Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 38: Prelude to Creating the Military Base

Chapter 38: Prelude to Creating the Military Base

At the Akarios Village, Vincent sighed in relief as finally, they had cleared out the entire island of monsters.

He checked his mission tab and looked for the ongoing mission that he had.

[Mission: Building a Headquarters]

[Description: You have been granted an island filled with monsters. It's your job to clean it up and make it a suitable and functional military base for you and your men.]

[Rewards: 500,000 gold coins & 30,000 experience points.]

Hmm...he wondered why the mission is still ongoing. Didn't he already clear out the island of monsters? Oh...he realized now. He needed to actually build a headquarters in the Akarios Village. Exterminating all the monsters was one thing, but establishing a functioning headquarters was another. Vincent rubbed his temples.

"Shit so there is still a lot of work that needs to be done," Vincent chuckled and then checked his system to see how much experience points and gold coins that he had accumulated.

During the operation, Vincent was annoyed at the constant alert and notification from his systems displaying about the monsters that he had killed, and the amount of gold coins and experience points it yields. He was so annoyed at that time to the point he turned off those notifications but kept an eye on what's important. For example, the new mobs that his soldiers encountered along the way.

And when he checked his status, a holographic interface popped up with a display message that read.

[Due to the preference of the user of not wanting to have incessant notification alerts. Now, in the event of exterminating a large amount of monsters, the system will report all necessary information after the battle.]

After reading that, another message popped up before his eyes.

[Congratulations! You have earned 432,510 gold coins and 205,155 experience points!]

[Your updated stats!]

[Host: Vincent Stryder

Level: 18

Experience points: 404,305/522,080

Gold coins: 647,510 gold coins.]

Seeing that his stats increased to a point of significant advancement, Vincent couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. The operation had been tough, but the rewards were undeniable. He quickly closed the notification and returned his focus to the task at hand.

"Alright," Vincent muttered, "time to get this base built."

Leaving outside the Town Hall, Vincent squinted at the rays of the morning sun. He realized he had been so engrossed in his tasks that he hadn't noticed the passage of time. The dawn had already broken, bathing the Akarios Village in a warm, golden light.

And it was at that moment he saw the beauty of the Akarios Village despite its dilapidated state. It wasn't the village but the scenery around. It was beautiful like in the countryside. It's a shame that it was overrun with monsters.

However, the beauty of the village's surroundings couldn't mask the exhaustion creeping over Vincent. The adrenaline from the recent battles was wearing off. He felt his eyelids grow heavy, and his movements became sluggish.

He wanted to build the base now in the morning but he was so exhausted that he feared that he might not be able to do it properly. It's always best to work on something when you have a clear mind and enough energy. Vincent knew he had to take care of his well-being if he wanted to lead effectively.

He pulled out his radio from the breast pocket of his combat armor and spoke through it.

"All stations, this is Actual. I want to congratulate you all for your efforts in clearing out the island. With this, we will establish our own base. It won't be now but later because I have to sleep. Alpha 1, you are to secure the prisoners over there for the whole morning and afternoon. We will decide what to do with them once I have a complete rest."

"Copy that, Actual," Alpha 1 responded through the radio. "We'll keep everything secure."

Vincent slipped the radio back into his pocket and made his way to the Town Hall. On the second floor, there was a bedroom. It is worn down and dusty, but it had a bed that seemed relatively intact. Vincent moved toward it.

He brushed off the worst of the dust and collapsed onto the bed, barely managing to kick off his boots before sleep claimed him.

Hours passed as Vincent slept deeply.. The sun continued its arc across the sky, casting long shadows over the village.

When Vincent finally awoke, it was late afternoon. He sat up slowly, feeling the stiffness in his muscles but also the renewed energy from the much-needed rest. He rubbed his eyes and took a moment to collect his thoughts before standing up and making his way downstairs.

Outside, he saw Alpha 1, saluting to him.

"Good to see you up and about, sir," Alpha 1 said. "We've made some good progress while you were resting. We cleaned up the corpses of the monsters, burned them. You will smell something in the air but it's under control."

"Good to hear that you have that kind of initiative, Alpha 1. While I am the leader, I should be more hands-on with this matter."

"That's nonsense, sir. You are the leader, so your strategic oversight is essential. We've got this on the ground," Alpha 1 reassured him.

Vincent nodded, appreciating the loyalty and competence of his team. "Alright, let's get back to it. We are going to build a base here on Akarios Island. I want it to be like Hawaii back in my world. It's going to be the most heavily fortified military installation on this planet," Vincent declared, a determined glint in his eyes.

Alpha 1 and the others nodded, sharing in Vincent's vision. They knew it was an ambitious goal, but they also knew that with their combined efforts, it was achievable, especially when Vincent had access to a system that allows him to summon virtually anything.

"Let's plan back in the Town Hall and envision what it would look like when built," Vincent said, leading the way.

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