Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 317 [Bonus ] Getting Cores At Last

He jumped twice, passing twenty metres this time, going by the group of tigers that tried to take a bite at him.

The first to meet him up were five groups of tigers. He had to follow his earlier two jumps by jumping three times again, evading all of them.

The tigers used fire balls that came out from their mouths. Then the wind element members would wave their claws, sending gales of wind to augment these fireballs, letting them grow in size, speed, and ferocity.

But that didn't matter for William as he simply evaded the monsters early on before they'd release their attacks. And when he appeared again, he was just in front of the second-row monsters.

They seemed to prepare to attack him when he drew closer. "Sorry, but I can't digest how you use fireballs as if you are dragons... Dudes, you aren't! You are tigers! So, act like ones, for god's sake!"

William took out his knives and released them up front to deal with two groups by his side. As for the group he was in front of, he simply ran in the middle of them, and let his sword do all the talk.

These tigers were each the size of a motorcycle. They weren't that big actually, and that made hitting them at their vital spots quite easier for William.

But that also meant they could move pretty damn fast. If not for the few seconds of pause before they'd prepare their attacks, William knew he'd not be able to hit any without depending too much on his lightning technique.

"Thanks for the cores!" and as he killed this group and the other two around in the span of a few seconds, William didn't think about leaving before getting his cores first.

He took the lead, fought these tigers head on for this sole purpose. And as he lacked a single decent core, he'd not say no to any core coming his way.

Not to mention these were silver cores. They weren't just enough to raise his spirit power by a few points each time, but also, they'd replenish lots of his lost spirit power.


"I said it's pretty damn stupid to keep roaring before attacking!" William was instantly surrounded by many groups, prepared to launch their deadly attack at him.

*Fwoosh!* *Fwoosh!* *Fwoosh!*

He wasn't planning to get the cores without securing his back at the same time. He left out his knives and scattered them around. When the monsters came closer, he simply released them free, attacking and hitting any monster around without showing mercy.

But William knew this wasn't enough. His knives could stop a few monsters, but they weren't enough to kill or defend him against the incoming fire balls.

"I got enough," he collected half of the loot he should have, and flashed away fast, retreating from the spot of danger. He knew being overly greedy sometimes would bring one's demise faster.


"Sorry, but you missed," William knew the tigers were going to launch another volley of attack after their failure. And so, he just appeared next to another group that were next to the ones surrounding him from before and kept working his sword over them.

And his knives didn't shy behind, joined the battle and killed more of these tigers.

As he expected, the tigers didn't care about his knives. They couldn't even stop or touch them. So, trying to deal with them was going to be a waste.

Instead, the betas in these groups started to issue their orders using loud roars to attack William again.

And this was what he was waiting for.

More groups already gathered and joined the earlier ones chasing after him. At this point, almost twenty groups were prepared to hit him, with many more standing on the side, paused in preparation for attacking him later on.

But that wasn't enough to stop William.

William killed one group first, then flashed back, and started a wide spree of attacks over another group.

"Sorry, but you missed again," William laughed at them when he flashed once more, appearing in the middle of another group.

Even if they surrounded him like this, it was worthless as long as they couldn't even touch a single hair of him.

William kept doing this, targeting the monsters that were all in pause and waiting to attack. He had to use a few jumps each time to reach such groups, but that didn't matter anymore after gaining the cores at a stable rate.

William kept jumping in the middle of one group, killing them fast using his sword, before flashing away, evading a volley of attack, and ending up appearing in the middle of another group to do the same.

And during all this, his knives were restless, moving all over the place, hitting, slashing, stabbing, and killing any monster they could reach.

This bought him little and precious seconds for him to gather up the cores he wanted. He couldn't get all the cores of course, but getting half or slightly more was more than enough for him.

Despite all this, William felt the total number of monsters didn't show a decrease at all. He felt like the number of attacks landing on him kept growing in number with each passing minute.

"Come on! You should have started your attack by now!" William knew he grabbed the attention of many monsters in the pack. And this was the right moment for Sith and others to start their barrage of attack, jump in and alleviate the pressure over him.

Just when he thought about this, he heard loud bangs coming from behind, announcing that Sith and his team started to join this battle at last.

"Just in time," William used a few of the silver cores he had already gained to replenish his lost spirit power.

As Sith and others stepped in, it was time for him to roam the entire battlefield and gather up the cores he missed. He cared more about the cores he left behind and didn't collect rather than going out there and helping Sith and others in killing these tigers.

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