Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 37: Successful Surgery

Chapter 37: Successful Surgery

Opening up an abdominal cavity was not uncommon for Charlotte, a professionally trained veterinarian. In addition to being an expert in sterilization, he was also proficient in most internal animal surgeries.

However, performing abdominal surgery on a person was indeed a first for him.

What was even more remarkable were those red organ markings, precise and detailed like game instructions.

Charlotte didn't feel insulted at all; instead, he wanted to give a thumbs-up to the system for its user-friendly features.

For a newcomer in appendix surgery like him, it was like having a thoughtful personal assistant.

Next, all he needed to do was find the appendix among this pile of intestines, indicated by the mark, and remove it. That would constitute a successful surgery.

Charlotte recalled the human anatomy charts in his mind, carefully pushing the small intestines aside and then searching along the cecum. At the convergence point of the three colon bands, the top of the cecum was where he would find the appendix.

Vivian stood on the other side of the operating table, watching Charlotte expressionlessly as he cut Lucy open and navigated through the terrifying tangle of intestines with focused determination. A wave of nausea swept over her, sending a chill down her spine.

Her boss looked so serious, it was terrifying!

It reminded her of some horrifying rumors about cannibalism.

No wonder the Physicians Association considered him a heretic. If scenes like this were made public, they would probably scare children to tears.

Could Miss Lucy, abandoned by the gods, really be rescued with this method?

Vivian felt a bit apprehensive and couldn't fully believe it.

This was something she had never encountered in medical school. Their teachers only taught them how to use healing magic as a treatment and maintain the proper respect for the patients' bodies.

But in the past few days, Charlotte had shown her how non-mages could save lives with astonishing success rates through surgery.

Unconsciously, she felt a glimmer of anticipation.

In contrast to the tense atmosphere in the operating room, three streets away on Tucker Street, the renowned Abyss Medical Hall were holding its morning meeting.

In the magnificent meeting room, Chief Physician Andrew sat in front of a large blackboard listing the key agenda items: 1. Analysis of the current status of the Abyss Medical Hall industry; 2. How to make patients stay long-term; 3. How to make patients line up to pay us; 4. How to make patients give us all their money...

Andrew pointed to the fourth item and said, "Speaking of how to make patients give us all their money, let me give you an example. It's about Miss Ruth, who visited our medical hall yesterday. She's a very famous dancer on Amon Street, the top performer at the Blue Charm Club, and an absolute big spender with a well-filled wallet.

But unfortunately, she was diagnosed as an 'abandoned by the gods' patient by three other medical halls simultaneously. Moreover, after my diagnosis, it's clear that even the advanced healing magic of a fourth-rank mage has no way to treat her condition. This confirms that she is indeed abandoned by the gods."

"Abandoned by the gods means certain death. Master Andrew, do you have any way to keep her alive?" a doctor asked, puzzled.

The other medical staff in the meeting room also looked at Andrew with curiosity.

As the Chief Physician of the Abyss Medical Hall and a fourth-rank mage, Andrew's fame and power were no less than that of the Dean.

"When diagnosed as abandoned by the gods by four medical halls simultaneously, it's evident that there is no way to save the patient. However, unlike the other medical halls, after learning that Miss Ruth was abandoned by the gods, I didn't rush to send her away. Instead, I recommended she purchase our medical hall's special analgesic elixir."

"Although it cannot cure her illness, it can greatly alleviate her pain and allow her time to say goodbye to her friends and this world. As a result, she bought five bottles of the special analgesic elixir, contributing 30,000 copper coins to the medical hall." Andrew smirked, displaying a sense of pride.

Applause filled the meeting room.

All the medical staff admired Master Andrew's ability to deceive.

How to make a dying person give up 30,000 copper coins? This was a living example!

"It's a pity that her condition is too severe; otherwise, I could have emptied her pockets within a month." Andrew sighed with some regret.

The other medical staff also wore solemn expressions.

A considerable bonus had slipped away.

"It's also a pity for Miss Ruth. We won't be able to see her enchanting dance again, even if a god were to come, they couldn't save her." Andrew sighed again, feeling a tinge of regret.

On this day, the morning meetings of the best medical halls in the Abyss all mentioned Ruth.

In a place like the Abyss, the circle of wealthy people who visit medical halls is not large, and abandoned by the gods patients are equally rare. When such a beautiful woman like Ruth appears, it naturally sparks some discussions.

For an abandoned by the gods patient, the outcome is inevitably death. This was the consensus reached by several large medical halls in the Abyss.

When a person dies and their money hasn't been completely drained, it becomes their greatest regret.

But who knows who will benefit from that money?


Charlotte hadn't figured out how much to charge for this surgery, but he received some good news. He had already found his target, the appendix, from a pile of intestines!

Charlotte's eyes lit up as he looked at the highlighted and bolded "appendix" note.

The appendix was significantly swollen, with congested serous surfaces, and visible signs of inflammation.

And when his hand touched the appendix, a line of red markings appeared:

[Diseased appendix: Acute uncomplicated appendicitis, the condition is deteriorating, showing a tendency to progress to acute suppurative appendicitis. Immediate removal surgery is necessary!]

Since he had already found the root cause of the problem, Charlotte didn't hesitate. He positioned himself correctly and swiftly cut. A section of the appendix, about 10cm long, was removed and placed on a nearby tray.

"It... It's been removed?!" Vivian looked at the appendix in the tray, shocked. The appendix was swollen and congested, with blood and mucus on its surface. She stared at it for a while but couldn't help turning her head and dry heaving a few times.

But... those were her intestines!

Wasn't the boss supposed to be saving Miss Ruth? How could he cut off her intestines?

This was a great disrespect to the patient!

Charlotte didn't pay attention to Vivian's expression. He continued to focus on the surgery.

After removing the diseased appendix, he proceeded to stop the bleeding, ligate, clean, and suture...

Although it was his first time performing this surgery, Charlotte's series of actions were methodical and his hands were steady, as if he had done it countless times before.

This was thanks to the thousands of surgeries he had performed on cats and dogs. In terms of surgical experience alone, many chief physicians couldn't match his wealth of knowledge.

Although his surgical subjects were mostly cats and dogs...

He meticulously sutured the cleaned mucosa of the remaining appendix, the sharp surgical needle dancing between his fingertips, using the figure-eight technique to suture and cover the local adipose tissue flawlessly.

After clearing the blood and cleaning solution from the abdominal cavity, and confirming that no other organs were injured during the surgery, Charlotte glanced at Vivian.

At this point, if Vivian could perform a healing spell on Ruth's appendix, it would be ideal. It would completely avoid the risks of postoperative infections and discomfort.

However, this would increase the risk of exposure for Vivian. As soon as Ruth safely walked out of the clinic's doors, it would be a great provocation to the other medical halls in the Abyss, undoubtedly drawing their attention.

For a girl like Ruth who cared about her appearance, she would go to a physician for scar removal. Experts could easily tell if the wound had been treated with healing magic.

Charlotte retracted his gaze and chose to use a restorative potion.

Layer by layer, he closed the incision.

The surgery was successful!

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