Chapter 2: CHAPTER 1

My name is Andrés Castillo, 25 years old, professional in business administration, an asocial young man, with few friends or rather no friends. I was never good at sports, and I was not a good student either, not because I was not intelligent, I just was a normal person.

I was not a social person either because I didn't have an attractive appearance or better said by the beauty standards of the world I'm ugly, I didn't socialize unless it was necessary, but like any young man full of hormones, porn became my hobby.

To be honest, it was not my hobby, in fact, while I was free, I would watch porn, would you be surprised if I said that I am the person who has seen the most porn videos in the world?

Well that's me, I didn't just watch them for pleasure, there came a time when I used them as study material, it sounds pathetic, but that's who I was.

Thanks to this, and without any pride, I can say that, when it comes to sex I am the most knowledgeable, even the author of the Kama Sutra would not come to my heels, however, all that sexual knowledge, and at 25 years of age as any protagonist of an Asian light novel, I got hit by a truck and died a virgin.

The accident was nothing dramatic, do not try to save anyone, the truck driver did not suffer a heart attack or fell asleep while driving, no, it was simple, as in any Third World country, traffic is chaotic and full of reckless drivers.

It turns out that, the traffic light changed to a red light, but since the truck was coming at full speed, it decided to cross the street anyway, and because I was late for work, I crossed the street as soon as the traffic light changed color without checking both ways.

Many who live in European, Asian or North American countries will think that, I simply had bad luck, since, in their countries, surely if the light is red, everyone stops, well in my country it is not like that, that is why it must be checked in both lanes of the road when you are going to cross, even when the traffic light is red, that was my mistake, and that is why I am no longer in this world.

The advantage was that as it was a truck and at high speed, I felt no pain, everything was instantaneous and the next second, as if I were a ghost, I was in a large room, where there was the silhouette of a man who radiated an intense light.

The light was like the sun, very bright, the strange thing was that it didn't hurt to see it directly, I just couldn't see the person who radiated it and when I was going to ask where was I, a small ray came out of the luminous silhouette and entered my forehead, then I lost consciousness.

After my death and arriving in the hall with the luminous figure, I was sent to another world, one apparently 5 times larger than the earth, just like in any Asian light novel, it was a fantasy world, with magic, great heroes, monsters, medieval cities, and different races, such as humans, elves, dwarves, and werebeasts.

It turns out that, I had been reborn as a human boy named Andrew in a city called Calci, which is considered medium-sized in this world, has about 5 million inhabitants and is located in the empire of Cannaris, one of the 3 great empires of the Star continent.

I belong to an ordinary family, my father is a farmer and my mother is a housewife, we live in a small wooden house with one floor, the house only has a small room where the dining room and kitchen are, a fairly narrow bathroom and two small bedrooms where a bed barely fits.

We don't have much, just what we need to live, families like ours are normal in this area, known as the outer zone of the city, or better known as slums.

Honestly, despite the shortcomings, I had a very happy childhood, unlike my past life I was a normal boy who related well to others and like any child, I played with children of my age as it should be.

Although the slums were quite dangerous, as people of dubious origin and occupation would gather, there was also a sense of belonging to the community, even the most dangerous thugs in the area, they did not intimidate the families who lived here, unless you bothered them somehow.

Everything was normal, I was a child being a child, my father worked as a farmer in the fields of a wealthy man from the city, and my mother did what every housewife does, cook, clean, and take care of me.

However, this changed when I turned 10, I remember that morning, I woke up as usual and when I tried to get up from my bed, which was nothing more than a straw cushion with a worn sheet on top, a severe headache attacked me.

You see, describing that pain is complex, if I said it in a simple way it would be that my head wanted to explode, but it was so intense that I couldn't even scream, tears came out of my eyes and in a few seconds I lost consciousness.

Only 2 hours later I woke up and in doing so, I had a lot of new knowledge. In a nutshell what I got was 3 things, first a kind of system, second the information about the divinity, and the system and finally the ability to read and write the language of this world.

I'll start with divinity, in a nutshell, I received the information about the fact that I was chosen by the universal God as a God candidate, and that, I had to level up the system he gave me in order to adapt to divinity I will be able to ascend.

Honestly, I was skeptical about that, if I used my reason it would be normal to believe that it was a strange dream, but for some reason I did not doubt this information and the reason for this was because I already knew it, only that until the tenth birthday I would not be aware of that, so without much thought I accepted that story.

The second thing would be the system, more than a system, it's like access to a file on a computer, like in video games on earth, I could access a menu, where I could see my status as a player.

The system or the ability didn't show me data on skills or physique, like in a game, that is, things like "Strength: 20" or something like that didn't come out, I didn't even have an inventory, only the ability called "Blessing of Eros" and a short description.

When I read the description, I almost had a heart attack, it seems that in my previous life I was a fucking porn addict, I was chosen as a candidate for the God of sex and eroticism, so my "Blessing" focuses on that.

Summing things up, this "Blessing" gives me sex-related benefits and in turn levels up in the same way, that is, I must become a master of obscenity.

The most peculiar thing is that I will not know how it will help me until I go up to the next level, even so, it did show me how to level up, apparently to level up, I had to see 3 naked girls, when I saw this, I knew it would be the biggest pervert in this world, well, if the first mission was this, I can't imagine what I should do to climb the highest levels, since, as anyone who has played an RPG game, knows that leveling up increases the difficulty the more you advance

Feeling a bit despondent reading the quest, I decided not to mortify myself too much, in my past life I watched a lot of porn, and it seems that in this life I will have to practice it more than watch it, so I put the subject in the back of my head.

Finally, the ability to read and write, was a good gift, as a member of a poor family, I could never have an education, but now I did not need it, and I knew that this could open many opportunities for me.

Finishing reviewing everything I received, I left the room and sat down at the dining table, if you can call it that, since it is nothing more than an old wooden table that barely stands, my mother brought me breakfast, breads hard with a cup of oatmeal.

Before, this breakfast was normal, as a poor family, we cannot spend money on better food, however, now that I had recovered my past life memories, this breakfast was difficult for me to eat, remembering the delicious food of the earth, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I psyched myself up and devoured it.

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