Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 284 Keep Running!

"It's enough… Let's go out right now," William held his paper in hand before adding, "keep your distance no more than ten metres from me, or else you won't get out."

"Wait… What's the plan?" Ibra hurriedly shouted, but William already started moving.

"What else? Move towards this stream, use your strength to throw rocks, mud, and even trees at it."

"What about these monsters around?" Ibra just got out of the array, feeling like a hole appeared the moment William passed through.

"We will kill them, of course," William once said, took his knives out, and started a mad spree of killing.

The monsters in this part were all bronze and silver grade, and they were all weak and powerless against him.

And the moment Ibra joined, the fight became one sided massacre!

William didn't expand the area of their activity, just killing and clearing an area of a hundred metres around. "That's enough. Let's go and bury this stream," he shouted at Ibra, who wasn't that far away from him.

​ "There are still too many of them!"

"Let me handle those coming at us," William decided to switch roles, being the main damage output at this moment, "you just use your glaive, and bury that stream with anything you find."

"Tsk! Alright," Ibra still didn't see any hope or logic in what they were doing. Yet he started to do what William asked for.

The stream was running in the middle of big trees. And Ibra just needed to wave his glaive around a couple of times to chop off these trees, let them fall all the way down, towards the stream.

The stream wasn't that thick, only five metres in width. Compared to the thick trees around, a single tree falling on it was enough to cover it and cut its path in two halves.

With rocks, mud, and more tree branches that Ibra made sure to cut and throw at the stream, the entire stream got blocked at last.

"It's done… What the heck?!!!" and just as Ibra did that, he turned towards the direction of that scary monster to get instantly shocked.

And there he saw a scene he never imagined seeing before! A large piece of ground, a big house sized rock, was moving like it was getting pushed by someone from behind.

It towered over the ground for at least twenty metres, making it quite easy to spot from this distance away. And from this far distance, his spirit sense couldn't be used. Yet he could easily spot the bushes that he once saw, and he knew it was the monster William spoke about.

"Don't care about it!" William shouted in the middle of his intense battle with lots of monsters around, "it will keep following us at its snail-like speed. Keep moving away, burying more of this stream, cutting its life force off."

"Are you sure this is going to work?!!" at this moment, Ibra couldn't help but feel more terrified, "this thing… It's the biggest monster I've ever seen!"

"Don't say it like this! You already fought against that worm, and it was much bigger than this dude."

"For real?!! No f*cking way!!!" Ibra felt the hair at his back stand to no end.

"Just do your part and let me focus on protecting you."

"Why won't you switch? You are the one closer to the array, not me!"

"Stop this childish act right now! We are going to kill it, not run away and hide inside."

"I better be a coward and live than be a fool and die here," Ibra complained, yet he didn't stop at his place any longer.

He started running away from this scary monster, while doing all his best to bury the stream and cut anything in his path.

William didn't delay as he kept moving around him at the same pace, killing and stopping all the monsters which dared to come closer.

As the two kept walking forward, more of the monsters around started to notice them. Soon enough, it looked like the entire forest got stirred up, and anything living in it started to head towards their direction.

"Dude! If we don't die from that scary monster, we are going to die in the hands of the swarm of monsters coming our way!" After ten minutes of doing this, Ibra couldn't help but feel tired and feared the worst.

"No, we aren't the ones who are going to die," William was keeping an eye over that colossal rock. It was trying its best to follow them from far behind, "it's almost on its last leg. Just hold on a bit more, and we can call it a day."

"I want to call it a day right now, dude! Why won't we stop and retreat? It got weakened already by what we did. Let other monsters deal with this beast instead of dealing with us!"

"Stop whining and keep moving, we just need to hold on for ten more minutes."

"F*ck! Didn't you say it's just a little bit before it's going to fall!"

"Oh, I was joking with you… It's just five minutes."

"If the monsters didn't kill you, I'm going to kill you myself!"

"Hahahaha, we need to get out of this alive first," William seemed to be happy, which was something weird in Ibra's eyes. That was for a single fact… He was going to get tons of cores out from this battle!

Not only he'd end up with one more gold grade core, but he'd also gain lots of silver cores. As William didn't trust this dude by his side, he made sure he'd be busy dealing with this stream, without giving him any single second of freedom to fight monsters.

In fact, they didn't need to keep going on like this. The monster back there would die out of thirst soon. However, William was guarding against Ibra, not the monster actually.

And in less than three more minutes, William shouted:

"Watch out! It's going to break apart!"

"For real? Thank God for showing mercy on me," Ibra was on the verge of releasing his tears, "but wait a second… Why do I have to watch against it? It's at least a kilometre away from us…"


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