Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 296 Magic Blacksmith Promotion

For the next hours Daimon scrolled though the missions available and was positively surprised, by the promotion ones, the requirements were pretty low and completing them will allow him to buy the next level of the respective knowledge book.

What was more by doing so he'll learn a new type of skill "Profession Skill", though to be honest since they were akin to what the system considered a novice, none sounded really useful.

But they could lead to something interesting as the system wouldn't just made him lose his time, by learning something that had no uses, they were always available to begin with, so he went for the easiest ones from his point of view.

[Novice Magic Blacksmith Promotion]

[A magic blacksmith is one who can combine its knowledge about materials, forging and runes to create a variety of treasures and devices]

[Requirements: Create or modify a device that is operative and helps the host in any aspect (0/1) (the grade of the device must be at least on par with the greater realm in which the host currently stands)]

[Reward: Profession skill "Scan"]

Daimon accepted it as he already was going to work in a way to contact Calvin and the others, so it was two birds one stone.

[Novice Swordsman Promotion]

[The way of the sword is infinite, to begin the journey one must first find the style that suits oneself, a swordsman always strives for the pinnacle]

[Requirements: Defeat other weapon users in real battles, to prove your style surpasses theirs (0/10)]

[Reward: Profession skill "Slash"]

"That's perfect, in the upcoming beast hunt I'll bet there will be plenty of "volunteers" to help Daimon complete this mission", mumbled Narasha, earning a smile from Daimon.

"Speaking about that, since I won't be using my public appearance, how about I'll let you run wild in Disaster's form?".

Narasha was surprised for a split of a second, but then she giggled, Daimon normally doesn't need her help in the Wonder Myriad Stellar chart as those in his same age range, don't pose a threat.

But here there were descendants of Emperors, and he was sure they had really good magic weapons too, so it was her time to shine as his battle partner.


Daimon saw Narasha literally sparkling and he chuckled, since she didn't have any facial factions, she used the light to express the small expressions of emotions she has learned so far, in this case expectation.

Daimon heard someone knocking on the door and Narasha hid herself below the bed, as he got up to open the door.

The one waiting at the other side of the door was none other than the head maid Martha, she slightly bowed and then handed Daimon a silver ring with a dolphin design and a blue gem engraved on it.

"Pardon for the interruption, I was asked to bring these items to young master Daimon, this ring will identify you as someone under the protection of Lady Annete, please accept it".

Daimon took the ring from Martha and after a quick inspection just to make sure there wasn't anything wrong with it, he put it in his left index finger, as he had the ring from the academy in his left ring finger.

"If you need anything else, please feel free to call me".

"Thanks", after being thanked by Daimon, Martha bowed her head and then left as calmly as how she arrived.

Daimon closed the door behind him and Narasha passed through the bed to approach him, as she looked at the silver ring in Daimon's left index finger.

"What I shame I can't wear anything in this form…", she said as she found the ring pretty.

Daimon couldn't help but softly laugh at her way to express herself, Narasha who didn't understand that her words could be misunderstood, looked at Daimon confused until he explained it to her.

"I never thought about it, but you got rid of Disaster's scabbard as you spend most of the time in the inventory and you don't simulate clothes in that light body form of yours… I wonder is my Narasha an exhibitionist?", he said with a playful voice.

It took Narasha a couple of seconds to realize what Daimon was implying, and then the part of her head, where her cheeks would be if she had a face, lightened up a bit, as if she was blushing.

"No fair… you and Eve always bully me like that~", she mumbled.

Daimon laughed amused by her cute reaction, it was indeed funny to tease Narasha, but he also did it to help her develop and understand emotions.

"Sorry, sorry, let's make a deal, once you get your body, I will buy you all the clothes and accessories you want, okay?".

"Mm~", Narasha repeatedly nodded with a happy voice.

Daimon then sat down cross legged on the bed as he took out the items he asked from the queen, one of those "Reflection Mirrors", which allowed you to see and hear what was happening in another place where a respective surveillance array was engraved.

The second item was a small octagonal plate called "Comdev", which function was to communicate with others, similar to the sigil lector from the Wonder Myriad stellar chart, and this is where things got pretty interesting for him.

Because once he started inspecting it, he realized it instead worked in a similar nature to a cellphone from earth, the instructions stated that there were some things called signal towers, which allowed all the comdev to connect with each other.

To contact someone, you just needed to know the password of the other party, which varied, from a series of numbers and characters, to a more personal thing like a drop of blood, it all depended on the signal tower wo which the comdev connected.

Something that caught Daimon's attention was that the comdev that he was handled, had a dolphin emblem engraved on one of its corners, and also there was a note attached to it.

"I have towers in the four seas, the access is enabled in this device, have fun~".

Daimon raised an eyebrow at the fact that the queen had coverture in the four seas, but then he remembered the fact that the Reflection Mirrors were created by her family, and also their magic apparently was related to sound, so communications were one of the fields in which they excelled.

Daimon then took out one of his spare sigil lectors, and started working on disassembling it, it wasn't that hard since it was one of the less complex devices with which Liz taught him about magic blacksmithing.

Soon he had the component he needed, which was a gray metal plaque where the sigils were registered.

The it came the hard part of the task, he had to dismount the comdev and understand the function of the parts, luckily, he could see the runes and how the process worked with his infinity eyes and after a couple of rounds of him sending some test messages to Mellie, which was one of the only three contacts to whom he had the passwords, he pretty much understood he logics behind the comdev.

"This thing is just an extension of the reception tower, unlike the sigil lector who has an antenna built in, it sure requires more preparation, but the range is on another level, Liz is going to love it", mumbled Daimon.

"If that's the case…", Daimon took the plaque which stored the sigils, which were basically a "magic signature", created by a combination of many ingredients, like the mana, blood and original handwrite of the owner, and connected it to the comdev and then to his sigil lector.

By doing this he would be able to narrow down the search, unfortunately he wouldn't be able to contact his classmates since they didn't have comdevs and the way the worked wasn't compatible with the sigil lector, but as long as they were in the range of the reception towers of the queen, he'll get to know their general location.

The message will show in his sigil lector with the respective sigil as well as the territory in which the sigil is located, after a couple of seconds the modified comdev started transmitting to the towers of the queen, the process will take some time as the information of the sigils had to reach the towers at the other seas, for the first time.

'Well, that's as much as I can do for now, once they are located, I will just tell the queen to tell her informants where to look…'.

Daimon's thoughts were interrupted by the sweet sound of a notification.


[The mission "Magic Blacksmith Promotion" has been completed]

[Requirements: Create or modify a device that is operative and helps the host in any aspect (1/1) (the grade of the device must be at least on par with the greater realm in which the host currently stands)]

[Profession skill "Scan" has been added to the skill tree]

[Scan: Allows the host to make a mind image of any object he touches (knowledge is required to understand the function and logics of the scanned object)]

[Cooldown: Null] [Price: Null]

"Woah, that sounds pretty useful", Narasha who was watching from the sides was surprised after reading the description of the skill Daimon got.

And Daimon couldn't help but agree with her, his infinity eyes helped him to understand the process but the materials used, the size and details of the components weren't easy to inspect with mana sense.

Specially because to avoid the steal of designs and technology, all the magic blacksmiths added formations to distort and trick mana sense, and when you work with devices that require precision, a deviation of even a millimeter would mean a malfunction or even worse a complete failure.

Even if he isn't too centered in the magic blacksmith profession, Daimon couldn't help but imagine the advantages this skill would give him over others and laugh to himself.

"I wonder when will I be able to teach skills to the soulmates… cause Liz it's going to be really interested in this one", he mumbled.

Without noticing Daimon spent about three hours modifying the comdev, and now that he looked at the clock, the sun should be setting down right now.

"This thing will need more time to find something, so I might as well go see how are those four doing".

Narasha returned to the inventory and then Daimon left the room, but after knocking on the door next to his, he noticed the room was empty, he focused in Aisha's presence which he could feel thanks to her being his soulmate and found her at the other side of the mansion.

So, he walked towards his mother's location, after passing through some of the corridors, he found the head maid Martha and asked her what was in the direction in which he felt Aisha's presence.

"The training room is in that direction, if young master Daimon wishes so, I would be glad to guide you".

Daimon nodded, and then he followed Martha all the way to a corridor which only had one large gate, from where loud sounds and explosions were coming.

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