Revenge of the Iron-blooded Sword Hound

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

Chapter 288 – Power Inflation (6)

A shower of golden coins poured over the vast area, a relentless downpour of wealth.


It carried a terrifying destructive force that could twist the entire landscape into oblivion. However, Vikir calmly walked through the swirling golden powder smoke, unaffected by the destruction.

‘The Wall of Lamentation.’ The Seventh Corpse, Decarabia. What was once a demonic shield that humanity couldn’t surpass had now turned to protect Vikir, becoming an ally.

[…Long time no see, Belial.]

Decarabia’s eerie voice widened Belial’s eyes.

[What’s going on, Decarabia? Why are you here?]

[I’m here because I want to be.]

[That’s not the point. What about a great mission to open the gate. What are you doing here?!]

[Didn’t you just say a while ago that you don’t need allies? How about trying to open the gate by yourself?]

Belial raised an eyebrow in bewilderment at Decarabia’s indifferent tone.

[You’ve collected quite a lot anyway. When this vault is full, you might be able to open the ‘gate’ on your own, Useless allies are not needed.]

Belial had just shouted those words a moment ago.

Suppressing his anger, Belial spoke with a subdued voice.

[Decarabia, betraying like this won’t benefit you in the long run.]

[Betrayal? That expression is wrong, young one. I was never on anyone’s side to begin with.]

[Then do you have the confidence to endure the wrath of our kin? The wrath of the one who is ‘everything’ and ‘one,’ the wrath of the one who is both ‘one’ and ‘everything’?]

[…That answer will be forever sealed by the oath.]

The exchange between Belial and Decarabia ended here. Decarabia seemed to have decided not to answer Belial’s questions any further.

Vikir spoke briefly, “Belial is not only a demon of commerce but also a demon of speech. The two are inseparable. So, keeping the conversation short is the key.”

[I know he’s cunning, human. But more importantly, how do you feel about me? Amazing, isn’t it?]

Vikir glanced briefly at Decarabia’s self-praise. The transparent shield emitted a faint red light, effectively blocking physical damage, and its size and hardness could be adjusted. With precise mana control, it seemed efficient to use.

“…You’re useful.”

[Hmm, just useful?]

Annoyed, Decarabia briefly turned his gaze towards the silent Dolores behind him.

[Well, it doesn’t matter. Being able to protect a beauty is a good thing. Of course, the same goes for you, handsome one. But above all, the most rewarding presence to protect is a beauty disguised as a handsome man, or a handsome man disguised as a beauty. As one who loves all chaos, I…]

“Shut the hell up. Here he comes again.”

Vikir focused on Decarabia as Belial once again unleashed a barrage of golden coins, creating a massive golden bombardment. Clangclangclangclang!

Despite the loud noises and fiery explosions, Decarabia’s shield, a nearly invincible force in physical defense, remained unaffected.

“…It’s good, but the mana consumption is too intense.”

The mana hole at the bottom vibrated violently, creating a sensation akin to severe seasickness.

It seemed that to build Decarabia’s proficiency, a substantial amount of mana accumulation was necessary before mastering shield techniques. At that moment, Dolores hesitantly whispered, “Um, could you please put me down now?”

Her ears, visible outside her hair, had turned as red as they could possibly get. Vikir gently lowered her to the ground and spoke, “There’s no need to struggle alone. We’re allies.”


Dolores’ eyes widened at Vikir’s words. Being called an ally by the Night Hound felt like a hunting dog being acknowledged by its master. And at that moment…

Thump! Her heart began to beat loudly.

‘Why, why is my chest feeling like this? Something warm is…’

Dolores pressed her left chest with her hand. A mysterious force seemed to be stirring within, spreading from the left side to her entire body.

‘Is this also the effect of the companion of the soul?’

It felt somewhat similar to the emotions she had experienced during the fight with Dantalian, although she couldn’t compare them in detail due to the lack of experience at the time.

Then, Belial once again threw gold coins. Metallic showers flew like a barrage, and this time, black wave patterns emitted from Belial’s mouth were added to the mix. Kuoooo!

A storm of gold and darkness swept the surroundings entirely. “This is troublesome. Waves are difficult to deal with.”

Decarabia effortlessly blocked the golden shower, but he seemed to struggle against Belial’s magical attacks that followed. At that moment, Dolores spoke, “Don’t worry!”


The wall of holyfire, now larger and thicker than before, blocked Belial’s wave. Belial’s magic disintegrated under the influence of divine power. However, Belial did not retreat easily this time.

[Just a spark before a strong wind. A trivial force!]

As the gold inside the vault was absorbed into Belial’s massive body, the magic he emitted became increasingly dense.

“Ugh! How can a demon be this formidable…!”

Dolores felt the pushback as she sensed her divine shield cracking. Meanwhile, Vikir measured the distance for his sword strike, looking for an opening behind Dolores’ defense.

“Just doing this much is a significant help. Thank you.”

Hearing the Night Hound’s words, Dolores felt a surge of energy within her.

‘…But it’s incomparable to the last time.’

Dolores was determined to be of more help to the Night Hound, no matter what.

She wanted to share the burden he was carrying. She wished he would rely on her a bit more. She wanted to be the one he could expect things from, someone he could lean on.

“After all, we’re supposed to be soulmates!”

In the end, Dolores stopped hesitating and turned her head. “Night Hound, sir!”


As Vikir turned his head, Dolores shouted, trying to appear as confident as possible.

“May I know your name?”


With a wry smile, Dolores continued, “As you can see, supporting this defensive barrier is becoming increasingly difficult!”

Her words were true. Even Dolores’ divine power, overflowing due to innate talent and blessings, seemed to be gradually revealing its limits.

“To increase my divine power, the resonance phenomenon from back then is necessary!”

Dolores was referring to the ‘soul companion’ phenomenon.

“If I can empathize more deeply with Night Hound, if our bond strengthens even a little, there will surely be a change!”

Being soul companions but not knowing the other’s name felt incredibly unreasonable to Dolores.

“Even if it’s not your full name, it’s fine! Can you at least tell me a small nickname I can call you by… just a fragment of your name?”

Dolores asked, looking for acknowledgment even in the challenging situation. A slender girl, holding back the immense power of the demon with her thin arms, how much longer could she endure?


Vikir decided it was not the time for hesitation. Taking a step forward, he approached Dolores.

Gradually, Night Hound lowered his head towards Dolores, who was supporting the defensive barrier.


A name echoed gently. And a warm breath.

At that moment, Dolores trembled.

‘…So, his name is ‘Van.’

Dolores felt her heart pounding even more intensely. The radiant wall of sanctity, boosted by divine power, became hotter and more intense.

“Paat! Kurrururuk!”

The indescribable emotion that had been stirring within her chest before now surged even more vigorously. The pounding of her heart, synchronized with the divine power, vividly manifested in white flames.

It was the moment when the soul companion once again awakened.


Dolores expelled the sanctity with all her might, completely pushing away and dispelling Belial’s wave of darkness.


At the same time, his attacks shattered, and a scorching heat rushed in, engulfing his mouth in flames. For Belial, it was an event that could only be described as terrifying.

“Done, it’s completed!”

Dolores shouted, looking down at her two hands. A phenomenon that couldn’t be experienced or explained by anyone else. A miracle that only occurred when she was with the night hound… no, with ‘Van.’

Vikir wanted to congratulate Dolores for once again causing a miracle as the ‘Steel Maiden,’ but unfortunately, time was not sufficient.


Baskerville 8th Style. Eight streaks of tearing air flew towards Belial.


With a terrible scream, a deafening explosion erupted. It was a fierce exclamation of a devilish demise.



Once again, the gold coins began to move rapidly. A golden snake pierced through the rising smoke, creeping through the air. Belial, who had absorbed numerous treasures, soon lifted an intact body off the ground.

[It was quite hot, but it’s still just futile resistance.]

As if mocking when Belial had cried out in pain, Dolores spoke while emitting a holy flame from her hands.

Vikir also agreed with this sentiment.

“Just endure a little longer. Time is on our side.”


Dolores raised her eyebrows in response to Vikir’s words. She was still unaware of the night hound’s intention, which went against the unfavorable tide as time passed.

And then, unexpectedly, a stroke of luck occurred.

Qua-quack! Pup-pup!

Belial, who was absorbing the gold, unexpectedly recoiled from an explosion. The relentless rush of gold coins toward Belial came to a halt. Large golden walls rose, blocking the flow of funds. Simultaneously, a large fist made of gold surged from the ground and struck Belial’s head.


Belial, spitting out broken teeth, once again had to retreat.

[What, what is it? Who did that?]

Dolores turned her head with wide-open eyes and a puzzled expression.

Vikir was equally surprised.


Suddenly, a figure entered the battlefield and attacked Belial unexpectedly. Under the tousled white hair, a face that initially seemed innocent like a puppy gradually became complex due to various emotions: fear, confusion, astonishment, shock, and anger.


She stood at the center of this whirlwind of emotions.

[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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