Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

After acquiring the power of the thousand-year-old ginseng, I felt as if I could fly. In the world of martial artists, internal energy serves as the foundation for exhibiting superhuman capabilities. Just having ample internal energy usually meant possessing an entirely different level of skill. Of course, combat techniques and weapon skills were important too, but if supported by solid internal energy, anything seemed achievable.

‘Hmm, I wonder how much my lightness skill has improved?’

I glanced up at the cliffside cave located a significant height above me. Normally, it would be sensible to exit through a side path from here. However, I wanted to test how much my lightness skill had advanced. Additionally, I felt rather hungry, probably due to the energy expenditure, amplifying my desire to return home quickly.

Originally, I could leap precisely five feet into the air using my lightness skill. This was already remarkable, as it was about the height of an average person. But for some reason, I felt as if I could accomplish even more now. I stood before the cliff, put force into my feet, and leapt.


“Whoa! Yip!”

I was suddenly catapulted up to this level and was flying high, which caught me completely off guard. While shocked, I managed to swiftly touch the cave wall to grab onto it, thanks to my reflexes. Astoundingly, my lightness skill had improved more than twofold!

At this rate, there would be hardly any cliffs or fences that I couldn’t leap over. As I walked into the cave, I tried to calm my astonished heart.

‘This… this internal energy is even more incredible than I’ve heard.’

To my understanding, the Millennium Snow Ginseng was an extraordinary elixir that granted tremendous internal energy upon consumption. However, the extent to which it had elevated my abilities was beyond my wildest expectations. Now, it seemed like simply executing my palm strike would yield world-shattering force.


“So fast…”

As I ran through the mountain valley as if flying, I realized that my senses had entered an entirely new dimension. Sprinting through treacherous rocks and narrow pathways didn’t feel tiring or difficult at all. It was as if time had slowed down, allowing me to leisurely observe my surroundings. It felt like a third eye had been affixed to the back of my head, roughly sensing whatever was happening behind me.

Even when my foot unexpectedly landed on a slippery rock, I didn’t slip. The force I had imbued in my feet seemed to negate any slippery sensations. It felt as though the world had become my playground, granting me the freedom to soar like a bird.

How long would it have taken to acquire this level of internal energy through normal martial arts training?

Fifty years? A hundred years?

What’s certain is that I had obtained this thousand-year-old ginseng as a reward for my own efforts. All that remained was to use this power as I saw fit. I had a premonition that even if I were to die now, I wouldn’t find it troubling in the least.

I reached my thatched cottage before sunset, thanks to my speed, which was at least five times faster than usual. The cottage, which I had been repairing whenever time permitted during the last three years, was now as sturdy as an ordinary home. I opened the wooden door and flopped down onto a straw bed.


The pain where my fingernail had been torn off was agonizing. Touching the wound to the straw could have easily led to an infection, so I wrapped it cautiously with cloth. It was convenient that I had prepared all the essentials beforehand.

As the pain subsided, I contemplated my next steps.

I had yearned desperately for power, but now that I had it, there was too much to do; I couldn’t get a grasp on it all.

“I want to take revenge on the village chief, but…”

The first thing that came to mind was avenging myself on the village chief who had me assassinated. Though I had decided to exact a blood-soaked revenge, for some reason, I didn’t want to prioritize it. Wiping out the village chief would be satisfying, but what would happen [next]?

In the past, moments before I was killed facing the Black Night Faction of the Eight Demonic Paths, I had thought, [The world is a scary place].


The world is a terrifying place.

In my second life, I had merely intimidated one village chief, and yet that was enough to have assassins, who I couldn’t even compare to, sent after me.

If I were to wipe out the village chief and his family now, it would certainly feel liberating. But it would also lead to an investigation from the authorities, the Plum Blossom Organization with whom the chief had dealings, or from the assassin guild. If my identity is revealed, the news of a new bloodthirsty person would spread throughout the martial world, and I would be forced into endless fights.

The world is not lived in isolation. There are rules and order. If those are violated, a corresponding punishment is given. The stronger one is, the easier it is to ignore those boundaries, but one must always be mindful of the influence of others.

I didn’t want to eliminate the village chief and his family and then spend my life running away. To put it precisely, I did not want to weigh the lives of the chief and his family against mine. If I were to take revenge, I wanted it to be after making my life as unshakable as possible.

To do so, it’s not enough to simply wield my power recklessly. I had to ensure that even if I took such actions, the world’s checks and balances would be minimal, because I had that much power, status, or even wealth.


I chuckled. I should have thought about these things long before consuming the Millennium Snow Ginseng. Yet, I was laboring under extreme physical and mental stress, searching through thirty mountain peaks; pondering the uncertainties of the future would only drain me further.

“Let’s not overthink it. What’s the ‘most important task’ I should focus on right now?”

Revenge fell down my list of priorities.

So what’s the next most important thing for me?

After a long contemplation, I came to a conclusion.

“It’s to interpret the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries.”

This came first. Although running after wealth and fame was good, the ability of the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries to send me back in time was too mysterious. To put it bluntly, even if there are no more instances of time-travel after the two I’ve experienced so far, I have nothing to say. This is because aside from the title, I don’t know anything about its contents.

The ability to go back in time, if used wisely, could make one the ruler of the world. Even if I couldn’t know everything about the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries, I should at least figure out what this time-traveling ability is.

For that, I have to find the wisest sage in the world.

Where could the wisest person be?

After deep contemplation, I finally decided on my destination.


The most populous city in the world and the capital where the Emperor of the continent resides. I didn’t fully understand the complexities, but I figured that the place where wealth and power are concentrated would also have the smartest people.

‘Hmm. Come to think of it, I still have to repay my debt to Mr. Song from the linen store.’

He was the one who kindly fed me and gave me new clothes when I first came to Huangshan. Although I haven’t seen him while searching for the thousand-year ginseng because he’s in a neighboring village, I was clearly aware that I had to repay his kindness.

I had also considered giving him the money I earned from delivering wood to the lumberyard. However, I quickly shook my head.

The favor I felt back then was not that simple.

I wanted to repay him with something greater.

Whether it’s gratitude or enmity, I wanted to give back more than just feelings. That was my sentiment.

Firstly, before giving anything back, I decided to ask. Since I needed a new set of clothes anyway, I wrapped up my life at my own shabby house  and left Huangshan. Then, I looked for Mr. Song of the linen store.

Mr. Song was still doing business in the same place even after a long time. I approached him with a grin.

“Hello, it’s been a while.”

“Uh… who were you again?”

“Thanks to the meal you gave me back then, I was able to find my way to the Sagong Courier Agency.”

“Ah! That boy from back then!”

He seemed to remember me clearly. That fact made me even happier, and I talked with Mr. Song about various things.

“Oh, I see… you’ve been living as a courier since then.”


“But why do you look so ragged again?”

“I’ve been wandering in the mountains…”

At this, Mr. Song clicked his tongue.

“I’m sorry, but things haven’t been going well for me either, so I can’t afford to give you clothes for free.”

“No, it’s not about clothes. I haven’t repaid your favor yet…” I cautiously asked, “What’s the reason for your financial difficulty?”

“Nothing special. Clothes always sell well, but the tributes are increasingly high, ugh.”

He took out a tobacco pipe and puffed heavily on it. It seemed like his heart was heavy. Considering that professionals like Mr. Song are inevitably required to pay tributes to someone, but this seemed excessive.

“Who are you paying tribute to?”

“What do you think this place is?”


Mr. Song tapped his tobacco pipe on the ground.

“Then it’s the Huangshan Sect.”


Although it felt like a joke, at that moment, I realized just how powerful the Huangshan Sect was. There were more than ten martial arts sects around Huangshan that I knew of, but the fact that they ‘obviously’ paid tribute to Huangshan Sect indicated the sect’s influence.

“How much tribute are you paying that you’re financially strained?”

“Don’t even ask about it. I barely make two silver coins a month by selling clothes and tailoring. But those Huangshan Sect’s scoundrels always demand one silver coin. I’ve never seen such greedy robbers.”


It was severe enough to be called daylight robbery. Even if it’s a prestigious martial arts sect, if they label themselves as ‘orthodox’, it’s customary to limit the tribute to a reasonable amount. Otherwise, it would inevitably tarnish the sect’s reputation and even invite interference from the government. For unorthodox or demonic sects, they would resort to violent threats to ensure that the government could not intervene.

So, I found it puzzling and asked, “Is it just you who has to pay so much?”

“No, not at all. Everyone in this village, and even nearby villages, has to pay this much.”

“And what happens if someone can’t pay?”

“They can’t survive in this village. The Huangshan Sect pressures the landlords to drive away the tenant farmers, or makes it impossible to run their businesses. There’s nothing we can do.”


Hearing this, I cautiously suggested, “Can’t you report their abuses to the local authorities?”

“Heh… if it was possible, we would’ve done it long ago. Didn’t you know the influence of the Huangshan Clan even extends to the leaders of the local government and as far down as the city lord?” Mr. Song let out a deep sigh, seemingly frustrated. “Reporting them might halt their activities for a moment, but the one who reports will surely face retaliation from the Huangshan Sect. Who would willingly bell the cat?”

“I see…”

The Huangshan Sect, though orthodox, is a martial arts sect that advocates a path of thuggery. Harming a commoner would be far too easy for them; they could simply disguise themselves and beat people up with martial arts. Given that there are no martial arts sects around here that would dare to resist the Huangshan Sect, no one could question them.

I realized that the Huangshan Sect’s misconduct was worse than I thought and sighed silently.

‘Even for an orthodox sect, this is too much. Even the disciples from the Zhang Sect, which is relatively notorious for its misconduct, wouldn’t go this far. What on earth are they up to?’

At the same time, a signal echoed in my mind, telling me that the time to repay my debt of gratitude had come sooner than expected. Helping Mr. Song with a few pieces of silver would be less meaningful than reducing the Huangshan Sect’s interference.

Of course, it would be foolish to confront the Huangshan Sect directly. Even if I had acquired the inner strength of a thousand-year-old ginseng, I’m not ready to face a true martial arts master. I felt the need to use my brains to solve this problem.

‘Ah! That could work!’

A good idea came to me, and I smiled. Then, I told Mr. Song:

“Well… just wait and see. I think there will be good news in about three days.”

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