Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 302 Drowned District (Part 2)

After Kaizen and Dhetha discovered the magical bubble that surrounded the Drowned District, he led them closer.

It was difficult to control the class skill <Telekinesis> at such a high level, and it also required a lot of MP, but only Kaizen managed to stay focused even when he was very close to his goal.

Inside the dome, there seemed to be breathable air and a soft light that mimicked the sun. Most of the district consisted of several stone buildings that stood in tall towers, but unlike the rest of the City of Tears, the architecture was less gothic and the buildings had lighter tones.

There were markets, taverns, and homes. The streets were paved with colorful stones and decorated with flowers and plants that Kaizen had only seen in the Forest of the Lost.

Again, Kaizen and Dhetha exchanged glances, and this time they didn't even have to say anything to each other; they entered the bubble of air and felt an immediate relief because the air in the Drowned District was so fresh.

As they looked around, they noticed that this underwater district was even more impressive from the inside. There were people of various races walking along the streets, some wearing elegant clothes, and others wearing armor or cloaks. This place was definitely an aristocratic neighborhood. Children ran through the streets without a care in the world, playing in the front yards of their homes. The atmosphere was lively and colorful, reminding Kaizen a bit of his childhood on Long Island.

However, Kaizen soon noticed that in the corner of their perspective, a couple of fat wizards were staring at them with startled expressions. For some reason, this couple was walking near the edge of the dome. Beside them was a little girl who was immediately horrified by Klaus' appearance; after all, she had never seen anyone wearing full armor, let alone armor with such a bizarre aura and appearance.

All it took was one look at Kaizen for her to start screaming in fear.

A few moments later, a warning siren sounded from the top of the district, along with a voice.

"Attention, citizens. The district has been overrun, take shelter immediately. The defense force will take care of the problem." This announcement was repeated over and over, and the people in the streets began to run frantically into their homes and buildings.

Trying to remain calm, Kaizen looked at Dhetha and said:

"Tell me you didn't know this could happen."

"I suspected their barrier wasn't just for filtering oxygen out of the water." She said, almost laughing with nervousness and a tense expression on her face. "What are we going to do?"

"You know... It would be nice if we could do it all stealthily, but if there's no way, at least we'll be quick."

Before they could even move, they were surrounded by guards armed with spears and nets, pointing at them with hostile expressions. Mages on broomsticks approached next, followed by a wave of support mages with staffs.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" shouted one of the guards, wearing a gold and white robe. He seemed to be some kind of commander.

"We want Adohorn's head," Kaizen said. "You don't have to die here."

"You think you can break into our house, threaten us, and demand to talk to a criminal? You think you are a vigilante? You must be idiots!" said another guard.

"Of course they are lying to gain our sympathy, they are thieves! They came here to kill and steal!" accused a third guard, who was pale as a starfish and had a terrible mustache.

"Yes, you won't be able to negotiate with these guys. Adohorn probably has some of them on the payroll." Kaizen whispered to Dhetha, making her sigh.

"Do you think we can beat them? They're outnumbered by more than fifty here alone, and reinforcements shouldn't be long in coming."

"Retreating or losing here is not even an option for me. Stay behind me and cover my back. I bet they'll be more inclined to talk about where Adohorn is hiding after we kill a few of them." Kaizen said, pushing himself forward.

The military mages, who had mocking smiles on their faces, saw the mysterious man in armor suddenly vanish from their field of vision. They were immediately astonished by this speed. No ordinary mage could move like that. And before some of them could even realize it, Kaizen was already in front of them, slashing horizontally with the Sword of the Night.

Kaizen didn't hesitate to attack the military mages because they were in his way, and he had about an hour to complete this mission, otherwise it would be too late to return to the dormitory.

Using the <Sword Art> skill, he moved his body faster than the mages' eyes could keep up with.

His black sword flashed, and the blade seemed to bend with the movement, slicing through the necks and chests of several mages at once.

He felt no pity or remorse for them, only that they were simple mobs and not actually NPCs.

[You killed a Military Mage, you gained +5000 XP]

[You killed a Military Mage, you gained +5000 XP]

[You killed a Military Mage, you gained +5000 XP]

[You killed a Military Mage, you gained +5000 XP]

[Congratulations! You have just reached level 64].

Dhetha followed him closely, using her ice magic to protect his back. She wasn't as skilled with spells as the military mages, nor did she have as much mana as them, but her body movements were wonderful. She could quickly build walls of ice to protect herself, and she could also advance with her long scythe. And she was another person who wasn't too shaken by killing someone, she had a mission to accomplish.

The two formed an unbeatable duo. They had only just met, but they had an almost natural synchronicity.

They advanced against the front line of enemies, leaving a trail of blood in their wake.

The flying mages were the most annoying for Dhathe, because she couldn't even hit them with her ice stakes, because they were too fast, and because she didn't have enough mana to keep trying to hit them. So it was Kaizen who took on the task of stopping those pesky mages. He used <Telekinesis> to control the Næġling Falske Sword and the Sword of Night at the same time, so that he could chase these enemies in the air. Since both were thin swords, they flew so fast that his enemies could hardly run or see.

Most of these military mages were foot soldiers without much experience in real combat, who were probably only hired because they had a lot of mana. They relied on nothing more than numerical superiority and spell spamming to defeat their enemies, but unfortunately for them, Kaizen was taking this battle very seriously.

On the battlefield in the streets of the Drowned District, Kaizen and Dhetha were literally like fire and ice at times. They complemented each other perfectly, covering each other's mistakes.

However, the nobles of the City of Tears had an ace up their sleeve that could change everything.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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