Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 164 Pressure

Ravastine was full of trouble dealing with the more than a dozen minions of The Eye of Hermodr who were trying to kill her, but every minute she felt the tremors of Kaizen and Tonwor's battle, she also felt lucky to be dealing with the weaker ones.

'Only she who is really a challenge...' The princess thought, staring at the bespectacled woman who was wielding two scythes, one in each hand.

This woman was the only one who had no fear of Ravastine, even though she had seen the princess kill several servants like they were nothing. Since most of the servants were around level 20 and didn't even have good armor or weapons, they were like rats trying to fight a hawk. They simply didn't stand a chance.

However, the woman with scythes was no ordinary mouse, but rather a skunk. Although she was not very strong, she was not afraid of anything and faced the predator head on.

''You'll be sorry you went into that hole today!'' The woman shouted, attacking Ravastine with both scythes at the same time.

Ravastine deflected the attack easily. Then the princess spun the sword in her right hand and attacked the woman on the side of the head with the handle, because she saw no opportunity to use the blade face.

The woman staggered to the side, but did not fall. She raised the two scythes again and attacked Ravastine, but this time Ravastine was unable to dodge and she was hit in the arm grazed by a point of one of the scythes.

''Agh!'' Ravastine groaned in pain, dropping the sword on reflex.

The bespectacled woman raised both scythes to strike the distracted princess, but before she could do so, she was hit by Tonwor, which was thrown by Kaizen in the direction of the two's fight.

''Thank you, Kaizen.'' Ravastine whispered, thanking the Psyker.

''Focus.'' Kaizen replied seriously, as he spun his dagger, preparing for the next attack. "There are still many left, and they have gathered."

The woman with scythes lay unconscious after Tonwor collided with her.

As the half-giant stood up, he pushed the woman's body aside like a piece of trash and shouted to the few henchmen left alive:

"What are you guys doing? She's just a little girl. Kill her soon."

Ravastine didn't like hearing this one bit, but when she took a step toward Tonwor, Kaizen held her by the arm.

"Take care of the others. I'll take care of this guy." He stated, looking her in the eye.


"No 'buts'." Kaizen said and stood in front of her.

Tonwor laughed when she saw Psyker doing that. "Hahaha! Look how noble he is, he is such a gentleman that he is protecting the lady from danger. If this wasn't during a battle, I would certainly applaud, but like this you are disrupting the show! We all just want to see blood!"

"I am not protecting her from danger, I am protecting my prey from the hunter." Kaizen's countenance was stern when he said this, which made Tonwor's confident smile disappear.

"Don't talk nonsense, man! A woman could never beat me!"

"Then you've never met women like the ones I know!" Kaizen exclaimed and charged toward the giant.

Tonwor took a step toward Kaizen, raised one of his basketball-sized fists and punched Psyker, who flew backwards with great force. His strength was frightening.

Kaizen used <Telekinesis> to balance himself and not fall so awkwardly, but Tonwor gave him no time to recover and went at him again.

The Psyker had already faced several enemies with better attributes than his, dozens of them in fact. Still, he had never encountered someone as tough as Tonwor and that was a problem. Since Kaizen always used the same base combo skills to defeat his enemies, namely, holding them down with <Telekinesis> and aiming a critical or supercritical hit, the fact that this didn't work with Tonwor was being very difficult to deal with.

'I need to find another way to do massive damage, because just hitting him head-on isn't going to do it.' Kaizen thought and then blocked an attack from the half-giant.

Tonwor's attack was so strong that it threw him backwards again.

'Those knockbacks are better for me than you think, idiot...'

Tonwor's nudges always gave Kaizen a few extra seconds to think of a plan, and on this last nudge, the Psyker stopped looking for weaknesses in this servant of The Eye of Hermodr and started looking around the vast chamber for specific spots.

His eyes moved quickly, looking at every corner of the place. Before long he noticed that there were cracks in various parts of the walls and ceiling. There were also some roots of the large tree, which could serve not only for the support of the tree.

'I have little MP left and he won't give me a gap to recover, I'm sure of it. Then I'll make 24 points be enough.' thought the player, determined, and when Tonwor charged at them once again, Kaizen raised his right hand and pulled a root from the tree, causing several stones to fall on the half-giant.

Tonwor took two stones in the face and protected himself with both arms from the other stones. "Arrrrghh! You said we were going to use only our hands and fists!" He exclaimed, furious.

Psyker looked at him with debauchery and spread his arms, as if confused. "What are you talking about? I'm using my hands!"

"What you used is magic!"

Spinning a small <Telekinesis> stone on the tip of his index finger, Kaizen said:

"Man, don't blame me for your lack of ability. It's not because you can't do it with your hands, that I shouldn't."

The player's words left Tonwor with no argument to argue with.

Meanwhile, the battle wasn't coming easy for Ravastine either, who despite no longer having the scythe woman getting in her way, still had most of the minions who hadn't died yet and they started fighting like crazy to take her down.

Ravastine did not tire easily, but her MP was not infinite. She had already used many magic blows, especially with her sword, and although they were strong, she couldn't use any of them without caring about the cost to her body. She wasn't sure she could handle all these guys on her own now that they were so crazy, only that she needed to try to do this to convince Kaizen at any cost that she deserved to fight for her sister's life against Taznaar and his allies.

Of this she had no doubt and this motivated her to keep battling. While she was thinking about this, she was attacked from behind.

''Grrr!'' She grunted in pain as the sword of one of the servants grazed past her back.

Ravastine was unable to avoid the attack, but luckily this was not as severe as the man had targeted. She spun her left fist and struck the man with the sheath of her sword, which stunned him. Seizing the opportunity, Ravastine spun her body around and attacked with her sword, splitting the man in half.

''That's for attacking me from behind.'' She said coldly, looking at the man who was now in two pieces.

Ravastine was not very good at fighting more than one enemy at the same time, so she always tried to avoid that. However, these minions were slow, which made this good real combat training for her.

In the battle between Tonwor and Kaizen, the half-giant was now in trouble. No matter what he did, he could no longer press the Psyker like he used to. Whenever he tried to do so, roots would fly towards him and so would rocks. The more time went by, the harder he tried and the more frustrated he became.

"Aaaarghh! Damn you, stop doing that! That's not worthy of a warrior!" He shouted.

Kaizen smiled falsely. "All right, I'll stop these annoying attacks."


"Yes, come attack me."

The half-giant didn't trust Kaizen, but this was the first time in a while that Tonwor had time to attack, so he did.

When this servant of The Eye of Hermodr charged toward Kaizen, the player looked earnestly at the ceiling above him. This foolish onslaught from Tonwor was what the Psyker was expecting, because for a few minutes, Kaizen had to spend most of his mana to throw stones and roots from various parts of the chamber to distract the giant while also thinking thoroughly which stones should be removed for him to get the result he wanted.

Kaizen leapt backwards, stepping back far enough to avoid being caught in the trap range, and when Tonwor stood exactly where the Psyker intended it to be, Kaizen pulled a single one, which in turn created a domino effect, collapsing part of the chamber's ceiling onto the half-giant.



Edited by: DrHitsuji

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