Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 772 Blushed

Chapter 772 Blushed

Bloody Lily smiled, lowered her head for a moment and then raised it to look out over the vast camp. "Of course we're nowhere near the end, but it feels like a fresh start, doesn't it?"

Kaizen looked at her, surprised that this seemed to be exactly the description he was looking for. "Yes, exactly. A fresh start." He smiled at her.

When she saw him smiling at her, she put her hands behind her to use as support while she sat down and looked straight ahead.

A silence followed for a moment, and Kaizen did exactly what she expected him to do. He placed his left hand on her right hand, which was on the floor.

She looked at him again, but this time it was he who was looking at the camp, so she asked:

"Now, what are you going to do? Are you really going to keep that agreement you made with Zylok?"

"Yes, after all, an agreement is an agreement and, frankly, it'll be nice not to be the guild leader. It's not that I don't like being in charge, but it's a lot of responsibility for someone who has practically no time, isn't it?"

"Of course, but I think you'd do well."

Kaizen arched his eyebrows, slightly surprised. "You think so?"

"Of course!" She looked at him and smiled. "You're hard-working and capable of moving crowds. Not to mention that you have a strange kind of charisma that makes everyone around you trust you very much."

Her words made him smile. "When you say it like that, it sounds like I haven't made several enemies so far."

"Yes, but how many are still your enemies? Taznaar tolerates you, Zylok has become your leader and anyone else who might think of bothering you yet will start to think twice after tonight."

"Yes, but there's still something that worries me."

The red-haired woman frowned. "And what would that be?"

"When I talked to Charles Richards after the Special Program Tournament, he told me to be very careful, because the Evolved would start looking for me and that did happen. First Cephal came to my door, then I met Xisrith and Zylok, and if they come now I don't know what I'll do, I'm a bit exhausted and I still have to go to the Special Program campus later."

Now that Kaizen had mentioned it, Bloody Lily stopped to think. In fact, for the general public, no other place, event or mission had had as many Evolved in one place and fighting as that day in the Capital of Mibothen, and usually when something like this happens, more things usually happen in a chain.

Kaizen took a deep breath and stood up, stretching. He then turned around and held out a hand to help Bloody Lily up.

However, when she took his hand and stood up, he pulled her close, wrapped one hand around her waist and put the other on the back of her neck.

Bloody Lily, shocked and blushing, asked in a trembling voice:

"Wha-what are you doing?"

"We couldn't leave because of everything that happened during the night and now we need to return to our campuses in two different states, so wait for me, okay?" Smiling and looking at her lips, Kaizen replied.

Her face still completely red, she nodded and they kissed right there in front of everyone, where anyone in the entire camp could see.

Some people noticed and started pointing, making the others look and, surprisingly, they started shouting and applauding.

The kiss between Kaizen and Bloody Lily sealed not only the night of triumphs, but also marked the beginning of a different journey for both of them. The couple waved to the others after the kiss, receiving smiles and warm greetings. Then they both logged off, because although the battle was over, they knew that the others weren't going anywhere just yet, because the city was in ruins, in need of repair and renovation, and everyone in the camp seemed committed to helping.


When Klaus Park opened his eyes in his room, light was already streaming through the windows and the curtain, and as soon as he took off his NeuroGear, something as heavy as a stone fell on him.

Unlike his RO avatar, Klaus was vulnerable to physical damage and his younger brother, Ard Park, seemed to have forgotten that.

"Big brother! You were amazing!" Ard shouted as he hugged Klaus tightly.

Ard then stood on the bed, raised his right hand to his face as if using an invisible force and exclaimed:

"You did Vushhhhhh with the demons and then POWWWWW! You looked like a wizard, a really cool wizard!"

Klaus was surprised for a moment, looked at Ard's dark circles and realized what he was in for. Ard had spent the whole evening watching what his older brother was doing.

So Ard's reactions made Klausdar laugh heartily, which echoed around the room.

"Did you like that, Ard?" Klaus put a hand on Ard's head and shook his hair.

"Of course I did!" Raising his hands as high as he could, Ard shouted.

Suddenly, a sound like the grunting of a wild dog echoed through the room. Ard turned his head every which way, looking for the source of the sound like a child who couldn't tell fiction from reality, and then when he looked at Klaus he realized that it was his older brother's belly that was rumbling, so he started laughing.

"You look hungry, why don't you come down and eat with us? Your mother and I decided to use our time bank and asked for a day off today so we could follow your fight. Although our bosses are furious because we already took last week off," said Michael Park, the father of the family, who was standing in the doorway.

Klaus smiled and nodded. Then he picked Ard up and got out of bed. "No doubt I could eat a whole horse right now."

"And I don't doubt it, kisser." Chun Park appeared right next to Michael, looking at Klaus with crossed eyes.

Klaus stopped and blushed and asked:

"Were you watching that?"

"Every second... Didn't you hear your mother? We had today off, so we were watching everything, stud." Michael joked.

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