Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

A middle-aged man wearing an imposing fur coat spoke with a chuckle.

“Gyo-jun! What’s with that state of yours? Get up, quick!”

“Yes, Sect Leader!”

Upon hearing the words of the Sect Leader of Iron Blood Gate, Gyo-jun mustered all his strength and stood up. The person standing at the forefront was undoubtedly Iron Blood Gate’s sect leader, the supreme authority of the Twin Gates and a peerless figure who commanded the Luoyang martial world. Behind him stood six highly skilled individuals; namely the elders of Iron Blood Gate, and lastly followed by the heads who served as the pillars of the Iron Blood Gate sect.

Judging by their martial prowess and numbers, they did not seem inferior to any Nine Great Sects. As I unconsciously swallowed, the sect leader of Iron Blood Gate looked at me with a relaxed eye and said, “So, you’re Baek-woong, right? You’re not done here yet, are you?”


I racked my brains. Why is the sect leader of Iron Blood Gate approaching me like this? There must be some hidden agenda.

Rolling my eyes, I answered, “No, my business here is done. The duel ended in my favor, didn’t it?”

My finger was pointing at Gyo-jun’s broken sword blade. Upon seeing the blade lodged in the wall, Gyo-jun blushed with shame. I was making it clear that my business was settled and was planning to withdraw swiftly from the situation.

‘Good thing I finished it quickly. Otherwise, I would have been forced to face off against one of them.’

Though a half-hearted excuse, I felt it would work. After all, the challenger usually holds the initiative in a contest. Moreover, Iron Blood Gate sect leader, who is renowned throughout the world, wouldn’t dare to kill me without reason.

Iron Blood Gate sect leader stood there in silence, arms folded. Then he suddenly looked at Gyo-jun and asked, “Hey Gyo-jun! Did you lose?”

Gyo-jun, his face turning a shade of red, bowed his head before regaining his composure and answering, “Yes.”

“Good, it’s fortunate you’re still alive.”


“So Baek-woong, prepare for the next duel.”


What’s he talking about?

I was stunned by Iron Blood Gate sect leader’s casual tone, suggesting another match as if it were a given. He appeared to not even entertain any counter arguments. I naturally protested since there was nothing to gain from another match here.

“What are you talking about? The duel is over, I’ll leave Iron Blood Gate now.”

Iron Blood Gate sect leader laughed. His mouth smiled, but his eyes showed no change.

“Heh heh… what are you talking about? If so, repay your debt now.”

“Debt? What are you talking about?”

Iron Blood Gate sect leader glanced at the damaged training area. Touching the shattered wooden floor and walls, he said, “Isn’t all of this destruction your doing? Pay for it.”


“I’m saying Iron Blood Gate is claiming damages from you. Don’t you understand?”

I nearly dropped my sword in disbelief.

That’s absurd!

I may have caused some damage with my technique, but this is a common loss in martial arts duels. Why should I have to pay for that? I was about to object when hundreds of eyes locked onto me.


In that moment, I realized I was in enemy territory. All the martial artists here were ready to strike me down if given the chance. Iron Blood Gate may be a righteous sect, but these were people who would not hesitate to kill. If I fought back, I could end up with injuries or even worse.

Iron Blood Gate sect leader was not seeking ‘repayment’ in money. I’m not that naive.

As I swallowed hard, Iron Blood Gate sect leader spoke, “I won’t allow you to win and run away. This is Iron Blood Gate.”

“Tch… What nonsense.”

“You have to fight at least two more rounds. If you win both, you’re free to go. That’s a promise.”

“And if I refuse?”

“Quite gutsy, aren’t you.”

A cruel smile curled at the corners of the Iron Blood Gate sect leader’s mouth.

“If you can run away from here and still want to pick a fight with Iron Blood Gate in the future, then so be it! We’d get to have a fun adventure.”

I realized I had no choice. Even if I could escape using my inner energy, there was no telling how injured I would be. The martial skills of the Iron Blood Gate sect leader and the elders were almost at the pinnacle of the martial world. Even if I managed to escape, Iron Blood Gate would hunt me down for the rest of my life. And I didn’t have the energy or time for that.

‘Damn it… damn it…!!’

I realized the ulterior motive of the Iron Blood Gate sect leader.

“[I won’t tolerate winning and then running away.]”

He came to somehow engineer the situation for a victory for the Iron Blood Gate. Likely, the many challengers that came before me succeeded in defeating one or two Iron Blood Gate warriors but eventually lost after a barrage of back-to-back duels. The Iron Blood Gate probably maintained their honor in this way from their early days.

Maybe I should just lose and run away now. But the next Iron Blood Gate expert to face me in the second duel will undoubtedly try to cripple me or kill me. Either way, it was a succession of thin ice choices, and my head was filled with complications.

I realized I had underestimated Iron Blood Gate, and the martial world as a whole. In martial arts novels, the sect leader of the Iron Blood Gate might let me go, impressed by my martial arts or my courage. He might even treat me as a great man and offer to employ me in the sect.

But reality is different. To the sect leader of the Iron Blood Gate, I am merely a strong but wild individual, and merely a target to be eliminated. And the Iron Blood Gate would not hesitate to do whatever it takes to protect their honor, such is the martial world.

“Am I going to die either way?”

There was no choice.

Should I run and get stabbed in the back, or fight and die?

“If that’s the case, let’s leave it to luck.”

I braced myself for death.

“Alright. But I have a request.”

“What is it?”

“Please give me a weapon. A good spear and a good sword, one of each.”


Murmurs broke out among the Iron Blood Gate disciples. I seemed weird to them for asking for weapons at this point. Did I appear calm despite my life hanging in the balance? The sect leader of the Iron Blood Gate’s eyes twinkled differently than before.

“You’re a very interesting fellow. Is it true that you don’t belong to any sect?”

“Why do you keep asking? Haven’t I already said so?”

“It’s fascinating… It’s not easy even for three generations of a mainstream sect to raise someone like you.”

Amused, the Iron Blood Gate sect leader looked around and shouted.

“Hey! Someone bring a spear and a sword.”

His command was absolute in this place. As soon as it was given, several disciples dashed away and soon returned with good quality weapons as I had asked for. The sect leader handed me the weapons.

“Will these do?”

“More than enough.”

Both the spear and sword were new and shining silver; the metal quality was also excellent. There was nothing to complain about.

Moments later, the Iron Blood Gate sect leader snapped his fingers.

“First Elder, you may proceed with the duel.”

“Understood, Sect Leader.”


The one called the First Elder, also known as the Phantom Swordsman Jinpyeong, adjusted his broad-brimmed hat and stepped forward. He was rather short, appearing somewhat diminutive compared to my towering height. He drew his long sword, which looked somewhat awkward due to his size.

“I am the First Elder of the Iron Blood Gate, known as Phantom Swordsman Jinpyeong. Let’s have a good duel, Baek-woong.”

I could not gauge the extent of Jinpyeong’s martial arts.

That is, his level of martial arts was so profound that I could not judge it with my current insight. All I could feel was the level of his internal energy, and even that was difficult to gauge because he was suppressing his aura to maintain his Silent Sword technique.

Most likely, Jinpyeong was the kind of swordsman who would decide the duel in a single move.

“Darn it. Am I going to die here?”

My mind was tormented. Various thoughts crossed my mind, but I couldn’t afford to lose and die here without gaining anything. I asked Jinpyeong while holding my sword.

“Forgive my ignorance, I’m from the countryside and unaware of your reputation. Would your martial arts be comparable to the elders of the Huashan Sect?”


At this, Jinpyeong looked surprised, and so did the others. It was an impolite, even disrespectful question to ask directly about someone’s martial prowess. The Iron Blood Gate sect leader laughed.

“Ha ha ha… You’re really gutsy. Let me answer that. In my opinion, our eldest elder’s skill is on par with that of an elder from the Nine Sects. If it’s an elder from Huashan, it would be a close fight; if it’s an elder from Zhongnan, we have the upper hand.”

Jinpyeong glanced at the Iron Blood Gate sect leader and spoke, his face slightly flushed.

“Leader, you’re flattering me.”

“What does it matter? It’s the truth.”

“Thank you.”

“Now, focus on the duel.”

The two of us were having a conversation, but I felt a burning sensation within me.

As par as the Nine Great Sects’ elder!

If one is referred to as such, they’re undoubtedly a peak master. Although peak masters are rare in the world, it was only natural for a high-ranking official of a major sect like the Iron Blood Gate to be one.

Holding both a spear and a sword, I hesitated for a moment before thrusting the spear into the ground. Taking a deep breath, I assumed the proper stance for the Silent Thunder Sword Technique.

“Let’s put aside the Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique. I’ll fight with the familiar Silent Thunder Sword Technique instead.”

Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique is definitely a stronger martial art compared to the Silent Thunder Sword Technique. As the epitome of spear techniques, not only is it more versatile than the Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique, it also allows for quick offense and defense transitions. That’s why I’ve been training in it diligently. However, I felt more attuned to sword techniques. Having used sword techniques as my primary weapon for many years, fighting amateurishly with Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique was out of the question now.

There was only one thought in my mind.


What I had left was purely luck. With my sword at the ready, I spoke.

“Will you yield the first move to your junior, Phantom Swordsman?”

“Interesting. You’re the first one to ask that today,” responded the Phantom Swordsman, Jinpyeong, seemingly impressed. Ignoring him, I let out a battle cry.


My body shot towards him like the wind. Moving faster than usual, my sword left traces of light as if weaving a tapestry in the air. To the average person, it seemed as if only a blur was moving.


However, Jinpyeong, the Phantom Swordsman, easily deflected my initial attack with a single-handed swing of his massive longsword. His body wavered slightly, but he immediately used his footwork to redirect the force. He was clearly on a different level from the head of Sword-Facing Hall, Gyo-jun, who was sent flying earlier.


At the same time, the tip of Jinpyeong’s sword wiggled like a snake. I couldn’t identify the technique he was about to use, but it felt dangerous to ignore it. Using a strong sword stroke, I attacked his upper body relentlessly. Mixing his swordsmanship with internal energy, he redirected my attacks until his eyes suddenly sparkled.




I retreated, biting my lip from the pain in my shoulder where it was torn. Jinpyeong’s sword had suddenly become incredibly fast, making it impossible for me to dodge. I managed to avoid a fatal blow at the last moment, but his sword technique was far from over; it kept coming at my neck.

I stumbled back and rolled, unfolding the initial move of the Silent Thunder Sword Technique. While it might invite ridicule from the martial world for its clumsiness, it was effective for preserving one’s life. Utilizing the bounce from my knees, I sprang back up and once again executed the Silent Thunder Sword Technique, only for Jinpyeong to easily parry it again.

Taking advantage of the brief lull, Jinpyeong spoke.

“Your internal energy is truly amazing. Your swordsmanship may be lacking, but I can’t finish this quickly because of your energy.”

“I’m well aware, no need to mock me.”

He seemed to genuinely admire my internal energy.

“Even if one cultivates top-notch internal energy in a prestigious sect for over half a century, achieving such energy would be impossible… How did you acquire it?”

I did not answer.

The current battle could be summarized as internal energy versus swordsmanship. Though I couldn’t match Jinpyeong’s swordsmanship, my internal energy-enhanced defense, offense, and agility enabled me to hold my own. However, his attacks all contained lethal intent. If I allowed him even one effective strike, I would be dead on the spot.

The difference in our levels was glaringly obvious. I never thought my internal energy could make up for my lack of swordsmanship. Jinpyeong’s level as a peak master was evident.

“Shall we continue then?”

He chuckled.

Jinpyeong muttered to himself, and suddenly, a bluish flame erupted from his sword. In reality, it was the qi being condensed on the blade, so powerful that it had solidified to the point of being visible to the human eye. Knowing what it was, I felt drained and murmured, 

“Sword Aura…”

Not just creating a gust with the sword, reaching this level automatically makes any weapon akin to a legendary sword of the world, culminating in a unity of self and sword. It was the pinnacle of martial arts. The only Sword Aura I had ever witnessed firsthand belonged to Master Jin So-cheong and that assassin leader. The terrifying thing about Sword Aura is that it can pierce through any qi-based defense and potentially detonate the body of the target upon impact.

However, neither Master Jin So-cheong’s nor assassin leader’s Sword Aura flickered like flame; theirs were refined and blade-like. Unable to hold my curiosity, I asked, “Why does your Sword Aura look like that? Others have had a blade-like form.”

Jinpyeong, the Phantom Swordsman, arched his eyebrows. He responded with a tone as if he was giving a parting gift to the underworld.

“It means I am stronger than them. The stronger the Sword Aura, the more it transitions to Sword Flame from Sword Aura.”


So, it’s called Sword Flame.

I wondered why Master Jin So-cheong had never taught me this. And I concluded that he probably thought it would be impossible for me to reach such heights, like Sword Aura or Sword Flame. After all, it would be reasonable to assume that I would never use Sword Aura in my lifetime.

‘Is this the end for me here?’

I mustered my last ounce of courage and asked, “Who will I face next if I beat you?”

“There’s no such chance.”

So adamant. But I shouted as if forcing myself, “Still, tell me.”

“…Sect Leader will be your opponent.”

“How strong is your sect leader compared to you?”

“Don’t bother asking useless questions. Only the sect leaders of the Huashan Sect and the Great Sword Gate can be compared to our sect leader throughout Luoyang. Don’t even dare comparing yourself to them with that realm of yours.”


I had gotten all the answers I could, but it seemed I had also incurred Jinpyeong’s wrath. To him, it was presumptuous of an upstart like me to even mention his sect leader. With the expectation that the outcome would be the same, I tightened my grip on my sword.

“Let’s finish this.”

Jinpyeong said sternly and lunged at me.

The duel ended precisely at 350 breaths.

Sword marks were scattered everywhere, and the duel arena was destroyed as if it had been hit by an explosion. Although I was staggering, holding my sword and bleeding all over, I felt like I was about to lose consciousness.

I had no chance.

I may have had a substantial amount of internal energy, but Jinpyeong, living up to the reputation of a top-tier master from the Central Plains, had at least 60 years’ worth of internal energy and could easily deflect my attacks. Moreover, he could repel my attacks with his Sword Flame.

Jinpyeong looked down at the two wounds on his arm and shoulder. Then, he spoke as if giving praise,

“If you had practiced your swordsmanship for another ten years, I wouldn’t have been a match for you.”




I felt a momentary unpleasant sensation, and then my gaze shot toward the ceiling. Against my will, the ceiling of the duel arena briefly entered my view.

This was my third death.

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