Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 337 An Earth-Shattering Battle!

"Get inside! Don't stay out there!" The same voice thundered again while a thick arc of lightning fell over that bubble. Strangely enough, that bubble didn't even show any sign of damage, instead got shined brighter, as if it absorbed the lightning energy and strengthened itself.

By the last shout, everyone moved under this voice's strong and irresistible charisma, and the endless fear they felt by the approach of the ocean of monsters from behind.

If they dared to delay, then in less than two minutes, they'd get killed by these monsters.

"Get in!"


"Wake up! The monsters won't stop or vanish if you keep glaring at them! Run inside! Let's get into safety!"

The vice leaders shouted all at the same time, urging everyone to get into that bubble thing and get away from the way of harm.

Only Ibra and Sara stood on the side, looking at everyone, while prepared to jump in and carry anyone who'd get delayed or something.

After all, it was a pretty hectic run for everyone. But for the white members, this was a hellish experience, as they pushed themselves over the limit a long time ago and were this close from fainting at any possible second.

"Phew!" we are all safe!"

*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*

And with the entrance of everyone inside that bubble shield, many fell to their knees, while all the white grade members fell on the ground, losing consciousness out of their fatigue.

And before the vice leaders would do or say anything to help those deadly exhausted members, the world outside changed!

Monsters were everywhere! It seemed like the monsters couldn't sense the array they were inside, as if this part of the world didn't even exist in the eyes and senses of these monsters.

But soon enough, their surprise from this swarm of monsters and how they didn't notice the weird array vanished, replaced with another type of shock and scare!

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Just as the monsters blocked their sight, the entire world changed again. This time it was explosions, violent and earth-shattering explosions that made the entire ground tremble under their feet.

And the next moment, the entire world flashed brightly in front of their eyes, as everything turned all red, purple, orange, and white in succession!

"Dammit! Is it the end of the world or what?!"

"Is this the might of a dark gold spirit master or what?!"

"Come on! I witnessed lots of dark gold spirit masters fighting, but never was close to that."

The silver grade members in the team started to say their piece one at a time. Yet that didn't help in explaining anything of what was going on out there.

Ibra was surer than anyone else, there were at least a bunch of dark gold spirit masters out there. And when he recalled the weird scene of the tsunami of monsters that kept chasing them all the night, the land filled with torches and surrounded by the hills, he couldn't help but feel that everything was connected.

"It seems we got in the middle of a big force's actions," Ibra finally muttered after ten minutes, "I don't know if this is our good or bad luck, but at least we are all safe."

He shifted his eyes towards others. The team members who got on the ground or already fainted got the healing potions by the help of the better-looking members.

Everyone was looking better right now, and those white grade members were conscious again.

"What do you even mean by that?!" one of the bronze members asked in doubt.

"He means the entire thing wasn't a coincidence or bad luck," Sara sighed, "we… We were just in the wrong time and place, got ourselves in the middle of a formidable force's business without knowing it."


"Can anyone please speak proper words? Something we can understand?!!"

And as the weak and little experienced members in the team didn't get what Ibra and Sara meant, one of the silver members stepped in to help.

"What they wanted to tell you is that the monster tide didn't happen naturally. These monsters got allured towards here by the work of these spirit masters."

"Who is in their right mind will even try doing something like that?!!! We always run away from any monster tide, not be insane enough to work to draw it towards us!!!" This was what many had in their minds when they heard these words.

"They are such a formidable and quite scary force," Ibra sighed, "one that will place our academy and clans in the shadows compared with."


There was no more to say. Everyone kept their heavy and suffocating silence, resting and healing while watching all this madness happening from the front seats.

They never expected to witness such a heaven defying battle once they stepped outside their academy. Even the most experienced ones, Ibra, Sara, and other silver members, got to see the world in a different light at the moment.

All they could see and hear was the swarm of monsters that seemed quite endless. On the other hand, violent explosions kept ranging all the time without pause.

What made them more shocked was that even by this far, with all this destruction, they couldn't spot a single shadow of any spirit master at all.

It seemed like the spirit masters here didn't need to move a muscle to cause all this destruction!

What was true might? What was a real war against monsters? This was! Even those who came from the Long clan, the ones who saw a scary battle before, ended up quite shocked as well.

This battle… It was nothing like the one they experienced back at the walls of their clan. And for a long time there, they got the same old feeling revived again.

"This… It's like William is here and leading all of them in crushing those monsters!" Lang couldn't control himself anymore, spoke the words others from his clan kept in their chests.

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