Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 13: The Blending In

Chapter 13: The Blending In

"What kind of weapon is this?" said one of the inspectors who was inspecting the M4 Carbine. "How do you use this? Do you swing it?"

"Oh it's not for swinging," Vincent answered. "Please be careful with that, they are sensitive."

The inspector found the trigger of the M4 Carbine and recognized it.

"This one is like a crossbow huh?" said the inspector, and then pulled the trigger.

A click sounded, but nothing happened. The safety was still on.

Vincent breathed a sigh of relief. "Please, put the gun down. It's not something to play with," he urged calmly but firmly.

The inspector frowned and lowered the weapon. "Why didn't it fire? Is it broken?"

Vincent shook his head. "No, it's just...different. It's designed to prevent accidental firing."

Captain Aelric, sensing the tension, stepped forward. "Inspectors, please handle their equipment with care. These are not ordinary weapons, and we must respect our guests and their tools."

Captain Aelric gestured to another official. "Is everything in order for them to proceed?"

The official nodded, though he still seemed curious about the mysterious weapons. "Yes, Captain. They may enter."

Aelric turned back to Vincent and his team. "Congratulations, you passed the screening test. You can now enter the city so long as you have this identification with you..."

Aelric passed a set of identification badges to Vincent and his team. Each badge was a small, intricately crafted piece of metal with the emblem of the Kingdom of Eldoria etched onto it. "Keep these with you at all times," Aelric instructed. "They will grant you access to the city and ensure you are recognized as authorized visitors."

Vincent took the badges, distributing them to his team. "Thank you, Captain Aelric. We appreciate your assistance."

Aelric nodded. "Follow me, and I will guide you to a suitable place to rest and regroup."

As they walked through the streets of Eldoria, Vincent marveled at the vibrant life around them. The city was alive with activity-merchants hawked their wares, children played in the streets, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air.

Finally, they arrived at a large, welcoming inn with a sign that read "The Golden Stag." The building was well-kept, with flower boxes in the windows and a warm glow emanating from within.

"This is The Golden Stag," Aelric said. "One of the finest inns in Eldoria. You will be well taken care of here."

The innkeeper, a plump, cheerful woman with a kind face, greeted them at the door. "Welcome to The Golden Stag! How may we assist you today?"

"These guests require rooms and provisions," Aelric explained. "Ensure they receive the best -care."

"Of course, Captain," the innkeeper replied, signaling for her staff to prepare the rooms. "Right this way, gentlemen."

As they followed the innkeeper inside, Vincent turned to Aelric. "Thank you for your help, Captain. We will rest here and await further instructions."

Aelric nodded. "You are welcome. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask the innkeeper. I'm sure that Duke Claes will be summoning you soon to show his appreciation for your

bravery and assistance in rescuing his daughter."

Vincent nodded in gratitude. "We'll be ready."

With a final nod, Captain Aelric departed, leaving Vincent and his team in the capable hands of the innkeeper. They were shown to their rooms, each spacious and furnished with comfortable beds, wooden chests for their belongings, and a washbasin for freshening up. Once settled, Vincent called his team together in his room to discuss their next steps.

"So we are now at the Kingdom of Eldoria. One of the first nations we have encountered. There is a lot to know, specifically the history of this world, the geography, the different races, and the political landscape," Vincent began, looking around at his attentive team. "We need to gather as much information as we can.

"It's going to be difficult as it seems that the captain has ordered his men to watch us," said one of the special forces. "There were two gentlemen tailing us and I could already see them from up here by just glancing at the windows."

"Really?" Vincent peered out the window, carefully observing the scene below. Indeed, there were two men standing by the corner of the street, their gazes occasionally drifting towards The Golden Stag.

"Well, it's not a concern to us. They are just watching us. For now, I'm going to give you a callsign for easy identification. You the one on the left, you will be Alpha 2, you will be Alpha 3, and so on," Vincent continued, assigning callsigns to each member of his team for easier communication.

"Remember, our priority is to blend in, gather information, and avoid drawing unnecessary attention."

The team nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of their mission. "Alpha 2, you'll head to the market district and gather intel on local trade and commerce," Vincent instructed. "Alpha 3, visit the taverns and see what you can learn from the locals. Alpha 4, check out the temple area and find out about their religious beliefs and practices. Alpha 5, you're with me. We'll visit the library and gather historical and geographical information. But first, we have to get rid of our clothes."

"I saw a clothing store right down the street," Alpha 2 suggested. "We could buy some local attire to blend in better."

Vincent nodded in agreement. "Good idea. Let's head there first."

The team left their room, making their way down the stairs and out of The Golden Stag. They walked to the clothing store Alpha 2 had mentioned, which was a quaint shop filled with various garments. The shopkeeper, an elderly woman with a friendly smile, greeted them


"Welcome, travelers! How can I help you today?" she asked.

"We need to purchase some local attire," Vincent replied. "Something that will help us blend

in better."

The shopkeeper nodded and began showing them a selection of medieval-inspired clothes. The garments were simple yet sturdy, made from natural fabrics in earthy tones. There were tunics, trousers, cloaks, and boots, all designed for practicality and comfort.

Vincent and his team selected their outfits, choosing items that would help them blend in with the local populace. They changed into their new attire in the back room of the shop,

stowing their original uniforms in their bags.

"How much would this cost?" Vincent asked.

"That would be 10 small pieces of silver," the shopkeeper replied.

"10 small pieces of silver?" Vincent repeated. Fortunately, he had pocketed one gold coin from the chest he had found at the bandit's lair. He pulled it out and handed it to the

shopkeeper, who immediately brightened.

"Sir...this is a small gold coin! It's one hundred times the amount I asked for," the shopkeeper

exclaimed, her eyes widening in astonishment.

"Is that so?" Vincent chuckled.

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