Release That Succubus

Chapter 330 330 New Stage

Chapter 330 Chapter 330 New Stage

Underneath all their schemes, the reason that the Hunter family had targeted him, and the Windsor family was the cheap greed of their leader and his foolish ambition of staying at the top for the untold future. The venture itself was foolish, for nothing that had reached top could remain there forever, not even the divine. Every rise was followed by a fall no matter how long it took. There were no absolutes in the world.

But now that he had become a Viscount of the empire, it was like he was seeing a different world. The world that had shunned him in the past was more than just accepting. It was practically rolling itself on the ground in front of it as if to please him and provide him with comfort during his walks.

Zach wasn't used to it but the feeling wasn't half bad. After being misunderstood for so long, he felt like he deserved to be brown nosed by others if only a little bit.

Getting used to his new life was a bit of a chore as he had to change his lifestyle a bit. The shift demanded tweaks and modifications to his accustomed way of living. He had to encounter new people on a daily basis. The demands of his newfound position dictated forging connections and associations that he might never have considered in the past. It was a transformation that stretched beyond the superficial, urging him to embrace a more diverse and expansive perspective on human interactions than before when he didn't even need to come into the limelight to get things done.

However, with the passage of time, he started to acclimate to his new reality. Each passing day brought a modicum of acceptance, nudging him closer to a place of familiarity within this altered life. The initial discomfort began to dissolve, making room for a growing sense of ease and understanding.

His daily life grew busier day by day, because he had recently begun to plan the naval base he had had in mind for so long. The city's coastal location provided the ideal impetus for this endeavor, propelling his plans into action earlier than anticipated. The confluence of his vision and the opportune setting inspired him to dedicate considerable time and effort to bring this significant project to fruition.

Fueled by this aspiration, Zach launched an extensive exploration of the coastal regions and the expanse of the ocean surrounding the city. His eyes were dead set on discovering an island that would serve as the cornerstone of his vision.

The island he was looking for had to meet two crucial criteria: first, it needed to have sufficient space to accommodate a deepwater port, a critical element of his naval plans. Second, it had to be expansive enough to cater to the varied needs and desires of his family, offering them a haven amidst this ambitious undertaking and an alternative location to keep them safe in times of need.

Other than this, the location had to be geographically advantageous towards trade in case he decided to expand into maritime transportation. For that he had to study the tidal patterns around the location to ensure suitability.

Days seamlessly blended into weeks as he delved into maps, scrutinized coastlines, and dispatched exploratory voyages under his most learned personnel. His determination was relentless, driven by an unyielding desire to locate the perfect setting that would harmonize his professional goals with the comfort and requirements of his family.

It was an exhaustive search, but one imbued with purpose and hope, a quest guided by a singular objective to fuse his vision of maritime strength with the haven of family tranquility.

Zach was already swamped with the tasks at hand but the problems in his home kept on piling up on top as if to squish his little existence underneath all that weight. They forced him to split his focus in order to keep both ships afloat with his meager presence alone.

In the wake of their newly built home being decimated by the catastrophic natural disaster summoned by Zach, the Smith family found themselves in a profound state of despondency. The emotional toll of witnessing their dreams reduced to cinders weighed heavily on their spirits. The once-vibrant hope that had fueled their aspirations was now eclipsed by a pervasive sense of loss and discouragement.

This plummeting morale presented Zach with a multitude of challenges within his household. The atmosphere was thick with an air of melancholy, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a sense of normalcy.

The usual rhythm of the household was disrupted, and the need for Zach to navigate through this emotional turmoil was pressing. It became evident that addressing the emotional wounds and rekindling motivation was as critical as physical reconstruction, demanding reassurance and attention from Zach.

In fact, the prevailing sense of purposelessness among most family members nudged Zach to contemplate the construction of a naval support base on the distant island he had carefully chosen. Not only would it serve strategic purposes, but it also presented an opportunity to rekindle the fading spirit of his family.

Engaging in a substantial project, having a concrete goal to work towards, was a potential remedy to their despondency. It could reignite their sense of purpose, offering a collective effort to reweave their shattered dreams and aspirations.

Balancing the daily affairs of the Smith family while also finalizing the intricate details of the naval base kept Zach perpetually engaged. The load of responsibilities on his shoulders seemed to mount, yet he welcomed this weight. The bustling schedule, filled with intriguing choices and decisions that could change the dynamics of the entire power structure of the city, brought a sense of purpose and comfort to Zach. It was as if he had found a rhythm that resonated with his ambitions and drive. This newfound busyness, although demanding, was invigorating. It propelled him forward, providing a renewed sense of direction and fulfillment that idleness had failed to offer.

It was a stark contrast to the idle periods he had endured, where his people toiled tirelessly in clearing out Greenland and turning it into a habitable place while he lazed around with nothing to do as his people never needed his direct management based on their individual work efficiency and passionate approach towards the construction process.

These days there were only two goals in Zach's mind that kept him motivated despite the heavy workload. One was to keep the morale of the Smith family high by solving any problem that arose while working towards the construction of the naval base and the second was to save Luke from whatever punishment had been decided for him.

Given that Luke was far away from home and had been cut off from the royal family for a long time, there was no guarantee that Luke would get justice for his actions. Those who considered him to be an eyesore were probably going to make use of this opportunity to kick him while he was down, and Zach had taken all that into consideration.

Despite the military being the entity responsible for determining Luke's punishment, Zach held a firm belief that his elevated position would grant him at least some influence over their decision-making.

Zach planned to fight on Luke's behalf even though it was going to be a political battle at best. His influence on the officials of the city was going to determine whether Luke would be treated fairly by the military law or not.

Zach therefore reluctantly delved into the intricate web of politics that unfolded among the upper echelons of the city. Even though he harbored a deep disdain for the necessity of engaging with his adversaries while maintaining a facade of congeniality, a practice he viewed as profoundly hypocritical, he recognized its necessity.

Participating in this political arena was crucial for him. It was a means to solidify his position among the influential government officials who held sway over the military or had their benefits under their grasp.

In order to advocate for Luke effectively, Zach had to navigate these political intricacies and strategically position himself so that he controlled the benefits of the officials who had the military under their thumb. He was not averse to 'using and throwing away' approach when it came to these people because in his position, they would have done the same thing to him. He treated all those higher ups like enemies that he had to wage war against in order to protect his family and his interests and fought psychological battles against the old freaks continuously to scrounge up any benefits for the family.

Thankfully, Zach had Bruce helping him out and showing him the ropes. Otherwise, Zach would probably have stumbled around and hit a few obstacles before getting the hang of it. Thanks to Bruce sharing his experience as the leader of a family in the political circle of Elizabeth city, Zach was able to glean various insights that helped him develop his political character, a fa?ade that was going to protect his true self and his family from being exploited by the old coots who had been occupying their positions since times immemorial.

As it turned out, Zach was exceptionally good at building up these political relationships. Not only was Bruce a good teacher, but Zach turned out to be a good student as well. He sponged every teaching from Bruce and employed it to further his interactions with several high ranking officials who could turn out to be potential threats to him, his family or Luke, whose punishment was going to be decided by the military command very soon.

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