Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 267: Help Bing Brother carry the goods

Chapter 267

With the thought of that pitiful woman, Li Man couldn't bear it and sent another message to Huo Jian Sheng: "Could you please arrange for someone to take that woman to the hospital?"

Huo Jian Sheng replied, "I've already reported it to the police."

It was Wei who went back and reported the incident using the woman's phone. But after making the report, he left because the woman would talk to the police once she woke up.

Li Man said, "That's good. I hope the police can catch him soon!"

Huo Jian Sheng replied, "Don't think too much. Go to bed early, it's late."

Li Man glanced at the time on her phone. It was already 12:42 a.m.

Li Man said, "Then you should go to bed early too. Goodnight!"

Huo Jian Sheng sent a goodnight picture.

Putting down her phone, Li Man turned off the light and climbed into the warm bed.

However, she couldn't fall asleep no matter what. Whenever she closed her eyes, the blurry image kept appearing in her mind.

Her chest felt heavy, making it hard for her to breathe.

If she had known that Huang De Han was so depraved, she would have reported him to the police and had him arrested.

But... there were no "ifs" now. The deed had already been done.

Huang De Han had harmed another person.


Huang De Han hid at Brother Bing's place, and he had been hiding there for a week.

During that week, Huang De Han hadn't stepped outside the room once.

Brother Bing treated him well, providing him with good food and drink.

Until one week later, Brother Bing asked Huang De Han to help him transport some goods.

Huang De Han didn't ask many questions, he just asked, "Where to?"

"South Cloud," Brother Bing replied.

"How do I get there?"

Brother Bing threw an ID card onto the coffee table and said, "I had someone get you this ID card."

Huang De Han picked up the ID card from the coffee table. The man on the card bore some resemblance to him, but the difference was that the man had a beard, while he did not, and the man on the card was darker-skinned.

A few days ago, Brother Bing had taken a photo of him using a phone, but he didn't expect it was for the purpose of getting him an ID card.

Brother Bing then took out a bag and said, "There's a fake beard in here. Disguise yourself and take the car parked at the entrance."

Saying that, Brother Bing placed the car keys on the coffee table.

"Are we leaving tonight?" Huang De Han asked.

"Yes, you'll leave at 4 a.m.," Brother Bing replied.

Huang De Han readily agreed, saying, "Okay!"

Brother Bing smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as you safely deliver the goods, I'll give you this amount."

As he said that, Brother Bing extended his hand and gestured with five fingers.

"50,000?" Huang De Han guessed.

The curve of Brother Bing's mouth deepened as he said, "500,000!"

"As long as you safely deliver the goods, I'll give you 500,000!"

To make fifty thousand by going to South Cloud, the temptation was indeed great.

However, the level of danger was also relatively high.

If he was caught by the police with so much merchandise, he might end up dead!

"Why choose me?" Huang De Han couldn't help but ask.

Leaning back on the sofa, Brother Bing crossed his arms and slowly said, "Because you need money right now."

"I checked, your name is Huang De Han, right?"

"How did you know?"

After asking the question, Huang De Han immediately regretted it because he felt like he had asked a foolish question. Now that the police were after him, there would surely be his picture circulating.

Sure enough, Brother Bing said, "There are pictures of you online."

Huang De Han remained silent.

"But you don't need to worry. The police haven't issued a nationwide warrant for you," Brother Bing reassured him.

"Oh?" Huang De Han was surprised. He thought the police would be after him because he had assaulted a woman.

In the past few days, he had been following the news, but he didn't see any reports about a woman being assaulted. It seemed odd to him.

In reality, that night, the woman was frightened and confused. It was dark, and Huang De Han's face was dirty. The woman couldn't see clearly and ended up getting knocked unconscious by Huang De Han. So when the police questioned her, she couldn't provide any answers either. In addition, her family was concerned about their reputation, so they asked the police to keep it quiet.

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