ReLife Player

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Unlocked chapter (6/11)

[Windless Day (8)]

A being born of omnipresence and bearing a gemstone is called a monster.

Now, what happens when something that is a medium is caught in the omnipresence.

If the medium is a living creature, a monster is born that is outside the norm.

Even if its human or animal.

If the medium is a substance, an artifact is created that has the power to defy nature.

If the medium is a place, it is transformed into an unnatural dungeon, isolated from the rest of the world.

The dungeon corrodes.

Unless a boss monster is defeated, the area is stained a metallurgical color.

If its a yellow dungeon, it turns yellow.

If its a red dungeon, it turns red.

If its a black dungeon, it turns black.

Clan Lord. There appears to be a trap in the elevator.

Cant you disarm it?

The Rangers are working on it, but it would be faster to take the stairs.

Okay. Ill do that.

Gyeonggi Northern Government Office was a red dungeon.

The interior of the dungeon was dyed red, isolated from the rest of the world.

Strange air currents flowed through the space as if time had stopped.

After spending hours clearing the first floor, Division D waited for Shin Myung-hwan to speak.

Weve lost a lot of time. Lets just clear the way upstairs and quickly attack the boss monster.

The exploration team was not found on the first floor.

That meant they had cleared the first floor and headed upstairs.

It was possible that they had encountered the boss monster and were fighting it.

Division D decided to abandon their plan to tackle the dungeon in a straightforward manner and prioritize rescuing the team that might be fighting the boss monster.

After all, defeating the boss monster, which is the core of the dungeon, destabilizes the dungeon.

An unstable dungeon will try to maintain its functionality by shrinking in size and collecting mana from monsters.

As a result, the monsters will not be able to avoid being weakened.

Clan Lord. We have found the first expedition.

They had reached the third floor.

After destroying the monsters blocking the passage to the upper floors, Kang Ye-hee wiped the blood from her face and reported.

Two players from the first exploration team had been stabbed and collapsed at the entrance to the fourth floor.

They had triggered a trap.

Shin Myunghwan calmly examined the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

The dungeon was a space with twisted principles.

Even if the path to the fourth floor was reversed, it didnt seem strange.

What about the trap?

The rangers and navigators are analyzing it now. It seems to be a spell that sends skewers flying the moment you touch certain stairs.

You cant disarm it right away?

It will take time.

Get out of the way, Ill take care of it.

Shin Myung-hwan sighed.

Although he wasnt in a position to disarm the traps one by one, the traps on the fourth floor staircase seemed daunting.

Feeling the stares of his division, he continued to disarm the intricate traps.

Even though they are traps, monsters of a considerably high rank are guarding them.

The monsters that appeared on the first floor were seventh rank.

The ones on the second floor were sixth rank, and on the third floor, fifth rank monsters appeared.

Were heading up to the fourth floor. Be cautious of the stairs, everyone.

Would they proceed like this or not?

Shin Myung-hwan raised his head and signaled the Go sign.

As expected.

On the fourth floor, the Fourth-rank monster was waiting.

Hurry up and bring the Guardian and the dealer upstairs.


Shin Myung-hwan bit his lip.

He pulled the slide of the G-GLOCK17+.

The device modeled after the GLOCK17 fired its first shot at the fourth-rank monster.

The single shot was followed by a barrage of fire from the Hunters downstairs.

The guardian leaped forward, extending a massive shield and deploying magic, invoking the protection of the guardian deity.

At that moment, Kang Ye-hee, with her twin swords drawn, leapt forward, stepping on the Guardians shoulder.

Neither the bullets from behind nor the magic deployed by the fourth-rank monster could pierce through her.

The hot wind wrapped around her body deflected the attacks.

Cross Cut

Side Step

Star Plucking

Approaching the monster, she pulled back her hand, which had extended toward her opponents neck, forming a vertical cut. Then, she moved her other hand and made a horizontal cut.

But she didnt stop there.

Thinking that her attack hadnt penetrated deeply enough, she turned to the side by putting strength into her right foot, swinging her twin swords in a circular motion, as if drawing a figure of eight.

Kang Ye-hee didnt panic even when she saw the attacks falling from above.

The supporters in the rear activated protective magic, and the ranger caught the thrown shuriken and returned to formation.

In the meantime, the players continued their coordinated attacks.

It was <Railgun> Shin Myung-hwan who ended the prolonged battle.

While the players held it back, he fired a flash of light into the heart.

Clan Lord. What are you going to do?

After defeating the fourth-rank monster, Division D found the bodies of the second expedition.

There seemed to be no survivors.


Shin Myung-hwan lit the last of his cigarettes and his eyes locked with Kang Ye-hee.

She didnt show any signs of exhaustion despite the intense battle.

Well continue as we are. The boss monster will be upstairs, so be extra careful.

The players gathered their weapons as instructed.

As they ascended the stairs, they were attacked by monsters that jumped down from the upper floors.

Nevertheless, Division D continued onward.

This is!

The fifth floor was unrecognizable as a government building, its hallways covered in stalagmites and stalactites.

Water dripped from the tips of stalactites, soaking the floor.

At the end of the corridor, at the end of the cave, an unearthly energy surged.

One step, then another.

It was like walking through a minefield.

After a long, narrow passage, they came to an open area.


This is wrong.

It was not just wrong but seriously wrong.

Division D could barely breathe as the mana they had been crouching under began to fill the space.

A surface surrounded by azure rocks.

Water droplets from the tip of a stalactite were rippling.


Shin Myung-hwan, who had just barely shaken off the fear of death, shouted shouted with a strained voice.


It was at the same time that the white fox that had been lying down suddenly opened its eyes.

Division F left Uijeongbu Station without looking back.

This was due to the sudden decision of Changhae Clan Lord Gil Sung joon.

Shin Seoyoung had tried to talk him with him about it, saying that they should find a way to kill the monsters, but he was stubborn.

What was wrong with him?

She thought back to the night before.

It was when the Changhae Clan was interrogating the imprisoned chiefs.

Out of nowhere, he had stood up from his chair and left the prison with a pale face.

Seoyoung, were supposed to be doing our job, how long are we going to look for monsters that wont show themselves?

You know, if we dont find the monster here, we might be killed by it one day.

Then how are we going to find it?


Lets do as I say. We need to get out of here. No, we have a mission.

In the end, she had to leave Gil Sung-joon to carry out Division Fs mission as soon as the sun came up.

She was worried.

The Regulus and Dangun Clans, who had set up a second supply base at Uijeongbu Station, would keep an eye on the residents, but it was only a temporary measure.

As long as they dont find the Hundred Face, the danger remains.

Her worry also extended to the Gyeonggi Northern Government Center.

What happened to Division D?

Eunha said there was a second-rank monster in Gyeonggi Northern Center.

She had never heard of a second-rank monster appearing in the Red dungeon.

It was a second-rank monster.

A monster that could destroy a nation.

She couldnt believe that such a monster was in the Gyeonggi Northern Government Center.

Unbelievable, but Eunhas advice hadnt been wrong so far.

She had to believe it.

So, if she follow his advice.

When you arrive at the Gyeonggi Northern Government Center, the Tempest Clan that entered the dungeon will be coming out.

If Tempest Clan asks for assistance at that time, you must not respond.

That that girlKang Ye-heeno matter what she says, dont listen to her.

At that time, the best thing you can do istake the remaining people and retreat.

It was a disaster.

Brilliant blue eyes that seemed to steal your soul just by looking at them.

A fox as white as snow, as if winter had arrived.

There was something sacred about it, something that made you feel like you had to get down on your knees and worship it.

But it was a calamity.

It moved with the grace of a mass, tearing players limb from limb with a mere glance.

The formation collapsed.

Players who had lost their composure fled for their lives.

Passing through the stalactites and rock formations blocking their path, their comrades ran with all their might, whether dead or alive.

Kang Ye-hee! Dont disrupt the formation!

Yes! Clanlord!

Their bodies didnt respond in time.

Fortunately, Kang Ye-hee, who narrowly avoided the attack, shouted at nearby players to maintain the formation.

Were retreating! The vanguard will block him, while the mid and rear will assist the vanguard and withdraw!

But no players followed the orders.

The players gathered here were renowned in their own right.

Even so, only a few were able to resist the blood-curdling terror.


They had barely made it down the fifth floor.

But it would not let them go.

The dungeon was its territory.

It leapt down to the fourth floor, spreading terror once again, tearing the fleeing players to pieces.

With blood on his muzzle, the fox realized that Shin Myung-wang was leading the troops and charged at him.

Clan Lord!

Dont come, go!

An arm flew off.

Holding his face to alleviate the pain, Shin Myung-hwan shouted to Kang Ye-hee, who was descending to the lower floor.

Clanlord! Clanlord! Hurry and jump down!

You go first.

It used him as a toy.

If he descended, the creature would follow him down as well.

Kang Ye-hee! Lead the unit and retreat first!

Clanlord! What are you saying!

Kang Ye-hee screamed at the top of her lungs, but she was gradually drowned out by the voices of clan members.

Her clanmates had blocked her mouth so she couldnt shout anymore.

It wasnt long before he heard them leave.


There was no need for a tourniquet.

Shin Myung-hwan removed his hand from the wound. Thick blood trickled down in grotesque patterns.

He pulled the G-GLOCK17+ from his holster.

The creature stared at him as he pulled the slide to his mouth.

As if it was waiting to see what he was going to do.



Its got eyes only for him.

So if he could deal with it, he could buy time for his troops to retreat.

A mans life bought them time, so it wasnt a losing proposition.


I wont just stand still.

The pain seemed to tear through his body.

He couldnt think of anything.

And yet, he knew what he had to do.

It wasnt his mind, but his body.

Years of accumulated experience instinctively moved his body.

A flash of light scattered through the air, painting his vision white. Despite his blinded eyes, he could still see.

It was an absurd situation, but facing death, his body accurately sensed the presence approaching from nearby.

He fired bullets imbued with flames, even as the blinding light reached him.

The moment the blinded figure came into contact with the flames, a sound of agony filled the air.

Taking advantage of that moment, Shin Myung-hwan swung his gun in a diagonal direction from the 3 oclock position.

Chains, generated from the nearby wall, swept away the figure that was on fire.

It hadnt even been a second.

That was enough.

It didnt take even a second to pull the trigger.

Giant Cannon.

The close-range explosion engulfed it.


He didnt let go of the device, even as his entire body burned and his flesh melted.

Giant Cannon

One more shot.

A second blast and his body lost its balance and collapsed.

His ears were deafening.

He couldnt feel his legs.

He didnt know if his legs melted or blew away.

He just pulled the trigger as his body moved.

Blaze Bullet

Blaze Bullet

Blaze Bullet

Its been a long time since the bullets have fallen.

Without a second thought, he drained mana and sharpened his magic.

And yet, it did not die.

Is this the end?

The thoughts conveyed by the enemy within the explosion.

Shin Myung-hwan chuckled.

Its not over yet, you bastard.

Criminal Bind

He was firing bullets and scattering a small amount of mana around the area at the same time.

The scattered mana would form a sturdy chain to hold him down.


His mouth didnt open.

His lips were sealed.

His eyes didnt open.

It wasnt due to being blinded; his eyelids were stuck together.

It didnt matter.

His intuition had informed him that he had fallen into a cunning trap set by the enemy fox.

The enemy would easily break free from this spell as well.

But that was enough.

As long as there was a hand to pull the trigger, it wasnt over yet.

He poured all the mana remaining in his body.

His whole body trembled.

No, the hand attached to the gun was trembling.

Death was right in front of him.

Time was running out.

What could he do?

Shin Myung-hwan.

He was the leader of the Tempest Clan, one of the seven clans in the country to receive an S-rank.

Recognized as the best ranger in the country.

Ill show you the end.


The world was engulfed in white flames.

Light devoured the world.

Kang Ye-hee.

Amidst the white world consuming everything, she called out the only sub-lord of the Tempest Clan.

I entrust my back to you.

There should have been enough time by now.

He never expected to pass on the baton in this manner.

He couldnt know if she would show herself worthy of being a Clan Lord.

But she wasnt the only one.

The rest of the clan will support her.

So, theyll have your back.

Not fun.


The ruler of Gyeonggi North Government Center is a monster that bends the heavens and earth to its will.

If it werent for the dungeons boss monster, a creature with endless power and an insatiable appetite for fun, South Korea would have been doomed long ago.

Its been a long time since Ive been here. You havent changed a bit from what I remember.

After the first battle to retake Uijeongbu, <Index> Yoon Sung-jin named the creature Maegu based on reports from Tempest Clan.

Maegu, a second-rank monster.

At the time, Tempest Clan was experiencing a downturn after <Railgun> Shin Myung-hwan suffered a mana circuit failure while facing off against the second-rank overranked Leviathan.

In the meantime, Kang Ye-hee, who became a new clan road, carried out a reckless assault during the first Uijeongbu Reclamation, resulting in a substantial loss of power at the Gyeonggi Northern Office.

Among the casualties was also Shin Myung-hwan.

Losing the person she followed like a mentor, she lost her sanity.

Why on earth does this guy keep coming to places like this

Kang Ye-hee plans a rearguard action against the Gyeonggi North Office with the help of Division F.

At that time, the hierarchy of Maegu was not confirmed.

Therefore, without any information about Maegu, Division F is pushed to the brink of destruction.

Only after surviving the creature do they realize that they cant attack the Gyeonggi North Government Building, so they gather the remaining D Division and retreat to Uijeongbu Station.

By then, blood festivals were already taking place all over Uijeongbu.

Finally reached here.

Eunha climbed the Namsan Tower, which was left with only a steel frame.

When he reached the top, he turned in the direction of Uijeongbu.

I still dont know what made you climb up here.

Namsan Tower was a place that Byeok haesu used to climb whenever he felt uninspired.

Even now, I cant believe you thought to climb it single-handedly, old man.

<The Maestro of Misfortune> Byeok haesu.

Eunha remembered the maestro who died before he could make his name known.

He used to walk around with a chubby expression, and he used to take care of him and sometimes give him advice.

So, his loss was a great sadness.

Hed taken advantage of whatever was available to him, to the point where hed built a wall between himself and the cresters whod treated him so poorly.

It just reminded me of you.

Yeah, just.

At times, he had been a companion in words, and at times, a partner in worries.

Really, he was a presence like a big brother.

Im sure Parang would laugh if he heard that, but that guy, he should grow up.

The reason Eunha climbed Namsan today was because for the past few days, a stifling feeling had been weighing on his chest.

After struggling with whom to confide in, he decided to look for Namsan, where Byeok haesu used to climb whenever he felt like it.

Really been a while, big brother.

In this day and age, Byeok haesu is alive.

Still, he wanted to relieve the tightness in his chest in some way.

After all, today is the day,

The reclamation will collapse.

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