Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 368 Trevor

If the Lockheart impact left such an impression, then seeing the Refos merchant group's base here made him change his vision about that impact.

The land covered by the big walls of this merchant group was at least a few thousand metres square. And William couldn't see the end of it!

The place was filled with grand looking, five storey height buildings, each seemed like the size of the entire Lockheart impact.

And that wasn't all… There were many defensive towers there. And from this far away distance, he could see a huge crowd gathered up around the five big gates in this building.

"They are the fifth superpower in the merchant world here," Ro said in a dejected tone. Since she saw the grand buildings of the Refos merchant group, she knew she was doomed. And it was pointless to try and dissuade William anymore.

"They got five big gates as a symbol for their rank and prestige... Nice touch!" William smiled, nodded in agreement about this little and effective touch from those Refos folks.

"Why don't we turn around then? It's a waste to spend lots of wealth on your first day here."

"What? Are you trying to buy yourself time, find another dude to buy it before me?" William already saw through her intentions. And his words made her innocent looking face drop and change to show the fierce side of her.

"I swear if you don't retreat right now, drop this idea entirely, then I won't hesitate to kill you!"

"Hahahaha! You said it yourself! This necklace can shield and protect oneself. So, I'm buying it for myself."

"F… For yourself! But… But you aren't a girl!"

"These things don't matter to me," he shrugged, "and with it around my neck, you won't be able to touch a single hair of me ever again."

"Bullshit!" She tried to sound confident, but her voice came quite shaky, "ahem, this necklace can't generate a strong shield, not strong enough to stop me."

"I'll take my chances," the two already got close enough from the dense crowd of people in front of the five gates. And unlike what William expected, there wasn't any sign of chaos there.

Everyone stood in calmness in one of the many rows, waiting for their turn to enter the Refos place without even making a ruckus about it.

And just like them, William randomly selected a line and stood at the end of it.

"Hey bro, wassup?"

Just as he stood there, listening to the futile attempts from Ro during the past half an hour, one spirit master came and approached him, saying in a confident tone as if they were friends or something.

"You are?" William looked up and down at this dude. He was twenty-three years old, looking slightly poor with low grade gears despite giving William the vibe of being a gold grade spirit master.

"I'm here to help you," that dude said in weird confidence, pointing at himself as he added, "I'm Trevor, and I'm here to let you go over there. You can enjoy your time there, while I'll stand in your place."

"Stand instead of me?!" William felt a little puzzled, before following where that dude's finger pointed towards. There he found a group of stalls and shops in different sizes, lots of seats, even many with huge tents to cover up those sitting there from the hot rays of the sun.

"This is…" William ignored this weirdo called Trevor, turned to Ro who sighed.

"It's a common thing here," she paused, "as you can see, we waited for half an hour and this line didn't move a metre!"

"I'm here to help you, sir," Trevor kept speaking in his weird confidence, "in return for my services, I'll need one thousand spirit crystals from you."

"This…" William was surprised by such an extravagant price. One thousand spirit crystals? Just for doing nothing but stand in a line? That was entirely the yearly income of a gold grade spirit master in any team back at the academy!

"This is the standard price here," Ro decided to take this chance to see how deep William's pockets truly were. She still had doubts about the ability of someone coming from a weak academy like the Aspire academy to have a huge wealth.

"Sure," William liked the idea, "here, this is two hundred spirit crystals as an advance payment. When you are done, I'll pay the rest."

"Sure sir," Trevor took a piece of paper out and handed it over to William, "here, it's my Message Paper. If you need anything just speak directly to me through it."

"Here is mine," William already made a few extra copies of his Bullets since the last time he was with his team, "when you are close from the front, just inform me."

"You are really rich," Ro rolled her eyes, but William ignored her useless comment and went towards the group of stalls at the side.

"It's nothing," William wasn't bluffing. He got hundreds of thousands of spirit crystals in his rings. And he didn't yet check the forty something rings he got lately from the dark spirit masters he looted before.

But he knew, going by logic, if these followed the same trend as the other dark spirit masters he killed and looted before, then his gains would be enormous.

Being a millionaire would be real. And that without even the need to sell any of his cores.

This was indeed nothing for him, for anyone here. Two hundred spirit crystals were nothing, but the way he took them out made Ro's heart clench.

"He is really rich," she inwardly commented while silently walking behind him towards the stall zone, "he really is troublesome!"

"Sir, ma'am, are you looking for a good meal?" and just before the two would arrive at this area, a group of salesmen appeared, surrounding the two, offering their services.

"Our stall is better, and the food tastes more delicious than others!"

"Stop fooling them! Ours are better and cheaper than others!"

"No, ours is better!"

And all of sudden, this simple advertising activity turned into a word battle and an argument between the salesmen, leaving William and Ro a bit speechless.

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