Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 347 You Fools!

"Dark spirit masters!"

"Watch out everyone!"

"They brought lots of monsters!"

"Run for your lives!"

William heard lots of faint shouts, coming from the same direction the team he was just with a few minutes ago moved towards.

"What a bunch of bad luck fools," William shook his head, without knowing if he should laugh or cry over their bad luck.

That team kept walking with him for long hours without anything happening to them. And just after leaving his side for a few minutes, they ended up getting in the middle of such a big move from the dark spirit masters.

"Time to see what these folks here are made of," William didn't respond like anyone in his place should, didn't turn around or retreat.

Instead, he took out his knives, held his sword in one hand, and his bow in the other. He was ready and prepared to go all out the moment the dark spirit masters would appear.

He wanted to use this chance and test everyone out, be it the normal spirit masters here or the dark ones.

William was still in the heart of the forest, surrounded by many trees. If he was alone, then he'd never dare to face the incoming attack of the dark spirit masters like now.

But as there were lots of teams out there, then it was a good chance for him to use the chaos and try to hunt in the middle of such dirty waters.

The first thing he did wasn't to go forward, but to go up. He selected the thickest tree here, climbed it fast without any care for anything. He used his lightning dash technique, crossing fifty metres towards the top directly in one jump, without fearing to meet any monster up there.

He already scanned the area around. William was sure that not a single monster was present in the radius of a few hundred metres around.

But that soon was about to change.


"These damn freaks! What they got against me to target me thrice in a day!"

"What are the patrols doing? F*ck! Isn't it supposed to be safe around here?"

"Run first, ask questions later! Run for your lives, idiots!"

As William took his place on top of the tree, he heard more distressful shouts coming from the teams running towards here. As he was at such a high altitude, he could see many trees trembling from far, as if there were lots of teams running here.

And from these shouts, he could tell that the team he was just with didn't lie to him. There were indeed many patrol teams, holding the security of this region.

But they ended up missing when people needed them the most. William felt something was amiss right here, but he didn't care about any of that.

His attention shifted towards the early faces of the teams running towards here. And all of them were scared of who was chasing after them.

For five minutes, many teams ran while shouting. William felt a little weird about that. Just the number of these teams was enough to stop any enemy no matter who it was.

But no one dared to think even about that. Fear controlled everyone's thoughts and it seemed like every man was running for himself. And that showed just the true quality of these teams.

"They lack a leader," William muttered to himself, while wondering in his mind about the identity of the incoming enemies.

​ Were they this scary? William couldn't tell until the first batches of the enemy arrived.

As he saw it, many dark cloaked spirit masters were running through trees, using the darkness element and showing its terrifying advantage here.

They moved fast, like fish swimming in water. Their speed was high, and their movement was agile and nimble, enough to take them amidst the thick layers of trees and arrive at the madly running spirit masters.

"Something isn't right," William just saw the battles that happened not far from his tree. And no matter how he looked at it, there was no proper reason for all these teams to run in such fear.

"Stand your ground, fools!" and when he felt more disturbed by the weird battles going on around the trees, William couldn't help but suck in a deep breath and shout at the top of his lungs.

His shout came in the middle of all the chaos going on down there. So not many heard him. But when he moved, everyone stopped.

No matter who, be it part of the scaredy cats like teams running down there or the dark spirit masters, all stopped and watched someone moving from high above, dashing towards the ground pretty damn fast, ending up landing over a bunch of dark spirit masters.

William's landing came by using a straightforward dash of his technique. And even before he'd hit the ground, he linked it with a few other dashes.

The place where he landed got covered in a thick bellow of dust and loud screams. Anyone would notice from far the shining blades of his knives, twisting around, hacking and killing the entire seven dark spirit masters William just hit first.

And before their shock would settle down, they watched something explode from the middle of the thick dust cloud, jumping fast between many points, hitting anyone and anything standing in his way using a sharp sword.

"Don't run you fools! There aren't that many of them right now! Stand your ground! Stand up and fight!"

William's voice this time was heard perfectly fine by everyone. And this time, the impact of his shout was much different than before.

When the running teams heard such a shout before, none ever placed it in their minds and kept running. But when they saw how a single spirit master dared to step up, came in such a shocking way, landing over the enemy and starting a spree of killing everywhere, they started to slowly stop.

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