Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 345: Despair

Chapter 345

Huang De Han returned to the inn to sleep.

He hadn't slept all night, and as soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell asleep.

Halfway through his sleep, his phone suddenly rang.

Huang De Han groggily answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Are you looking to sell your inn?"

"Yes," Huang De Han replied in a daze.

"How much?"

"Five million."

"Too expensive, sorry."

After saying that, the call ended.

Huang De Han put down his phone.

Not long after, his phone rang again.


The phone kept ringing, but as soon as they heard the asking price of five million, they hung up.

Now Huang De Han couldn't sleep at all.

He got up and leaned against the headboard, lighting a cigarette.

He took a deep puff and slowly exhaled.

He felt restless.

What if no one buys it? What will he do then?

He owes Brother Li 150,000 yuan a day in interest. Where will he find the money to pay him back?

Should he transfer the inn to Brother Li?

He quickly found his notebook and looked up Brother Li's phone number, which he had written down when he called Bing Ge last time.

He dialed the number.

The phone rang for a long time before it was answered.

Brother Li's rough voice came through, "Hello, who's this?"

Huang De Han quickly said, "Brother Li, it's me, Huang De Han."

As soon as Brother Li heard it was Huang De Han, he impatiently said, "What's the matter? Why are you calling me?"

"Brother Li, can I mortgage the inn to you? My inn..."

Before Huang De Han could finish speaking, Brother Li interrupted him, "No, I don't want your inn. I only want the money. If I don't get it in a week, you can forget about your hand!"

After saying that, Brother Li hung up the phone.

Huang De Han put down his phone, feeling troubled.

At that moment, Yi Bing's phone started ringing.

He picked it up and saw that it was a call from Yi Mom.

He answered the call.

"Xue'er..." Yi Mom's voice came through the phone.

Huang De Han quickly spoke up, "Auntie, it's me."

"Oh, Huang De Han, where's Yi Bing?"

"Yi Bing is asleep."

"Oh, never mind then, let her sleep."

"Auntie, is there something you need?"

"No, nothing."

"Okay, I'll hang up then."

"Sure, hang up. When Yi Bing wakes up, tell her to call me."

"Alright, Auntie. Bye!"


Huang De Han hung up the phone and checked the time. It was already half-past five in the afternoon.

He got up from bed and packed a few of Yi Bing's thick clothes into a suitcase, along with a thick blanket.

He put everything in the car and drove Yi Bing's BMW X7 to the supermarket to buy some toiletries, snacks, fruits, and bottled water.

He also bought a urine bottle.

Then he went to a restaurant to have a meal and packed another portion to bring to Yi Bing.


After Huang De Han left, Yi Bing tried to move but realized she was tightly bound. With her own strength, she couldn't break free.

Her mouth was also sealed, so she couldn't even call for help.

She lay down on the bed in despair and unknowingly fell asleep.

She didn't know how long she had slept when she was awakened by the cold.

The room was pitch black.

It was winter now, and it was especially cold once the sun went down.

Yi Bing curled up, shivering from the cold.

Suddenly, the sound of a key turning in the lock came from the door.

Yi Bing looked towards the door and saw Huang De Han entering with bags in his hands.

She quickly struggled to get up.

The room was pitch black, but Huang De Han placed the bags down and turned on the light.

The glaring light made Yi Bing instinctively squint her eyes.

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