally, security forces also maintained a list of dangerous persons. The kidnapping of Lily, the sister of the hero, had prompted the security guards to round up all the suspicious people. The Coffin Sarg and others who had gathered to cause a commotion were also captured by the guards.

In fact, the person responsible for the roundup was Count Harfolk himself, but he did not show the slightest hint of such a thing.

“How is Count Yerring?”

“He is recuperating.”

Welner, who had been seriously wounded previously, had been treated and was now in almost fully functional form, so there was no way Count Yerring, who was only stabbed, to still be undergoing treatment.

There was no doubt that the delay was for a different reason but was being masked as treatment. However, Welner and the others didn’t need to ask any more than that at this stage.

“All right, Lily, you will go with me to the royal palace. Annette will also accompany us, okay?” (Seyfart)

“Ye, yes.”


Lily nodded at Seyfart’s statement, and Annette bowed her head. Nominally, she was under surveillance, so Annette had no choice but to say yes.


“I want Lord Welner to head for the south gate. Preparations should be underway.”

“Are the powders alright?”

“We can deal with the messed up ones later. We would probably be working on an all-nighter again. We apologize for forcing you into this…”

At this time, the Zeavert Knights should have been working on something, but because of them being dispatched for emergency reasons, their progress would be delayed. However, the refugees of the old Triot, who heard that work was related to Viscount Zeavert, voluntarily gathered to help with the work that the knights had left behind.

However, they kept wondering why the knights were carrying some kind of cargo which should not be the work of a knight, or how the work was being carried out.

“I understand. Then I will take up my duties there.” (Welner)

Seyfart said with a nod, “Mm, good luck.”

Welner was also involved in the planning of the operation to defend the royal capital, so he understood what he was supposed to do. He next turned to Lily.

“I’m going.” (Welner)

“…Yes, take care.” (Lily)

Welner nodded in response, hopped on Brave Disbelt, and started to ride away. Lily stepped forward, and her hand was slightly raised, but she didn’t say anything and stepped back to stand next to Seyfart.

Max and the rest of the knights followed Welner as they passed in front of Lily.

Seyfart turned his attention to Lily and said, “I think you should have said something.”

“To tell you the truth, I miss him. I wish I could be there for him. But…”

Lily responded in a small murmur, looking in the direction Welner rode off in, which was already far enough away that only the slightest dust speck that a horse could make could be seen.

“I’m sure that Welner-sama would not look his best if he was only staying by my side.” (Lily)


Seyfart only responded with a hand to his chin, which may have been intended to hide a wry smile.

“Well, we can’t let Lord Welner see us not doing anything, so shall we head for the royal castle?”

“Yes, sir.”

The next day, when each of them had worked as hard as they could, countless monsters were seen approaching from the walls of the royal capital at sunrise.

From this day on, the battle to defend the royal capital would begin.

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