Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 287 The Fatal And Funny Weakness

William knew he had to bypass the direction these pieces were travelling through. And that meant he had to select one of the two directions available for him.

Either he'd go around the route of these pieces from outside or move closer to the array. And he indeed selected the latter.

He and Ibra came from that direction, clearing many monsters on their path. But when William went there, he was surprised to see lots of monsters lurking there, and many were running after the flying pieces as dogs trying to catch thrown balls or something.

If he used his sword, he'd move slowly and would take longer to kill these monsters and clear a path for him. He could have used his lightning technique, but that would exhaust his spirit power faster than he wanted.

So, the only option he got was his knives, and his bow and arrows!

He didn't use these arrows lately as he depended more on his sword and knives. But as his sword was out of the picture, he decided to switch it for his bow and arrows.

"I should have bought a good bow back then," he scanned his weapons but found no bow there. So, he had to use the same low-grade bow, regretting not buying a good one from the market.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

As he controlled his arrows perfectly, he made them all land at the distance, cutting and blocking any path towards him from far. The explosion killed those weak bronze monsters, deeply harming the stronger bronze ones, and sending the silver ones flying away from his path.

As for those who evaded his arrows, or were unlucky enough to land on his path, he used his knives to end their lives fast.

William was like a killing machine, sweeping anything that came in his path. He kept running back towards that monster and took close to five minutes to arrive there.

The monster was already moving out with its huge body. Even if it lost half of its mass thanks to the pieces it sent, it didn't move faster thanks to his low power level.

"I think you endured long enough," William once arrived at that monster's place, he finally could see the real appearance of it.

"An adult Bulgatoras, that's why you survived this far," William examined the monster in front of him, not rushing to attack and kill it.

This monster had a very weird body. The upper half of it looked like a giant rock, ending up with a groove at its top, surrounded and covered up by thick and lavish green bushes.

Seeing the upper half alone would give anyone the impression this wasn't a real living thing. But seeing the lower half, one would know how greatly mistaken.

That other half was formed of a jelly like substance, forming a donut shaped piece that was surprisingly able to endure all the weight lying on it by the upper half.

This lower part would merge with any terrain as long as there was a water source running here. This would let the monster merge perfectly well with the surrounding terrain, hard to get spotted, and quite deadly when it'd move to kill any prey, monsters and spirit masters alike.

At the same time, it ended up with ten cylindrical short projections that extended for no more than five metres each. They looked as if they weren't moving, but they left a weird brownish yellow substance on the ground, a trail for the monster's marching path.

William knew these projections weren't just for show. They acted as limbs, and they moved by a weird phenomenon of secreting acid, eroding the ground, turning it into some sort of liquid that helped this monster to glide over easily, move forward in such a unique way.

It was a process that required tons of power from this monster. And that explained why it rarely moved from one place to another. It usually inhabited a place, like a home or lair for it.

It always remained all silent and still, loved to trick any monster or spirit master passing by to think it was a part of the forest before devouring all as its meal.

It was indeed a monster that didn't belong to this part of the forest. And seeing it here made William sure of his earlier guess.

"Something terrifying must have drawn even you out of the deep parts of the forest," William muttered to himself, while moving around this monster. He made sure to not step over any of that fluid on the ground, fearing to get hurt by the deadly acid.

"Time to put you to rest," William knew where this monster's fatal weakness lied. As the monster was this close from dying, William started to slowly climb his way up to the top.

Normally he wouldn't be able to do that! The monster had lots of tricks and deadly attacks to guard its colossal body. But it was struggling to keep itself awake, squeezing every ounce of strength it got to move towards the source of water, the source of its life.

"Sorry, but you met the wrong opponent this time," William reached the top, where the bushes were. The fatal weakness of this monster might seem funny and hard to believe, but it lied within the all exposed bushes.

William started unearthing these bushes from the roots using his sword. He planted the sword in the rocky layer, pushed a little and infused his lightning spirit element into his sword.

Then it was expected to see cracks spreading all over this layer, before he finally managed to uproot these bushes one by one.

"What a harvest!" William's eyes shone brightly when he saw the first bush he took out, "it's a waste! I don't have a lifesaving treasure like that master's sac to save you forever. But I'll make sure to keep you alive by taking you out from time to time."

William knew how valuable these bushes were. They weren't actually part of the monster, but seeds of rare and precious herb that would grow on the back of rare monsters like this one.

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