Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 326: The Evil of the World

Chapter 326: The Evil of the World

The next day, the Slash Dog group was announced as a terrorist group part of the Khaos Brigade and would become a target of the alliance.

All their members were clearly announced, whether it was their powers, pictures, identities, or many others, as they would become a target of the alliance from now on.

Moreover, like Vali and those who had harmed the alliance, Riser also put a bounty on the members of the Slash Dog group, giving anyone quite a sum of money when they were able to hunt them down.

When everyone saw the amount of money given by the alliance when they were able to catch or kill those criminals, many started to get excited and worked hard to take down those criminals.

Yet, Azazel couldn't maintain his calm when he saw the news. However, it was impossible for him to visit Riser, so he could only return to the Grigori, asking what was happening with impatience and anger as he didn't expect the Slash Dog group that he had created as a fighting group under the Grigori would be labeled as the criminal that was part of the Khaos Brigade.

Moreover, it was Baraqiel, the current leader of Grigori, who made that announcement, giving an ultimatum and no place to return for the Slash Dog group.

"What's happening Baraqiel? Why did you make the Slash Dog into a criminal?!" Azazel asked with a shout.

Watching how emotional Azazel had become, everyone was also prepared since they wouldn't let Azazel fight against Baraqiel as Baraqiel gave the peace of the fallen angels, and frankly, Baraqiel was more suitable as a leader for the Grigori to an effort to lead everyone instead of Azazel who often went on his own due of his selfish nature.

"How dare you be so rude to Baraqiel-sama, you clown!"

"Get the hell out of here, as my patience is still within my limit!"

"Don't involve us with your problem anymore!"

"Calm down."

Azazel was stunned when he saw all of the fallen angels attack him verbally before following Baraqiel's words like they were the most loyal servants and even prepared to attack him, who was the previous governor of the Grigori. He felt conflicted, wondering whether they were so ungrateful toward him, who had helped them so much, or they were just under so much pressure that he became a place to throw that frustration.

Watching his friend's expression, Baraqiel sighed and asked, "Isn't it you who involved them in your problem?"


"You all get out for a while. Let me talk with him alone." Baraqiel told everyone to leave, leaving only the two behind. Staring at the face of his dearest friend, he said softly, "Azazel, just abandoned all of them. As long as you say that you are clear and don't have a relationship with Vali and the rest, everything will be okay." Even though he knew that Azazel had walked into the wrong path, he still wanted to save him.


Azazel looked at Baraqiel, who looked at him sincerely, causing him to realize how ugly his heart was, but he took a deep breath and firmly said, "Sorry, Baraqiel. I know that you care about me, but I won't abandon Vali no matter what. Thank you. You are my friend."

"Why?" Baraqiel frowned.

"You don't understand."

"No, I understand." Baraqiel narrowed his eyes and said, "Wasn't it you who told me to give up about the revenge of my wife before? I wanted to destroy the Five Principal Clans, but you told me to stop, yet now, I tell you to stop since you should see the overall situation. You should see the big picture. There is no point in fighting Riser-sama anymore. He is above everyone.

"He has become an existence above our God!

"Facing him is meaningless, and it might cause the extinction of our race!"

Baraqiel sighed and asked, "Do you want to see all of us die so much?"

Azazel flinched and couldn't see Baraqiel's figure straight. If it was someone else, he might be bold, but this was Baraqiel, someone who could even sacrifice his wife for everyone in the fallen angels.Baraqiel swallowed his hatred and didn't do anything since he told him to do so.

At that moment, their position was reversed.

Baraqiel was the one who told him to sacrifice Vali for everyone.

Being stared at by Baraqiel, even if Baraqiel didn't do anything, Azazel felt like his heart was about to crash due to guilt. He didn't dare to say a single word and just kept quiet like a child who had done a wrong thing.

Yet, could this really change Azazel's decision?

No, was it even possible for him to escape from Riser?

Even though the rest were blind, what happened to the Five Principal Clans and Tiamat was all due to Riser. No one knew this, and they were all played by Riser, like a toy. Knowing this, his withered-like will suddenly became lush and firm as he made his decision.

"Sorry, Baraqiel. I know that I am selfish, and I know that you are worried about me, but I won't stop." Azazel looked at Baraqiel firmly and apologized. "I'm... I am sorry again, but he is the only one I have thought of as my child, after all, so I can't stop." Moreover, he knew that Riser knew that he was the one who made the plan to summon the Great Red. Even if he was just a co-planner, he was still the one who was involved in the incident that had almost caused the destruction of the entire Underworld.

Baraqiel stared at Azazel for a while, then said, "Is that so? Then, do as you wish; don't try to involve Grigori with you from now on; we will cut our relationship. I will tell Riser-sama that you are not a member of the Grigori anymore, but you don't need to worry; I won't announce it to the world."

That way, Azazel could still maintain his last dignity.

Still, due to this, in case of trouble, Azazel knew that everyone would abandon him and just throw him away to Riser. Yet he reaped what he sowed. Everything happened because of himself, not the others.

Bowing his head, Azazel left.

As for the Slash Dog?

It was impossible to change their fate, and their fate was as good as dead as they could only hide on the sewer like a dirty rat and would be unable to see the sun from now on.

Yet, there was nothing that they could do since, in this world, Riser was the justice, and they were the evil.

As for the Mocking Gear that Riser gave, Baraqiel was sure that Azazel must wish to learn it, but he wouldn't tell him since he had already entrusted his everything to Riser.

Still, what they didn't know was that Riser had been listening to their conversation. Frankly, he didn't expect that this move would be effective, and he hadn't thought of this method since he could kill all of them. Yet, killing them alone wasn't enough, as he wished for them to taste the cruelty of the world.

With that thought, he continued his work and plan, thinking that it was more fun than he had thought to be in the position of above everyone.


By the way, there are a total of 35 chapters on my patreón. You can check the link below if you want to see /akikan40

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