Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 310 Dhetha

The white-haired mage laughed and lay on the ground, his hands raised to show that he would not resist. "It's like they say in the history books, Psyker, you may have won this battle, but the war is not over."

Kaizen frowned. "What do you mean?"

Adohorn laughed again. "You'll find out soon enough."

Kaizen looked around, noticed that Alina and Dhetha were missing, and thought of the worst case scenario.


Dhetha was tense at Alina's question. She didn't know what to answer because she couldn't tell the truth. She wondered how Alina had noticed or if it was just a coincidence that she was asking these questions. Dhetha tried to keep her composure, but she knew her expression was changing. She quickly looked away and continued walking with Alina.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Dhetha said, trying to sound convincing.

But Alina noticed Dhetha's hesitation and became even more suspicious. She let go of the yellow-eyed woman's support, leaned against a wall in the corridor leading to the staircase, and faced the other woman.

"Why are you lying to me, Dhetha? I was the first person Kaizen met in this place and it wasn't that long ago, what do you want?"

Dhetha swallowed dryly, trying to come up with a convincing answer. She knew she could not hide the truth any longer.

"I... I can't talk about it, Alina. Now let's go, Kaizen asked me to bring you to the surface if I could free you," Dhetha said, trying to move on.

But Alina grabbed Dhetha's arm and stopped her.

"You are not on Adohorn's side, nor Kaizen's, are you? That's why Kaizen never mentioned you. You are a traitor!"

Dhetha tried to free herself from Alina's grip, but the mage-librarian was stronger than she looked.

"What! Of course not!" Dhetha said again.

Alina stared at her in anger and disappointment. She felt betrayed by Dhetha and didn't know who to trust anymore.

"You are a liar, Dhetha. I don't know how I could trust you."

Dhetha felt a tightening in her chest as she heard these words. She knew she had lost Alina's trust, but she couldn't afford to hesitate any longer. She had a mission to complete and no time to explain the situation to the mage librarian.

"Alina, I know it sounds strange, but I am not a traitor. I just have my own reasons for being here," Dhetha said in a calm, controlled tone.

Alina remained silent for a moment, studying Dhetha's face for signs of betrayal. She struggled to decide whether to trust Dhetha or not.

"I can't trust you."

Dhetha sighed, knowing it was the expected answer, but still disappointing.

"I understand. But if you want to get out of here alive, you have to trust me," Dhetha said firmly. "I can get you to a safe place where you can recover and..."

"And what, subject me to another round of torture like that bastard did to me?"

Dhetha tried to reason with Alina, but the librarian was determined not to let her leave Kaizen. Somehow, Dhetha seemed torn between convincing Alina to go with her and not going with her. The look on her face reflected this inner conflict.

While they were arguing, a figure appeared at the end of the hall. It was a woman dressed in a purple robe and a pointed hat. She approached and looked at the two women with an enigmatic smile on her face.

"Good day, Miss Alina Sylly. I don't believe we have met before. My name is Egelza and I am a mage from the Citadel of Mages. I can see that there is some tension between you. Is there anything I can help you with?" said Egelza, her voice soft and controlled.

She was a tall, slim mage with long black hair. Her eyes were the color of honey and shone with a disturbing intensity. Her posture was erect and confident, suggesting a dominant presence.

Alina looked at the mage suspiciously and took two steps back; she could feel how powerful this mysterious woman was.

Dhetha felt the same and was wide-eyed at the sight of Egelza, but instead of retreating, she bowed her head and approached Egelza. Then Dhetha whispered in her ear. The mage nodded and turned to Alina.

"I understand that you are concerned for Kaizen's safety, but let me assure you that he is in good hands. Come with us and I will show you that everything is under control," Egelza said, extending her hand to Alina. "Besides, I think you are very curious to know more about Lord and Lady Sylly, aren't you?"

Obviously, the mention of her parents made Alina's heart beat faster. It was the first time in her life that she had heard another person mention them.

"Did you know them?"

"Did I know them? I'm not nearly four hundred years old for nothing, Miss Sylly. Of course I met them, and not only that, I was friends with them when they were alive." Egelza said smiling.

While Alina and Dhetha were talking, the sound of someone's heavy footsteps echoed through the corridor. The footsteps seemed to grow louder and more intense until finally Kaizen emerged from the darkness.

His heavy, steady steps echoed down the hall, causing the torches to flicker. He wore heavy armor with the symbol of House Sylly emblazoned across his chest. His right hand held a long, double-bladed sword that seemed to weigh more than a normal man could carry.

His dark hair was matted and disheveled, with a few strands clinging to the sweat on his face. His eyes were fixed on Dhetha, and Alina could see the anger burning in his gaze.

"What's going on here?" he asked, with his voice deep and dangerous, and it sounded like he was ready to strike at any moment.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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