Rise of the Horde

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: Chapter 23

The sun was still high up in the sky and the villagers were working hard tending to their small fields while four soldiers were sitting around a table playing dice. One of them seemed to well in his mid-forties, the other in his late-twenties and the other two still in their early twenties or perhaps not even in their twenties just yet.

“Seems like we got an idiotic leader up on the throne this time. Declaring war to our neighbors as soon as he ascended and not just at one of our neighbors but almost all of them...” the man in his mid-forties sighed as he shook his head before pulling his head back inside the crappy room that was built onto the walls of the town which served as their barracks.

“The Kingdom of Alberna, the Kellan Union, the Free City of Lazica and the Federation of Duridarr... Each not easy to conquer... It seems this kingdom will soon perish.” He continued as he sat down on his chair while grabbing the cup of rough wine that they got before gulping down its contents.

“Don’t forget that he sent the two barons of the south to the north.” The one in his late-twenties added before he threw the dices in his hand. “Lucky!” he joyously blurted out as he grabbed the coins on the table with a smug grin leaving behind his two gambling partners sulking as they stared at the three dices which showed all sixes.

“Yeah... I almost forgot about those two... Well at least this place is remote enough that they didn’t bother passing through here before they went further north or some of us might have been forced to join them in whatever task they were given.” The old man discarded his cup and brough the jar of wine directly unto his lips before gulping down a mouthful of it, he broke into a slight cough as the rough wine burnt his throat but there was a satisfied smile on his face as he wiped his lips with the back of hir right hand.

“The Kingdom of Alberna is a nice place to live in, well at least nicer than this place but if I have the freedom and wealth to choose where to live, I would no doubt choose the Free City of Lazica. The path is all paved with stone and the houses are towering buildings with two or more floors and dirt and dust is almost non-existent unlike here.” The old man started reminiscing about the past.

“There it is again, talking about your adventurous past when you were younger but it is also irrelevant now since you are here with us, stuck in this remote town. The man in his late-twenties commented as he won the game once again to the dismay of his two playing mates.


“Tsk... Can’t you just leave this old man alone to enjoy his glorious past.”

“Damn! Again? You better not be cheating, Nader.” the darker one of the two who were playing with Nader complained.

“Cheating? No! This is what you call an expert’s capability which you two would soon learn after...let us say a few years.” Nader chuckled as he collected the coins once again.

The small town was as remote as you can get where only about barely a hundred people live and these four soldiers don’t have to deal with anything serious. Their jobs mainly consist of settling disputes between the residents of the town, apprehending drunkards who are causing some trouble to the others and protecting the town from the wild creatures of the desert that sometimes get lost on their way and stumble upon the town or the small field of the townspeople.

“What shitty luck! I guess we’ll have to go help the farmers harvest their crops to earn some coins for us to afford some wine.” Medo who was taller between the two exclaimed as he stood up from where he was seated after losing all his coins in gambling against Nader to which his peer just nodded in response.

The youngsters grumbled as they exited the room, and the blissful Nader sat across Jahann who was gulping down another mouthful of wine.

“You know...Sooner or later, the two will learn your trick and I bet the outcome won’t be pretty.” The old man tried to advice his peer to stop with his ways.

“Tsk... I learned the trick from you and I suffered more than them before at your hands. I am just teaching them the same lesson that you taught me, old man.” Nader replied with a proud smile.

“Suit yourself.” The old man shrugged his shoulders before returning his focus on the wine in his hands.

Nader headed towards the window to have a look and his eyes turned wide at what he saw.

“This is bad...” he mumbled softly as he stared at the thick cloud of dust that was in the distance but soon the sound of snoring coming from behind him caught his attention. He turned around and saw the old man, face down on the table.

“This bad!!! Wake up, old man! Wake up!” he frantically shouted as he grabbed the shoulders of Jahann as he shook him around.

“What?” The old man questioned as he lazily opened his eyes.

“E...en...enemies.” Nader stuttered but he finally was able to complete the word.

The old man rushed towards the window with difficulty as his steps were a bit unsteady because of being drowsy and tipsy. He leaned over the ledge to look at the surroundings and after one long glance, his vision finally registered the cloud of dust and the creatures causing it. He shook his head then rubbed his eyes and when he looks a second time, the image didn’t change, the creatures are still there.

It wasn’t just a one or two enemies but hundreds or maybe even thousands.

The one ahead those warmongering creatures riding atop enormous beast that were no doubt less dangerous than their riders, riding alongside them were their kin who were riding their most common steeds, the large wolves that were more deadly than giant wolves in the wild and trailing behind them were a noisy bunch of trolls who were a bit of distance behind.

The two stared dumbfoundedly at the scene unfolding before their very eyes. There’s pretty much nothing that they can do against such foes and with their numbers, it was even more so.

“Old man, what do we do? Do we send out runners to contact someone.” Nader turned his gaze towards the more experienced soldier.

“Don’t be ridiculous... how do you suppose we do that?” Jahann replied with an irritated tone.

The group of enemies quickly passed near the walls of the town and continued southward.

The old man grabbed his spear which was leaning on the wall but he soon returned it to where it was after a few breathes of holding it.

“Why bother... It’s not like we can do anything against them.” He mumbled then headed towards his chair and sat down.

“This is bad... really bad. Alsenna is to the south and with the army at the border and the rest gathered at the capital, the garrison of the city won’t be able to do anything against the group that just passed by us.” Nader spoke with worry.

“Jahann... What do we do?” he questioned; Nader rarely called the old man by his name. His voice had a trace of fear and worry in it.

“What wo we do? I will tell you what we will do...” Jahann grabbed another jar of wine then raised it towards Nader before gulping down a mouthful.

“This is what we will do... We will drink till we can’t drink anymore then go to sleep. In order for us to survive, we will do nothing except carry on with what we normally do, hoping that we don’t agitate those guys and have them slaughter all of us here.” The old man continued; his voice filled with helplessness.

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