Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 361: The good days are great

Chapter 361: The good days are great

"Oh, God... please forgive me for falling into this forbidden delight..."

Irina made a prayer to the deceased god before she looked at Riser with a lewd smile. "Riser-sama, let's do it again."


Riser wasn't sure how to describe his feelings. Still, he had to say that the appearance of Irina with her beautiful angel wings, praying piously so she wouldn't fall into the sin of lust, was kind of hot. It also made him think that it would take a while before she fell, yet he hadn't expected that she would fall so fast.

However, he didn't mind.

As he made love to her, she kept praying as she stuck out her tongue lewdly. "Kiss me~! Kiss me~! Riser-sama~!"

Was there such a lewd angel?

"You are an angel. Hold back a bit."

"But... it feels good~!"

She swung her buttocks left and right as she rubbed her head against his like a kitten.

Or like a bird?

After all, her white angel's wings were wrapped around him, hoping so they could get even closer.

Still, this was probably the aftereffect of the fasting.

As an angel, it was natural for Irina to suppress all of her desires, so when it was released, it was like a flood, gushed out, unable to be stopped.

So, at that time, the two of them stayed for a day or so inside this Interdimensional Room. It was fortunate that they had food and drink inside, but naturally, they needed to go out for the toilet and bathroom.

This Interdimensional Room was good since it could stop the angel from falling when they had sex, but as expected, there were a lot of limitations as the room couldn't be expanded after it was created. In other words, it was like a flat in the apartment; the size was just that. While it could be renovated, it couldn't get bigger.

However, he knew that the angels only sought minimal comfort as they didn't want to be distracted and fall.

Still, he felt that as long as this Interdimensional Room was crafted, the angel wouldn't feel satisfied with just a normal room with a variety of religious items. In the future, he was sure that they might even add more comfort, such as a bigger room and better facilities.

Suddenly, he wondered whether he had become a real estate developer.

Nevertheless, compared to this Interdimensional Room, there was no doubt that the Innovate Clear was far better.

Yet, this was normal since the Interdimensional Room was something created by Innovate Clear.

Innovate Clear's ability was to create a space where the user could create anything. On the space created within this Longinus, it wouldn't be strange to say that the user was the God.

Riser had tried it before, and in that space, whether it was a landscape such as a volcano, an ocean, or a mountain, he could create all of them. He could even create a living being and observe them from above like a God.More importantly, he could even absorb someone to enter this space.

Somehow, this ability reminded him of the "Ocean," which he had received previously, but unlike the "Ocean," which could only create a sea, he could create practically anything within this space.

As he also had "Dimensional Lost," this ability to "Innovate Clear" was enhanced even further.

The two of them could combine, and it probably wouldn't be wrong to say that he could create anything.

By now, it wouldn't be weird to say that he was a God.

No, by some people, he might have already become a God.

Still, he didn't care about his title as long as he could live a peaceful life, so whatever the title that people gave him, he was okay with it as long as they didn't bother him.

Anyway, as Irina was one of the main heroines, naturally, he got quite a good reward.

[Congratulations, you have received a "Holy Affinity."]


Riser wasn't sure how to describe this feeling, but he knew the moment he got this reward, the weakness of the devil, which was a light and a holy element, was completely erased from his body.

The "Holy Affinity" ability might be simple as it only gave him an affinity to the holy element, but it was a good thing for him, who was a devil.

Still, as the devil originated from a fallen angel, Lucifer, they shouldn't have a weakness toward the holy and the light elements, right?

Was it due to God?

The chances were high.

Still, as the devil was a being that was created from the womb of Lilith, there was a lot of difference between their race and an angel.

Either way, no matter what, he had become an existence that was similar to an angel due to this reward. There might be only a single reward, but it greatly helped him.

As for his weakness toward the light, it had already disappeared after he ate the "Pika Pika no Mi," which made him into a devil of light.

With this, as long as he gained "Divinity," then he would become a God.

Or, rather, hadn't he gained a "Divinity"?

After all, he had eaten the "Great Red," which was one of the Dragon Gods.

Still, as he had explained his reward from Irina and also the Innovate Clear, it might be unfair if he didn't explain about the Telos Karma, the last Longinus that he gained.

Like any other Longinus, this Longinus was amazing, but it was on a different scale, as it could control fate.

Yes, fate.

If he gave an example, it would be like he could forcibly make something that was usually impossible to happen. If he gave an example, it was like when one would trip when something like that definitely wouldn't happen. If he wished to, he could also make someone have bad luck, and he could even make his day full of luck.

There was no doubt that Telos Karma had a frightening ability, and with this ability, it was impossible for Kanzaki Mitsuya to be caught. Even Ajuka and Azazel were helpless.

However, as Riser had become a Desperado, he could control fate, and even if Longinus tried to control him, he could fight back.

So, it was Kanzaki's bad luck to meet him.

Still, with all of that, the match between Sona and Sairaorg was about to start.

As her husband, Riser naturally went to support his wife.

As for Sairaorg?

While Riser felt sorry, especially when it might not be wrong to say that he was Sairaorg's stepfather, he needed to prioritize his wife. Even Misla understood his situation. Nevertheless, it seemed like she told him Zekram wanted her to seduce him.

The two felt complex, but neither of them mentioned this matter since the press conference of the "Rating Game" between Sona and Sairaorg was about to start.

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