Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 42: Eight-Legged Red Spider Core

Chapter 42: Eight-Legged Red Spider Core

After about ten minutes, Charlotte walked out of the side door of the grocery store and quickly stepped into the mist.

In the end, he paid the remaining five hundred copper coins and entrusted Harry with a message.

Of course, it wasn't just a message; Charlotte asked Harry to relay the news that Capas was chasing after him to Elizabeth.

Whether Elizabeth would be happy to go have a few drinks or rush to the Abyss to save the hero, was beyond Charlotte's control.

Charlotte also spent ten thousand copper coins to purchase another fourth-tier magic spell from Harry.

With two instant-cast spells in his pocket, he felt more confident.

In return for the money, Harry happily gave him additional information about the Jadeson family.

Charlotte carefully tucked away the information and planned to study it thoroughly when he got home.

On his way back, Charlotte took a different route to avoid the alley where the previous skirmish had taken place.

After more than half an hour, Charlotte returned safely to Tucker Street.

He wiped off the intentionally smeared dirt from his face and removed the fake beard on his lips. Then, he continued walking toward the clinic, where a dwarf was standing at the entrance.

"Dr. Charlotte, what a coincidence that you're back. I was just about to leave," Guy greeted Charlotte with a cheerful smile.

"Is the pot ready?" Charlotte glanced at the black cast-iron pot by Guy's feet and his eyes lit up.

"Mission accomplished." Guy grinned, revealing a set of clean and neat teeth.

Charlotte bent down to inspect the pot. The surface was very smooth and entirely handcrafted. Guy's craftsmanship was indeed impressive to achieve such smoothness.

The size and depth were exactly what Charlotte had requested.

Satisfied, Charlotte looked at Guy and said, "It's perfect. Thank you for delivering it. How much should I pay?"

"We already agreed that the pot is free. Consider it as my way of repaying the debt for saving my life," Guy quickly waved his hand, his expression sincere.

"In that case, I won't refuse your kind offer," Charlotte said, seeing Guy's determined expression. He added, "I also need to commission you to make two surgical knives for me."

"What kind of knives do you want?"

"Wait a moment, I'll get the blueprint." Charlotte picked up the pot, opened the door, and went into the clinic. Soon, he came out with a blueprint. The drawing depicted a surgical knife with two sets of measurements labeled.

"The design of this knife is a bit unusual..." Guy held the blueprint and carefully examined it, furrowing and relaxing his brows. He put down the blueprint and asked Charlotte, "What material do you plan to use?"

"Since it's a surgical knife, I want the blade to be made of a material with higher hardness and sharper edge, while the handle and body only need to meet regular usage requirements," Charlotte explained. Finally, he added, "Give me an approximate price so I can see if I can afford it."

"For the blade, I'll use black meteorite iron. I have some leftover scraps in my shop that should be enough. For the handle and body, I'll use refined iron. As for the price..." Guy picked up the blueprint again and carefully examined it. He said, "Including the materials and labor cost, it will be around 5,000 copper coins."

"All right, I'll leave it to you then." Charlotte nodded.

Although Guy didn't say it explicitly, he did give him a discounted price.

Black meteorite iron was a precious material for forging. It was iron influenced by extraterrestrial meteorites, with hardness far surpassing ordinary metals, usually used for crafting intermediate-level weapons.

Refined iron was also a top-grade material known for its high hardness and rust resistance, avoiding the embarrassment of creating a tetanus-inducing blade.

"I'll deliver them to you in three days," Guy said, taking the blueprint and leaving.

Now that he had the pot, Charlotte turned around and went to the neighboring butcher shop, where he bought a piece of marbled black wild boar meat. He also spent five copper coins at the nearby dry goods store to buy a bundle of dried bamboo shoots and some local Mazza leaves used to remove fishy odors.

Returning to the clinic, Vivian was squatting there, curiously examining the large cast-iron pot. Anna had already turned the pot into her new nest and was happily rolling around inside, losing all her aloofness.

Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, Vivian quickly stood up and looked at the meat Charlotte was holding in his hands. Her eyes instantly lit up. Could it be that they would have delicious soup dumplings again tonight?!

Anna jumped out of the pot and quickly climbed onto the cabinet, crossing her paws and giving Charlotte a cold look.

"You heartless guy, you ate all the meat buns yesterday!"

Charlotte placed the meat on the counter and sat down on a chair to rest.

It was a dangerous trip, and he could only relax after returning to the clinic and closing the door.

"Boss, are we having soup dumplings for dinner tonight?" Vivian approached, having tasted the delicious soup dumplings and finding today's lunch bread tasteless in comparison.

"Give me a back massage, and I'll tell you what we're having for dinner," Charlotte said.

"Huh?" Vivian was taken aback. No one had ever asked her for a back massage before, not even her father.

"If you massage well, you can have three extra pieces of meat."


Vivian's small hand rested on his arm and back, gently massaging. His strong muscles made her hand slightly sore, and she couldn't help but be surprised. "Boss, how did you become so hard?"

She remembered that when she first saw him, he was thin and weak, someone she could easily knock down with a punch.

But now his muscles were firm and unbelievably strong.

"I've been exercising lately," he casually replied. The potion not only increased his strength but also made his body significantly stronger.

However, being massaged felt good. The small fists hitting his back provided great relief to his tense nerves. He realized he should make good use of his assistant from now on.

"We'll have stewed dried bamboo shoots with wild boar meat for dinner tonight." Charlotte, no longer immersed in the gentle moment, stood up and carried the pork and dried bamboo shoots upstairs.

A large cast-iron pot was placed in the corner of the kitchen, and a traditional earthen stove was set up, looking quite impressive.

He used pork skin to prepare the pot, then added a large amount of water and put the wild boar meat, cut into pieces, into the cold water. He also added Mazza leaves to remove the gamey smell.

After boiling, he poured out the murky broth, heated the pot again, and stir-fried the pork to tighten the skin.

Wild boar meat was tough and not easy to cook tender, and dried bamboo shoots were equally resistant to boiling.

After adding water, he added the dried bamboo shoots, covered the pot, and simmered it over low heat.

Vivian watched with great interest.

"You watch the fire, don't add too much firewood. Just let it simmer over low heat, but don't let it go out." Charlotte called Vivian to sit on a small stool in front of the stove and instructed her.

"Do you trust me with this dish?" Vivian asked nervously yet expectantly.

"Just watch the fire, it's just a simple task. I'm counting on you," Charlotte nodded and said.

"I promise to complete the task!" Vivian assured him earnestly.

Charlotte went downstairs to his study and took out a pouch from his pocket that he had obtained from the one-eyed werewolf.

The black leather pouch was exquisitely crafted, probably stolen from some unfortunate guy. He untied the drawstring and poured the contents onto the desk.

Coins clattered onto the table, mostly copper coins, totaling about five or six hundred.

But Charlotte's attention was immediately drawn to a thumb-sized dark red stone.

[Eight-Legged Red Spider Core, second-level magic beast core with a fire attribute. Quality: Normal. Value: 20,000 copper coins!]

A line of notes appeared slowly.

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