Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 304 Ancestral Sea Dragon (Part 2)

Even from a distance, Kaizen extended his hand forward and used <Telekinesis> to "punch" one of the Ancestral Sea Dragon's legs, causing it to lose its balance by combining that with the cut he had made on one of its legs earlier. This caused the creature to fall face down to the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, Kaizen moved forward with even more speed, this time using <Giant's Lungs> to double his attributes. He had to finish this now, this was his chance.

The dragon reacted quickly, turning its head to the side and biting the Snowy Limb Sword, knocking it out of Psyker's hand.

Kaizen was startled to see the tip of one of his best swords snap off as if it were nothing. He had hoped to freeze the mythical creature and slow it down, but when he saw that only the hilt and base of the Snowy Limbo remained in his hands, he was furious.

"You bastard, do you know how long it took me to make this sword?! It was days! DAYS! And you broke it, you bastard!" The anger that Kaizen felt was not only because he had lost his only elemental sword, but also because that sword would probably bring him hundreds of thousands of dollars if he had sold it.

The Ancestral Sea Dragon was blinded by rage, so he didn't care about Kaizen's anger. On the contrary, he swung his tail and struck Kaizen in the chest, throwing him away at the height of his stress.

Kaizen felt immense pain as he hit the ground and saw his HP drop by 50% in one blow. He tried to get up, but he was weak, so he would have to take a healing potion first.

Dhetha saw what was happening and was horrified. She tried to run to Kaizen to help him, but was intercepted by the dragon, which blew a puff of fire in her direction. This puff was not as powerful as the one inside, but it could still kill. Startled, Dhetha used her ice magic to create several walls of ice in front of her, blocking the fire and using up most of her mana. When the dragon's breath stopped, she used her scythe to cut the ice wall into pieces and hurl them like projectiles at the dragon.

She wanted to distract it so she could get to Kaizen.

The Ancestral Sea Dragon deflected the ice chunks with its tail, but some of them managed to hit its eyes and mouth, causing it to recoil slightly.

Dhetha took advantage of the gap and tried to run to Kaizen again, only this time the military mages on their broomsticks got in her way. They cast several elemental spells with their wands in an attempt to hit her, forcing her to take cover in the wreckage of a building that was nearly destroyed by the dragon.

"Damn it, Psyker, you're going to have to lift it yourself this time." She said.

Kaizen saw Dhetha thwart his approach several times and felt a mixture of gratitude and frustration. It would be humiliating to be helped by an NPC more than once, it seemed like the game was helping him.

Looking at the dragon as it finally stood up, the Psyker saw that the mythical creature had red eyes and a mouth full of blood. It had been injured by Dhetha's ice chunks, but that only made it angrier. It roared loudly and spread its wings, preparing to fly at Kaizen.

Kaizen felt a shiver run down his spine and smiled excitedly.

If he flies towards me, I'll have a chance to turn the game around, but it's too risky. Kaizen thought and almost at the same time, the dragon flew towards him.

With no other options, he focused on the dragon, and when the dragon came within reach, he stretched his left arm forward and opened his fingers as wide as possible.

[Activating the Class Skill <Telekinesis>.]

Kaizen felt tremendous resistance as he tried to stop the Ancestral Sea Dragon's advance. It was as if he was trying to open a massive steel door. He pushed as hard as he could, using all of his MP reserves and ignoring the enormous weight he felt on his back.

Then he noticed a gap in the dragon's natural defenses. The creature could not see properly because of the chunks of ice that had hit it earlier.

Taking advantage of the fact that he was able to slow the dragon's advance a bit, Kaizen commanded his swords to advance and take advantage of that visual gap. His swords soared like eagles in the small sky of the dome. In the next few moments, Kaizen saw confusing and violent images flash through his mind. The swords easily pierced the dragon's pair of eyes and entered the creature's skull, causing it to howl in pain and rage at the same time.

Kaizen used this moment to try to stop the dragon completely. This was a very difficult, almost impossible task, for the dragon had strong instincts and a fierce will mixed with an almost paranormal hatred. Nevertheless, the player was determined to use everything he had against the creature.

In the end, Kaizen did something even more amazing than he had expected: he made the dragon stop in midair and change direction.

Instead of attacking Kaizen, it flew toward the mages on the broomsticks who were attacking Dhetha. The mages were surprised to see the dragon coming at them with its mouth open and tried to flee or defend themselves with their spells, but it was too late, the mythical creature was blinded.

The Ancestral Sea Dragon swallowed most of them in a single gulp.

Kaizen smiled as he saw this and thought:

"That's because you guys are so annoying.

But he knew that this distraction would not last long for the ancestral sea dragon. Soon the dragon would recover and attack them again, but Kaizen had no intention of losing control of the battle at that point.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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