Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 318: Everything is about to crumble

Chapter 318: Everything is about to crumble

Who is Meredith Ordinton?

This question appeared to everyone in the supernatural world.

Yet, this was normal as Meredith wasn't well-known, and she was just a normal bodyguard who protected the royalty.

So why did Riser choose her as his contracted magician among all the magicians in this world?

No one knew the reason.

Except this girl was quite cute; nothing was special about her. Moreover, she wasn't the cutest girl out there. Lastly, her specialty was nothing but security and seal magic, while her proficiency in other magics was also horrible.

Yet, even if no one knew the reason why Riser chose this girl, they couldn't help but feel envious of this girl. Everyone was thinking so hard, trying to gain Lucifer's attention, yet even if this girl did nothing, she could gain her attention. Moreover, the benefit that was gained by this girl made many magicians grit their teeth in hatred and jealousy.

When one does research about magic, they need money, connections, and many others.

Yet, the moment Meredith became a contracted magician of Riser, she got everything that everyone could only dream of.

Why should it be this girl?!

Nevertheless, even if they were filled with jealousy, they couldn't do anything. Riser made his decision, and troubling Meredith was as good as death, especially when she had become the darling of the Golden Dawn and the entire society of the United Kingdom.



Lavinia Reni was confused and didn't understand. Why should Riser choose Meredith? She had shown her intention to make a pact with Riser, and she even said that she would do anything, yet the result?

She was ignored.

While her personality was good, she still had an arrogance and prided herself as a strong magician, especially when her existence was special. Not only was she proficient in magic, but she also had a Longinus.

Yet, Riser chose Meredith.

She couldn't understand this, and she also couldn't accept it as if all the plans that had been made would crumble because she was unable to become his contracted magician. However, this wasn't her only failure, especially when she was called by the leader of her organization, Mephisto Pheles.

"Is there something wrong, Mephisto-sama?"

Mephisto stared at Lavinia's beautiful face and asked, "Are you still in contact with Azazel and the rest?"


"Don't follow them anymore."

His voice was cold and calm, as if it was an order instead of advice.

However, Lavinia frowned and couldn't accept Mephisto's decision. "Why, Mephisto-sama? You should know who the real evil and the good are. We have been working for peace! If we let that evil Lucifer dominate everything, then everything that we have built will crumble!"

Mephisto looked at the girl, who had been following him for a long time, and thought that she had become so unfamiliar.

"Moreover, didn't he kill your Tannin? Did you not even feel a shred of remorse for the death of your family?"

Lavinia was in outbursts, and she uttered everything within her mind as she felt like Mephisto had made the wrong decision.

"I see..."

When Mephisto nodded, Lavinia somehow felt relief and thought that he had woken up, but—



"As I have said, leave." Mephisto stared at Lavinia without expression. "You are not a member of Grauzauberer anymore. You can do whatever you want now, and I won't forbid you, but whatever you do from now on, please don't bring the name of Grauzauberer with you, as you are not a member of this organization anymore."

"...are you serious?"

"Yes." Mephisto nodded, ignoring Lavinia's shock. "So, leave. Don't involve me with your problem."

Lavinia opened her lips before she closed them again. She felt like Mephisto had changed, and she felt like he had become unfamiliar in her eyes. Nevertheless, there was no trace of regret on her face, only—

"You will regret this."

Watching Laviania's back, Mephisto shook his head and thought that this girl was so stupid.

Fighting Riser?

Who in the right mind would do it?

When he met Riser before, he knew that Riser was strong, so strong that he knew that fighting was pointless. Even what had happened to Tannin before was caused by Riser; he didn't do anything and just let Riser kill Tannin since doing anything against Riser was meaningless.

It was like when one knew that an earthquake was about to happen, yet was there something that one could do except to be prepared for the destruction to happen?

Riser was like that. He had become a force of nature, and fighting against him was stupid.

As for justice and evil?

Mephisto disdained Laviania's foolishness since he knew the terms of justice and evil had always been determined by the winner.

"And Riser is the justice now."

With that thought, Mephisto just quietly continued his job and lived on the corner without interrupting Riser's life. All he needed to do was act like a pebble on the corner of the street, not bothering him in the slightest and hopefully being ignored by him.


"What do you think, Azazel?"

"Seal and security magic..." Azazel felt conflicted when he saw the report about Meredith.

"I am sure that he has realized it."


"He is playing with us. We're like a mouse, and he is like a cat. Before devouring us, he is playing with us, cornering us, having fun seeing our horror, then when he becomes bored, then that's it for us."

Ajuka narrated his thoughts about Riser's decision to make a contract with Meredith.

"Then, what should we do now?" Azazel could feel that it was like his body was trapped within a quagmire, and it was impossible for him to escape before he slowly drowned, unable to breathe, and then died painfully.

"Nothing is changing." Ajuka shook his head. "I am sure that someone will do something instead of us."

Azazel nodded since he knew that it was impossible for them to investigate Meredith further, especially when she was under the protection of Riser. If they tried to attack her or kidnap her, they knew that they would be caught under Riser's trap and they would be killed.

If there was a reason why Riser didn't do anything to do them, it was because he lacked a reason to do so, but when he got a reason, their lives were as good as over.

Yet, even if they did nothing, someone was much more in panic than them, and they could let them make a move so they could buy them time for them.


"Dammit! That stupid son and daughter!"

Uther Pendragon was enraged when his family was being troubled anywhere within the world. Moreover, many attacked his family at the same time without showing a single mercy. All of them did their best to please Riser by attacking their family, and he knew everything was all because of his stupid son and daughter.

After he saved them, he thought that they could calm down, but who would expect that they would escape once again and continue to act as a terrorist?

In the beginning, he didn't care, but once Riser made a contract with Meredith, whether it was the royal family, the nobles, politicians, businessmen, and many others started to attack the Pendragon family at the same time.

As a big family, it was impossible for their family to be all clean, and he knew his family was full of filth, yet they weren't the only ones.

However, facing the attacks from every direction made him frightened, thinking that the Pendragon house was as good as ever.

Moreover, everything was all due to Arthur and Le Fay.

Even now, Uther was under pressure, even from his family, as his family wished to throw away Le Fay and Arthur to Riser, begging for his forgiveness, yet as a father, was it something that he could do?

Unexpectedly, he could.

His son aside, his daughter was quite cute, so he knew that Riser might be tempted to take down Le Fay.

With that relationship, their family could make peace with Riser.

As for his son?

With the relationship with Riser and Le Fay, Uther didn't need to worry about anything.

Yet, somehow, when he discussed this problem with the other members of his family, he suddenly noticed something strange.

"Where is Elaine?"

Elaine Westcott.

She is the maid serving the House of Pendragon and a descendant of one of the founding fathers of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. She is also Le Fay's attendant, who was responsible for her education and took care of her since childhood.

While others might not understand, Uther knew that the reason why Arthur left was due to his love for this maid.

However, this maid suddenly disappeared, which confused him.

"I gave her to Riser Lucifer through Meredith Ordinton." One of the members of the Pendragon House said. "You don't mind, right?"


Uther fell in silence as his lips twitched, thinking that the fate of his son wasn't much different from his ancestor, but he didn't mind since if a single maid could appease Riser's anger, it was nothing.

Still, while many things happened due to Riser's decision to make Meredith his contracted magician, he went somewhere.

So, where was he?

"Do-Don't kill me... I-I beg you, Ri-Riser-sama..."

With her neck tightly grasped by Riser, a beautiful woman with straight and long pale blue hair and dark blue eyes begged him not to kill her. Her usual cold atmosphere was no longer seen as one could only see the desperation in her and somehow humiliation and hatred in those eyes.

Yet, even if Riser heard her begging, he didn't show mercy since this woman was one of the dragons who was partly responsible for his almost near-death experience.

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