Sanguine Paradise

Chapter 112: [Day 66] – “A Crack in Reality”

Chapter 112: [Day 66] – “A Crack in Reality”

Day 66

Standing back in the wide expanse of the spirit realm, it took me a few moments to get myself together. The sight of millions of powerful creatures being reaped like they were nothing more than wheat to the swipe of a sickle had shaken me to the core. To think a single being could wield such power. Locking gazes with the Paragon of Eldritch, an understanding glint flashed in both our crimson red irises.

However, he didn't even move to speak. He knew he didn't have to.

I took a step back, glancing around at all the expectant gazes directed towards me. How much time I've actually spent here and how long the visions have lasted, I wasn't sure. It was first now that I realized that I couldn't make heads or tails about it even if I tried to do a mental recounting of everything that had happened. Almost as if time flowed differently here.

But even so, I didn't need much contemplation about which path to choose. The Undaunted, The Sanguine Juggernaut, The Crimson Fiend, and The Paragon of Eldritch were the only ones among my possible choices. They were the only ones who promised my sanity kept in check, and I was worried if I embarked on the other paths, even with the warning of what I could turn into, I would still end up corrupted.

As for those among the four possible choices, only two truly spoke to me. The Undaunted and the Paragon of Eldritch. The Undaunted was a path build on my accomplishments and determination not to break under the pressure of this unforgiving world, whereas the Paragon of Eldritch was a path that perfectly suited to my strengths and belief.

It was obvious that the Paragon of Eldritch wielded a lot more power in his vision, however, I knew it was simply a made-up scenario to show each's specialty and that it didn't necessarily mean that the Undaunted was worse off in that regard. But I only gave them both a scrutinizing glance before settling my thoughts.

I had chosen.

Taking steps forward, I positioned myself directly in front of the path I wished to embark on. It was a choice based not on the power the path promised, but the infallible truths of the path that resonated with who I was and wanted to become.

The Paragon of Eldritch.

Not even needing to say any words, all the figures and silhouettes dissipated into black smoke, leaving only me and the Paragon in the endless expanse of the spirit realm. We stood before each other, gazes locked. A smile blossomed on the Paragon's lips, but just as he was about to reach out with his hand, he froze mid-air.

A shudder, something even creating ripples in my own soul, rang throughout the spirit realm. Shocked at the sudden unnerving feeling, I shot the Paragon a questioning glance.

"Oh-my, you're a lucky one." - Paragon of Eldritch

He chuckled.

Those were the first words he had spoken to me, but I couldn't help but be confused as to what he meant. But I didn't get to contemplate for long before a sudden series of loud ear-splitting cracks rang out with the shuddering once again, increasing with intensity with each one.

"NO! WAIT!" - Eli

Whipping my head to the side, I saw a flustered Eli emerging from the ground not far away, her face was the image of shock and incredulity. She was rushing to my side, however, she was all too late.

Reality cracked.

A rift that split the spirit realm in two. From top to bottom, the tear in space revealed a sight that somehow failed to take hold in my mind. What was beyond the rift was way above something of my pay-grade. The images of the other side were like memories just out of my reach, I couldn't comprehend a single one. And before I knew it, I was hurdling helplessly through the air and disappeared into the crack in reality.


I came to, weightlessly floating in what seemed like a void. All around me, my mind failed to comprehend whatever I was looking at, just like when I stared into the chaos that laid beyond the rift. However, while it felt like being blind, it wasn't the most unnerving thing about my current situation. Rather, it was the fact that I had the uncanny feeling that this space was both simultaneously... nothing and everything.

It was an inexplicable sensation, but my mind for some unsettling reason believed this fact as an infallible truth. I wondered what the hell had happened and where exactly I was, and why Eli had reacted as she did.

Where was I?

I didn't have long to ponder though. One moment, I was in the void, the space between nothing and everything, the next, I was suddenly facing an incomprehensible celestial monstrosity. Eating up my vision and sense of self, expanding beyond this realm and far into every corner of every plane, I utterly failed to understand the scope of this being.

I attempted to understand, but the hopes of me realizing the circumstances of my situation were quickly dashed as I felt my mind slowly, but surely, descend into utter annihilation. The sight of the being was tearing my mind apart; madness, ecstasy, insanity, glory, despair, exaltation, my consciousness flipped back and forth, being crushed under the strain.

The undying will that was the flame within my soul tried desperately to hold my mind together, fighting off the pressure, however, it only slowed the inevitable and prolonged the anguish. Even the unwavering and undying flame itself could not stand against the mere sight of this cosmic being as it flickered dangerously at the edge of extinguishment.

"I must apologize, I don't often meet with mortals in this plane." - ???

Just as the last vestiges of what was 'me' was to disappear into the nothingness void of space, an exuberance of vitality, vigor, and life essence enveloped the shattered fragments of my mind. Piecing them back together, like what had happened was simply a distant memory, and I finally no longer felt the strain of the being's presence.

The mere sight of the monstrosity no longer caused my mind to descend into chaos, however, I now failed to understand its appearance, the only thing registering in my mind being an all-encompassing and all-consuming eye scrutinizing the cosmos. I was looking into its depths, and I saw the numerous infallible truths of life, but they kept eluding my grasp. The mortality of my mind unable to comprehend even a single piece of the cosmic truths.

"So, young mortal, you wish to embark on the path of life..." - ???

It was first then I realized the words I had heard before were not actual words. It wasn't quite like how the Glade Guardian transferred information directly into my mind, but I somehow understood the being's intelligible and chaotic sounds. I attempted to respond and ask the flood of questions that filled my mind, but it dawned on me that I couldn't even make a sound with my body.

Instead, thinking of how some mental communication must be going on here, I just tried to convey thoughts at the being. Surprisingly enough, my attempt seemed to elicit a jovial laugh from the cosmic being - or at least if you can call a cacophony of chaotic sounds a laugh...

"No need young one. I've brought you here to listen only - on a later date of your life, we might have a real conversation." - ???

Scratching the back of my head a bit non-plussed, I realized that I was uncannily calm for the current outrageous situation I was in. Then again, if the being before me had the ability to reconstitute my mind and soul from the brink of total decimation, surely it would have the capability to make me - not freak out.

"Hmmm, yes... So you must be wondering where you are and why I've brought you here." - ???

It seemed to muse to itself, but I guessed to be more for my sake if anything.

"To be honest... it was out of curiosity." - ???

I cracked a half-hearted smile at being dragged here and undergoing... that nightmare... just because of its 'curiosity'.

"It's quite amusing actually. To think, one of his seeds embarking on my path - Bwa! Truly quite curious. You have an interesting future ahead of you, young one." - ???

One of 'his' seeds? What the hell is it talking about? Was the only things coursing through my mind, trying to make sense of this being's ramblings.

"I really just wanted a better look at you... Well, I must apologize again for my... transgressions. How about a consolation gift?" - ???

I didn't even get to react or accept the offer before I felt a sudden pressure on my chest like energy was seeping into my heart. With the pressure dissipating, I tried to sense my body for any changes.

There weren't really any, however, inside my heart was now a strange sphere of green luminescent energy. From it, an aura of vigor and vitality could barely be detected hidden within under my scrutiny. But no matter how I inspected it or probed with the manifestation of my will, nothing happened or seemed to change.

"Now-now, child. You will probably find a use for my gift in the future, it might even save your life if you continue to recklessly barge your way down this path - but sometimes momentum is the only thing that will allow you to reach greater heights. Lose it, and you might be stuck at a crucial bottleneck forever." - ???

A turmoil of different emotions and thoughts were racking my mind for answers and some semblance of order.

What was I to trust? What did this being want with me, or was this some elaborate ploy? But why would a being of this magnitude want with me? This is no god, this is something way beyond that. But exactly what, I had no idea.

"Calm child, no need for such suspicion. I understand your plight, however, I truly wish you no harm. You could simply consider me hmm... ah - a senior wishing to give what little help I can to a fellow practitioner of the path which I myself traverse." - ???

I knew that this being easily had the capabilities of affecting my mind, so I really had no reason to fear. If it wanted me dead, mind-controlled, enslaved, I would've already been. I could only suck it up and see where it goes.

"Good. Now, this is where we must part ways. If you survive your future tribulations and grow beyond your mortal coil, we will probably see each other again. I might answer some of your questions then. I look forward to it, so don't die on me now." - ???

Before I knew it, everything around me turned into a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes flashing past me, the cosmic being gone and the space with it.


Coming back to myself, the turbulence of emotions and shock that had been building up ever since first laying eyes on that cosmic being came flooding back, eliciting a shout of panic that startled the snoring Mia who laid under the beast furs. Streaming down in rivulets, sweat and perspiration stained my naked body.

Mia bolted up with her eyes darting around to look for danger, but as soon as she saw my bedraggled state, she immediately hugged me tightly.

"Another nightmare, master?" - Mia

What she was referring to the occasional nightmares I got from my time in the Mistress's clutches. Although I was no longer plagued by pain or fear from that time, my memories did sometimes play cruel tricks on my mind while I was sleeping, making me think I was back in that damp cellar in my old and frail body, under the her various tools of anguish.

"N-no... I'm fine." - Me

I said, shuddering a bit from how tense my body was.

Returning the worried Mia's embrace, I let a smile slowly takes its place on my face. Just like that, the simple embrace of the petite drow girl instantly dashed my roiling emotions and replaced them with a warmth that cleansed my soul from any worry or pain. Kissing the top of her head, I leaned back against the wooden wall of our room.

"(Sigh) - Thank you, Mia." - Me

[Shattered and rejuvenated. Your will has been through the crucible of a celestial being. Your trait A Conqueror's Undying Will has evolved and achieved Permanence!]

[Trait - A Conqueror's Undying Will has evolved into A Sovereign's Undying Will]

[Trait - Touch of Ya'naeth, has been added to your traits]

[Embarked on the path - The Paragon of Eldritch!]

[Effectivity of Vitality increased by 10% - Effectivity of Magic Power increased by 5%]

[Path threshold - (1/3)]

[Title - Paragon has been added to your titles]

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