Riser Phenex isn't a villain

Chapter 394: Do your best!

Chapter 394: Do your best!

When Riser appeared, all the angels stopped.

Still, Michael was surprised when he saw Riser and quickly approached him, then showed his alliance. "Riser-sama."

The rest also followed, and they kneeled before him.

All the humans were dumbfounded, but they quickly groveled as they knew Riser was the one who saved them. If they still felt resistance toward him, then death was their destination. Even the strongest Joker was killed; those who were nothing more than a mere exorcist could only succumb.

Still, many, especially the reincarnated angels, sighed, looking at Riser gratefully since they knew if Riser didn't stop Michael, then the massacre would continue.

"Get up, Michael."


The rest didn't get up as Riser didn't ask them.

"I think that you have killed them enough. There is no need for you to kill them anymore."

While Michael was stunned by Riser's words, he didn't have that much rejection. Instead, he was also grateful since there was no doubt that those who were pained by this massacre were him. Those humans... while he hated them for tarnishing heaven and killing some of the angels, there was no doubt that he felt sorry.

Yet, as the leader of heaven, this was what he should do, especially when those humans had gotten ahead of themselves.


As Michael nodded and stopped the massacre, Riser then looked at his contracted magician and said, "Meredith, help them tend to their wounds."

"Yes, Riser-sama~!" Meredith made a salute and went to the group of humans.

Watching Meredith, who had left, Riser then looked at Michael and said, "Can you guide me around heaven, Michael?"

"Sure, Riser-sama."

With those words, the two walked around heaven as Michal introduced the heaven to Riser.

As for the rest?

They started to help the humans as if nothing had happened, and the humans also showed gratitude as they had been forgiven.

Still, one Seraph stared in the direction of Riser and Michael.


"Ah, um, no-nothing!"


"How do you feel?"


Michael sighed, but he knew that this was something that he had to do.

"Are you angry that I have stopped you?" Riser asked.

"No." Michael quickly refuted and said, "I think this is a great move, Riser-sama." The reason why the church showed resistance toward heaven was due to their rejection of Riser. Still, in this cruel massacre, Riser showed his compassion and forgave those humans who had attacked the angels. There was no doubt that this move would enhance Riser's image among the church followers.

Michael also didn't mind this, especially when Riser had become the ruler of this world.

It might not be wrong to say that Riser was a God.

No, Riser was even better than God!

After all, the God of the bible was unable to become the ruler of this world.

Moreover, the reason why the God of the bible became the greatest god was all because God was powerful.

Whether the teaching of God was wrong or right, it didn't matter since strength determined everything.

If the gods from the pagan were stronger, then would they be called pagan gods?

It was because the God of the Bible was the strongest that he had become a god.

Watching Riser grow up step by step, Michael knew that truth.

It was also because of this that Michael didn't mind becoming the bad guy.

Michael killed the human, and Riser forgave the human.

This was nothing but a bad guy and a good guy technique.

By doing this, no one in the church would hesitate to follow Riser anymore.

This might be a cliche technique, but it was effective.

"It's great that you are not unhappy."

"How could I be?" Michael shook his head and understood Riser's reason for doing this. Moreover, he also felt that the massacre was enough, but

"Do you think I am too naive?" Riser asked.


Michael couldn't deny it since he knew well how evil a human's heart can be. Even the most devoted followers of heaven dared to attack heaven and caused much harm. Even if they were grateful to Riser, who knew what they thought inside their hearts?

Frankly, in his mind, Michael felt like it was better to destroy everything and build everything from zero.

By then, Michael could teach the humans himself, telling them what they should and shouldn't do. It might be troublesome at first, but it was better than letting those humans back into the church. Those humans might feel sorry, scared, and grateful, but then, as long as they thought those who had been killed, they would start their revenge.

Riser smiled and asked, "Do you know why I only bring Meredith with me?"

"Now that you mention it..."

Frankly, Michael also felt confused as to why Riser decided to bring Meredith alone, especially when there were many people who could accompany him, and those people were even stronger than Meredith. Moreover, her ability was nothing more than a sealing and a security magic.

Would she be able to seal everyone's memory?

Michael thought for a moment and wasn't sure why Riser brought Meredith, so he waited for his answer.

"The real reason why I made her into my contracted magician was all due to her Sacred Gear."

"Sacred Gear?"

"Alphecca Tyrant. That's her Sacred Gear."

"Alphecca Tyrant?"

"It's a new Sacred Gear that has the ability to control a human's mind."

Michael widened his eyes. "Th-Then..."

"I am not so naive to believe those humans."

Riser wasn't so naive to believe that those humans could repent. Instead, he knew that as long as they were given a chance, they would bite them down cruelly like a beast. He didn't doubt it since that was how a human was.

Kindness among humans might have existed, but a human was, in the end, an animal.

To stay alive, they consumed the others.

So, instead of believing them, Riser believed in Meredith's ability more.

With Meredith's ability, their worries disappeared.

"By the way, you are the only one that I have told this to." Riser looked at Michael and said, "You can ask her help to clean up the church."

"Thank you, Riser-sama!" At the time, Michael vowed to follow Riser forever.

Then, as they talked, Michael suddenly said, "By the way, Riser-sama, I will bring Meredith to clear up the church, and I will have someone else to guide you around heaven."


"You don't need to worry. You are familiar with her."

Watching Michael's smile, Riser knew that this angel was more crafty than he had thought and, as expected

"Riser-sama, I will be the one who guides you to heaven after this."

Gabriel showed a warm smile to Riser.

"....." Riser.


"Do your best, Gabriel. This is for heaven," Michael thought as he remembered Gabriel's sacrifice.

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